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Everything posted by vanessa9

  1. I have visited Amsterdam several times. If I recall correctly, the first time was a business trip, and I liked the place so I went back regularly, with friends or alone. There are plenty of those curl-shaped urinals scattered all around the city, but they are obviously meant for men only. Other than that, Amsterdam has very few public toilets, and nothing that you can use at night. When one is out drinking and partying, specially in popular neighborhoods, they have to pee against a building (frowned upon and possibly fined if spotted by police), in the canal or in one of those urinals. I
  2. Yes, this is pretty common. Street urinals in Amsterdam are specially interesting, except maybe for the stinking smell around them. I have been using them a few times as well. As they are pretty much open and there is a large gap at the bottom of the enclosing fence, a woman using these urinals is basically showing everything to passers by, but who the hell could blame me for urinating in a urinal, when there are no other, more woman-friendly options in Amsterdam ?
  3. I have used so many urinals in my life that it is not really an accomplishment any more. My two female friends went to pee behind the bus stop shelter. One had a strange look when hearing that I had actually peed in the urinal. Something that looked like envy. Maybe next time she joins me. I peed for a long time, and made sure to push a little bit at the end, to ensure I was fully empty. So a last second squirt, actually.
  4. So here is a quick report of a night out with friends last week, two guys and three women including me. After eating at a Chinese restaurant, we visited several pubs before settling in a nice and cosy place, good music with a great DJ, dancing floor for those who weren't too sober nor too drunk for that, and some alcoves with couches and cushions, where the music was not too loud. Perfect place... except for the toilets. When I first had to pee, I entered the ladies at the moment another woman left the room with a disgusted face. There were two stalls, and the toilets of both stalls were
  5. I tend to be respectful of others and of the cleaning staff, so I avoid deliberately peeing on a clean toilet seat or floor just for my own pleasure. On the other hand, if the place is already a mess, I have little qualm adding my own contribution. Last week, in the ladies room of a local pub, both toilets in the ladies room were blocked, full of toilet paper and probably sanitary items as well, it was impossible to flush them and they were overflowing. I had to squat and pee on the floor, and it was obvious that I was not the first one to do that. And for the record, based on my own ex
  6. ... and that's why men and women often skip the line and go pee into bushes, behind food / merchandise trailers, or just next to the fences or walls in plain view of everyone. Nobody wants to wait 15+ minutes in the line and miss part of a concert just for a pee.
  7. I turned around a little bit and we laughed together. Both of us actually needed to pee already while we were discussing together, and we agreed that we should have been quicker to come to the changing room. So yes, I saw all of it.
  8. I have seen both. Facing the wall or back to the wall. The drains are near the wall, but the floor of the stalls is sloped to make cleaning easier, so it doesn't really matter where we pee. I haven't seen anybody peeing outside of the stalls, I think it would be considered inappropriate. I usually pee facing the outside of the stall, legs a little spread, while the water is running on my back. But yesterday, after exercising, I had a long chat with another woman who had been working up near me, and when we entered the shower together it was a bit of an emergency for me. I started to pee a
  9. Mmmh, that's possible. When I use the urinals, I love when guys talk to me. If we ever meet, which none of us will ever know for sure, don't hesitate to chat a bit while you are doing your business :-)
  10. Warm welcome @Bambigirl ! I am straight and probably won't make out or piss on another woman's pussy, but I am pretty sure you will find your perfect pee partner here ! I also enjoy peeing with friends, male and female, and I am certainly not disgusted at the sight of a peeing pussy. I am lucky enough to be part of a mixed group of friends with a very relaxed attitude regarding peeing. After a night out, we usually don't embarrass ourselves with finding a "men" and a "women" area. We pee beside each other, some squatting and others standing. So I frequently get to watch girls and guys pee
  11. In normal situations and in average, women are obviously less likely to be seen peeing outside than men. Social norms expect more modesty from us, and most women will usually either avoid having to pee outside or find more secluded places than men. My personal opinion is that if it is acceptable for a man to be seen peeing in some particular place and situation, then it has to be acceptable for me as well. On nights out, I will certainly squat and pee in a place that men are already using as a toilet. There are situations where this distinction seems to disappear, though. Concerts an
  12. I wouldn't go as far as wishing for another lockdown, but I have to admit it had some advantages. Most of the public toilets were closed in my area. As part of the strategic staff in my company, I still had to go to work, commute and even travel some. I peed outside almost every day. Sometimes it was behind public toilet blocks or in public urinals that they couldn't close, sometimes it was behind or between cars, sometimes simply on the street, or behind dumpsters, or in the underground tunnel to the subway station, any place was good. Almost nobody in the streets, and for the rare passe
  13. So, the birthday party is over, hangovers healed, back to normal life for everybody :-) I have to say that this Saturday night was one of the hottest parties I ever had at home. As usual, I had asked a few people to come early and help me prepare the party. A couple of gay friends arrived on Friday afternoon already. We did all shopping together with my car, so that we wouldn't be too busy on party day. We spent the evening chatting and eating delivery food, then they went to sleep in my guest room. Another friend was expected to join us on Saturday morning to help setting up the place, u
  14. At my new gym, many women pee in the shower. It is not a fully open communal shower, there are dividers between shower heads, but no doors and no curtains, so only limited privacy. There are showers on both sides of the room, so you have a view of the person using the facing shower, and of course also when you walk to / from your shower. This is gender segregated, so no big deal for the poor ladies not used to showering in front of guys :-) I always pee in the shower, because I drink water before and while exercising. I have seen a lot of women do the same. Some do it in full view, j
  15. I also prefer squat toilets, always better than a dirty toilet seat over which I will have to hover. I have to be a bit careful when squatting, because I tend to shoot my stream a bit forward. For that reason, I sometimes squat facing the wall instead of the door. I enjoy peeing squatting or sitting, but squatting is cleaner when I am freshly waxed.
