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Everything posted by Kirby23

  1. I'm in a very similar situation. My wife is not remotely into anything pee-related, and has very little patience/tolerance for my kink. But she loves me and very occasionally indulges me. In our entire (15+ year) relationship, she has never done a "naughty" pee, never peed as part of a sex act, etc. During our relationship she has peed outside maybe 5-or-so times, a few times while camping, and once on a hike. She doesn't let me watch. She doesn't really like talking about it either. Once in a while she'll mention something pee-related, but if I ask too many questions, or show
  2. I might have told this story already - forgive me if I'm repeating myself. "M", my female friend from work, who's in her early 40s, attractive and slim, relayed this story to me. This occurred a few years prior, when she was pregnant with her third (she already had two young twins). She was in a department store, trying on maternity clothes in a fitting room. As pregnant women often do, she got that "I need to pee NOW" feeling. She knew there was no way she would make it to the restroom in time, so she thought quick. She pulled her pants down, pulled a diaper out of her diaper bag (her tw
  3. I have just a few experiences to share. I did it a few times with my ex-wife, and once or twice with my (current) wife. After the first time my ex and I had sex, we took a shower together, and I asked if she had to pee. She said "a little," and I asked if I could watch. She said ok, and I squatted down to get a closer look. While standing, she released a little yellow trickle not far from my face. Another time, while showering with my ex, she held my penis while I peed. She had fun with it, shooting it all around, like a firehose. I don't remember how that got initiated, but I remem
  4. Peeing in the shower is becoming very normal, and not really seen as taboo anymore. There are threads every day on Reddit about it, and it seems to be becoming generally accepted practice - it's convenient, saves water, saves toilet paper, etc. In fact, often times on Reddit (and other discussion boards, such as Quora), people will often ask "Do you pee in the shower, while showering with a partner?" Answers to this tend to be more mixed. A lot of times people will say "Yes, but there's nothing sexual about it, it's just easier than getting out." Or they might say, "Yes, but I try t
  5. I want to resurrect this thread, since I've had a recent experience that pertains to it. In my other thread ("...Peed During Intercourse"), I've told the story of how over the last few months I've been able to very slowly incorporate pee into my wife and my sex life. It has been going ok, in that during the handful of times I've done it, there haven't been any adverse effects, such as UTIs, or even messes. So, following lots of communication about the topic, my wife has granted permission that it's ok for me to pee inside her during sex if I feel like it, and I can just do it, I do
  6. I don't know if I had any single event that triggered my fetish, I think to some extent I was always interested in girls peeing, even at a young age. One incident I remember was when I was about 12, my dad and I were tailgating prior to a football game. We were in a parking lot which was adjacent to a woods. I went into the woods to pee, and a little further in I saw two women squatting, facing away from me, with their bare butts directly facing me. I remember being interested, but also feeling embarassed and "naughty" for wanting to watch them. I think eventually my shame took over, and
  7. Exactly, yes, thank you. I'll add that in the weeks since these few initial encounters, it has become a somewhat regulat occurrence. I might try to incorporate something pee-related one out of maybe every four-or-so times we have sex. And we're becoming comfortable talking about it too - why I enjoy it, why it feels good, etc. To Alfresco's point I don't know if I'd classify my wife as being "up for experimenting" per se; things have been very vanilla for years. But I would say she has become more tolerant of me wanting to try new things. So maybe that's the same?
  8. My wife and I pee in front of each other with the door open. If either or both of my kids are around, I'll close the door. My wife generally leaves it open regardless. Everyone closes the door for #2.
  9. Many years ago, when I was in college, I was casually dating a girl, "R," as kind of a summer fling. "R" was attractive, thin, with wide hips, and brown shoulder-length hair. Her personality was a little of a "dumb blonde," even though she had brown hair. Not the smartest, but fun for a summer. I was living in an on-campus townhouse apartment at the time. I had two roomates, but "R" and I were in the apartment alone on a Friday night. We'd had a few beers, and one thing led to another, so we were fooling around a little. I don't remember exactly why, but we were fooling around in th
  10. One experience that I'll begin with - a few years ago my wife and I were on a weekend getaway for our anniversary. We were staying at a fairly upscale airbnb. The bathroom was luxurious, with white tile everywhere, and a stylish glass shower stall. I had always wanted to try sex in the shower, so asked my wife if we could do it. She assured me that sex in the shower doesn't really work, and is uncomfortable. But she reluctantly agreed, and we did it. I finished rather quickly. A minute or so later, as we showered, and she was standing under the showerhead rinsing her hair, I saw a distinc
  11. This question is primarily for the ladies, but I also wouldn't mind hearing from men (regarding their partners' experiences). We all know that women should pee after sex to avoid UTIs. But not all sexual encounters occur near a toilet. So what are some experiences you, or your partner have had regarding peeing after sex in a place other than a toilet? Maybe you had sex in a car and popped a squat outside the car afterward? Maybe you had sex in a hot tub and had a quick pee outside the tub afterwards (or in the tub)? Maybe you had sex in the shower and when finished, peed in
  12. Ok, another update! Two nights ago I got to experience something new again - my wife let me pee on her clit! Prior to sex, she peed (in the toilet) and agreed not to wipe, so that I could enjoy her pee drips while going down on her. She doesn't really like this, but knows I do, so she allows it every once in a while. Prior to us beginning sex, she allowed me to put down "the second towel," so that I could pee during sex (if I wanted to). This is sort of becoming our routine now. She doesn't really seem to mind it anymore. She came during foreplay, from a combination of my left f
  13. Yeah, I don't know, I never asked her. Unfortunately she and I don't work together anymore, so we don't talk as much as we used to.
