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Everything posted by Johnboy777

  1. Absolutely NO apologies for this. Post anything with this dick.
  2. One dick with extra hair, please.
  3. It looks like your bladder was full. I would have loved to watch you going.
  4. Went to a special shop on Sunday afternoon to pick up a gift, and decided to leave a "gift" on the sign in the rear...
  5. Any doubt that these are beautiful and natural?
  6. No. I have one cat, and smelling human pee would definitely upset him. I have, however, used the "previously used" litter after giving the cat new litter in his litter pan. ๐Ÿ˜ Almost as good as peeing in the dirt outside.
  7. No. I have one cat, and smelling human pee would definitely upset him. I have, however, used the "previously used" litter after giving the cat new litter in his litter pan. ๐Ÿ˜ Almost as good as peeing in the dirt outside.
  8. No. I have one cat, and smelling human pee would definitely upset him. I have, however, used the "previously used" litter after giving the cat new litter in his litter pan. ๐Ÿ˜ Almost as good as peeing in the dirt outside.
  9. @peegirl99 glad you liked seeing my dick.
  10. Not being a guy who discriminates, I think these beauties need some exposure...
  11. And I would love being there, not only watching them, but having my dick out peeing with them!
  12. And I'd add to that... not only would I like to watch those ladies pee, I would like to be standing there beside them, with my dick out, pissing a stream with them.
  13. @Let_It_Go and @Hightower ... kinda confused, Augmented and Bolt Ons, are they British terms...they are both new terms to this American. Anyhow, at first glance I was sure her boobs are all natural. However, I could be convinced she has "implants" or other titty work done. I have my doubts that's the case...but would appreciate both of your opinions.
  14. Welcome Let_It_Go ... a belated welcome. I love that part where you say "wetting and peeing in unorthodox places." As a guy that thrills me to read that. Taking a pee in "unorthodox places" is nothing new to me. Show me a wall, a tree, that needs watering, and I'll do the job. I look forward to hearing of your pee adventures.
  15. The very most important part...post them, for all to admire and appreciate.
  16. Sometimes bigger is better, sometimes normal size is. The girl on the left in the 2nd pic is my type for being hot ๐Ÿ”ฅ
  17. Beautiful large titties. Sometimes bigger is better.
  18. I'm one of those who was encouraged by girls and women I knew to pee anytime anywhere we were together. And because of those experiences, I never hesitated to pee outside, with a female by my side, and, as I grew older, I continued to do it. I never gave up pissing outside. If I mentioned to the woman I was with my need to pee, and she had no problem with it, than I unzipped and peed (with discretion as to where we were, of course).
  19. Thereโ€™s absolutely no reason why a handsome dick can't be shown more than once. Continue to show any time!
  20. Well, somebody has to go first, so...here goes. I plead guilty on both counts. I've only been caught once, and I've seen countless times of public pissing by mainly men, but at least 2 females. Details? OK. Well, during the pandemic, almost all of the public toilets were closed. I had occasion to take a public bus instead of a car, and on the return trip needed to relieve myself but the restrooms in the bus terminal were of course closed. Knowing that I could not endure another bus ride without emptying my bladder, I located a trash-strewn alley and proceeded to piss there, not knowing that a
  21. Wow. If I had to choose between an older woman or a younger female after seeing her, I wouldn't have to think twice...
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