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Everything posted by jmatthews1995

  1. Eating lunch with a nice big glass of water. 😁
  2. Well, it's 13:20 and I have to pee. Of course, relief is right down low on my priority list. I have to make and eat lunch, clean the kitchen, and hoover / dust the lounge. Looks like my poor bladder will have to wait!
  3. Sounds like an incredible night! 😁 Your poor pad didn't stand a chance! Did you shower after or just change for bed? I'd have been way too sleepy at 6am to go and shower. 😂 Glad you enjoyed yourself! 😁
  4. Each to their own. 😄 Although to be fair, my boxers are usually pretty dry by the time they get wet again. 😛
  5. I feel so so much better now after that relief!
  6. The second I stood up I felt myself start loosing control. It was like my bladder thought I was already at the toilet. It began to release and I ran to the bathroom grabbing myself with one hand and opening the doors with the other. I felt some warmth spread, but I ignored it and carried on hurrying. I managed to get into the bathroom and I grabbed the waist of my trousers yanked them down facing towards the toilet. Piss was already spraying out of my unheld penis it sprayed all over the toilet and then I quickly grabbed my soaked penis and aimed him into the bowl. I must have pissed for well
  7. Agony! Just tried to get up from my seat. I'm cross legged on the seat. As soon as I tried to stand I felt a spasm and had to sit back down. I am not sure how I'm going to get to the bathroom to pee now.
  8. from 1-10 I am easily an 11! I dunno just how much longer I can hold out. My poor bladder is begging now and my cock can't hold back the flood much longer!!!
  9. 200 more ml drank. Total of 1620ml has been drank since 11:30 start. My bladder is on the verge of loosing it. I am so so desperate to pee now!
  10. 200ml of that drank. 2 and a half hours in and 1420ml drank so far. My poor bladder is seriously feeling it now!
  11. My poor bladder! Already I have drank 1220ml and I have another glass of water next to be slowly being drank. I'll update you when that 400ml is finished! I am trying to distract my self by gaming. It's working well.
  12. Wow I am filling fast. I guess that's what 900ml of fluid (including coffee) does. 😂 I better go make lunch and a nice big glass of water. *edit* - Lunch eaten and 300ml of water drank. That means 870ml of water and 350ml of coffee drank so far.
  13. Coffee has no also been finished. Just those two drinks mean I have drank Coffee - 350ml Water - 570ml Total - 920ml. 😁
  14. Hi all. It's pretty much 11:30am here in the UK. I have just drank a pint of water and have made myself a large coffee. I am going to pee now like normal, and then see how long I can hold for. Here goes! 😁
  15. Love it! Sounds like you have had some good fun! Thanks for sharing as well I enjoyed the read and the pics.
  16. It's not even the rubbing part of the clean up I enjoy. It's the whole sort of "calm dowm effect" after a long pee fetish day I think.
  17. I like to spend a day making myself a pissy mess. 😄 I'll put a pair of comfy boxer briefs on in the morning after my first pee of the day, and then spend the day letting spurts out into my boxers whenever I feel like it. Then I let them dry and then leak again. I've done it for entire days sometimes just really making myself a pissy mess. 😄 It feels so naughty and I can do it with minimal mess to other stuff around me. 😄
  18. Oh wow. Those sound like great fun! 😄 I wish I was on the phone to you. It'd be so exciting to hear you wimper with desperation and then sigh as you let out each spurt of warm pee! That video was incredible as well! ❤️ Thanks for sharing. 😄
  19. So, an interesting thing occured to me last night. I'd spent most of the day enjoying my wetting fetish. Letting loads of little leaks out through most of the day just enjoying the wet patch on my boxers then letting it dry then repeating. At the end of the day I really enjoyed the clean up. It felt like a lovely reward after a long day being naughty. Just the warm shower and lovely show gel scent and giving myself a good refreshing clean up. I don't even mean like a "happy ending". Just purely the experience of a good refreshing shower after enjoying wetting and being a naughty mess
  20. Well todays pee has been rather naughty. I have spent a lot of the day, teasing myself repeatedly by letting out naughty little jets of warm pee whenever I've felt the want / need to. Each little wet patch dries enough after about 20 minutes that I can then do another little one. I've sat on a towel when needed, but it has only showed a little on my jeans. 😄 Either way, I've thoroughly enjoyed making my naughty area a little pissy mess. It's soon time to order some food. I'll get it delivered and have to open the door! Hopefully my light pee scent isn't noticeable with the outside breeze! I've
  21. This sounds incredible! I'd love to share a picnic with you knowing that you'll be sneakily peeing your panties under your skirt! ❤️ If I kept providing the drinks, would you keep giving them a soaking? 😄
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