  14. I've occasionally posted here about my former co-worker (and "work wife") "K" and her funny pee stories. She's the one who wet her pants on a first date (see my earlier post about this). K is in her early 40s now, but was probably about 35 when this story occurred. She's attractive, thin, and has blonde hair. One time in the springtime, we were discussing how it was getting light earlier in the morning - like 6am or something. She made an off-handed remark about it being inconvenient for her. I asked why, and she said "Nah, forget it" and tried to change the subject. I pressed a litt
  15. My wife is a daily morning shower pe-er, and this has nearly happened to her a few times. Sometimes when she wakes up, it's a race to the finish as she's waiting for the shower water to heat up. If she absolutely can't wait, she'll jump into the shower stall and stand at the end opposite of where the showerhead is, so she can pee without cold water streaming on her. I don't think she's ever wetted on the bathmat, but she's probably been close.
  16. Thanks for the interest, but I'm not really comfortable doing that. Sorry, didn't mean to be a tease, I only included that detail as part of the anecdote, not that I had any intention of posting it.
  17. I've told several stories here about my ex-wife. She was an alcoholic, which contributed to the eventual downfall of our relationship. She drank a lot of beer, so always had to pee. She was very comfortable peeing in front of me. For our honeymoon (many years ago), we stayed at a very secluded cabin in the woods, which belonged to friends of my parents. The cabin was comfortable, but did not have indoor plumbing, only an outhouse. The outhouse was a little far back in the woods, so we really only used it for pooping; if one of us had to pee, we generally did it off of the back porch, or s
  18. I'm not sure about peeing outside, but I know a lot of environmentally conscious people sing the praises of peeing in the shower. Women especially, because not only is it convenient (saves a step in the morning), it saves a flush, and saves toilet paper as well. It's win-win.
  19. Another update - we did this again a few nights ago, making it three times total now. I wasn't actually planning to do it again right away. I wanted to let things settle a bit, have sex the "normal" way a few times, and then maybe bring it up again in a month or so. But the problem is that I often drink an adult beverage most evenings, so I often need to pee around bedtime, which is when we usually have sex. This time I'd had a 16-oz Mike's Hard Lemonade about 45 minutes before, so by the time we were doing it, I felt it in my bladder. The previous two times I've peed inside her, w
  20. Thank you for the kind and encouraging words! Unfortunately my wife is not a very sexual person. She doesn't really desire sex, and acquiesces to me because she feels it's her "wifely duty." I've made many offers in the past of what you're describing, and she's not interested. Ironically, the only thing I'd be able to offer her sexually is to do it less often.
  21. I think friends of the same gender peeing together is obviously fairly common, and not a big deal. I've had a few instances where I've either peed with or near friends of the opposite gender. For example, I (male) have a close (female) friend "M". One time M and I were talking on the phone and from the other end I heard a flush. I asked her "Did you just pee?" And she said "Yep!". I've peed while on the phone with her too. Another female friend of mine ("S") and I used to pee outside with each other at college parties. I'd keep watch for her and she'd keep watch for me. It was
  22. I (M) have a close female friend, "K". We used to work togesther, she was kind of my "work wife" (if you're familiar with that phrase). We often worked on assignments and projects together, and often talked about more personal things such as relationships, sex, etc. She's in her early 40s, slender, blonde, and attractive. She's now in a healthy long-term relationship, but back when we worked together, she was dating a lot, and I enjoyed hearing her stories about dating and sex (especially from a female perspective). One time she had been on a first date, and they had dinner,
  23. Maybe! She's not really the type that asks for what she wants during sex; I always have to take the lead and ask things like "Do you like what I'm doing? Does that feel good? Do you want to change positions?" (etc.). But I guess anything's possible!
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