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Everything posted by glad1

  1. Furosemide is often used to prevent and treat race horses for exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage. Maybe this is where they get the term "peeing like a racehorse".
  2. From my point of view, it's much harder on the guys who watch them.
  3. I'm sure a lot of members here would be wanting to live downstream from you. If I were to have a wish, it would be that my bladder would hold twice as much with my urethra staying the same size, but take no longer to empty. Instead of being able to pee only twelve to fifteen feet, I'd be able to go well over twenty.
  4. It's been working fine for me recently. But, I'm not much for chance, so when I last sent a PM out, I hope that more than luck is involved in it getting through.
  5. Welcome, Nickie. We're looking forward to see more from you. We hope you like this place enough to leave sum of your own content. And, in turn, ours turns you on enough that you cum to your content.
  6. Hoping the cock is just what you need. Do have some quality time with your man.
  7. You're not the only one. And interestingly, we both have in common that we want pussy.
  8. I expect nothing less from you than to go with the flow.
  9. There's no sense letting anything interfere with the flow.
  10. I can only hope the Gods are as happy with this as we are.
  11. I must have supernatural vision, because I'm not seeing any robe.
  12. Then, I guess you need to put your energy somewhere else. Maybe here?
  13. It sounds like you're pissed off. Would you rather be pissed on?
  14. Must be the gentleman in me showing, but I usually wait for the third one.
  15. With you around, there's always hard wood, isn't there?
  16. A few years back I was on a day trip with a girlfriend. We'd been on the road a few hours when we were feeling that familiar urge, first her, then me. (Amazing how the power of suggestion works when someone says they have to pee.) Now, the only thing was we were out in the country, though on a well-traveled road. I wasn't seeing any exit signs and was starting to get anxious. Finally, I see one saying "Rest Stop 2 Miles Ahead," and we both breathed sighs of anticipated relief. We pulled into the parking lot, opened doors and hopped out. Looking around, we found there were no facilit
  17. I'm definitely with you about the outside part. I'll only enter a public bathroom if there are no other options, or I'm beckoned there.
  18. I guess I'll stick to "knowing" girls. I can't remember the exact words, either.
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