  16. Porn actresses do a lot of things that a normal woman would never do in real life. I am a bit disappointed by most porn, as very little is realistic from a woman point of view. I highly doubt those girls get even the tiniest bit of a turn on when shooting these movies. I occasionally come across really good porn, where actresses are genuinely excited, but this is more the exception than the rule, and it is usually with amateur movies. To answer your question, obviously rubbing their clit before peeing is certainly total nonsense, most if not all of the time. They are pretending to be putt
  17. Perfect party. Give me a few days to post the details here...
  18. There have been so many times and places... Maybe on Music Day, a few years ago, on the ground next to the outdoor urinals, in a fenced toilet area with urinals and portapotties. Not really naughty, but I am particularly proud of it, because I was probably the very first one to give up the queue for the toilets and squat next to the fence. A few women saw me and did the same very timidly, blocking view for each other. When I had to pee again 1-2 hours later, the ground around the urinals was littered with tissues, the grass was soaked with pee and women were openly squatting and peei
  19. I think I have a good influence as well. More than once I was the one who started the trend of public peeing, floor peeing in the restrooms, even urinal peeing for friends or stranger ladies. Several of my friends, male and female, became much more liberated regarding peeing after a few nights out with me. Just last week, I was at a concert with three friends. At the end of the concert, when we stopped for a toilet break, the lines were so long that women were queuing for the stalls in the gents room, as regularly happens at this venue. I lead them to overtake the queue and go directly to
  20. In my experience, you will see a lot of public peeing in northern European countries (Denmark, Sweden, Netherlands, Germany at least). These countries tend to be more open with nudity, to start with. Public nude sunbathing or swimming is current in Germany, even in the middle of some city parks. Nobody stares, nobody feels awkward. No remarks like "this is indecent, there are children around". Saunas in northern Europe are always mixed gender and naked. People are accustomed to casual, non-sexual nudity. So when one has to pee, he or she does, that's it. Although not in northern Europe, S
  21. I pee in the shower every single day, if this counts. Other than that, I avoid using floor drains at home, because of the smell. Outside the door that leads to the basement, there is a grate that collects rain (the door is down a small slope). When it is raining, I sometimes use it before entering home. I squat facing the door and let it go into the drain.
  22. That's a great pretext to approach a man peeing ! I would love to do that, but I don't smoke. I agree that it is a lot easier for a woman. We tend to be easily forgiven when walking in on men, using gents restrooms etc. and we are never seen as a threat. And yes, a smile and a few words are enough to make the situation more comfortable for everybody.
  23. Sounds like doctors and nurses need a quick way to release pressure...
  24. I enjoy talking with men while they pee, and I love when they have enough courage to talk to me when I am peeing. This is much more liberating than when everybody just minds their own business, or even worse, silently voyeurs other people without a word. Men seem not to be accustomed to chatting while peeing, at least less than women.
  25. All the above is pretty sad. I have been in gents rooms more than once, either passing by the urinals or even using them (happens at concerts), and I can't remember how many peeing dicks I have seen, but I would never make fun or body shame guys at the urinals. This sounds just wrong. I love talking with men while they pee, but it is always positive talking, trying not to be disturbing or making them uncomfortable. Maybe something like apologies, that there is a queue for the ladies, and hope you don't mind if we share the room, and did you enjoy the concert / show etc... Being like "self-invi
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