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Everything posted by jmatthews1995

  1. Lovely first soaking! I hurried out into the back garden, pulled my jeans down and squat down. I tipped my hips forwards as far as possible, pulled my boxer briefs up tight and just released. I have a lovely little wet patch on the front of them now. 😄 But I just pulled my jeans back up and now I have some cleaning to get on with in the house. I'm sure they'll dry in no time. 😄
  2. Planning on a lovely relaxing rewetting day of a comfy pair of boxer briefs like these. First soaking will probably be at about 09:30 as I've drank loads already this morning. (Never do my morning pee through my boxers).
  3. Had a lovely dream last night! Came home from a night out with a beautiful slim girl. She was wearing an extremely sparkly pencil skirt, high heel booties and little panties. We both came home bursting and she asked where the toilet was. I jokingly ran in first, and in the few seconds I was joking around I saw her start loosing control. She started peeing through her panties with it splashing down her legs. She grabbed my hand and shoved it between her legs and told me to grab tight. So I did, and after a few seconds the flow slowed, then stopped. It was too late though, her panties
  4. This sounds like an interesting game. It's basically never have I ever, but instead of getting drunk you get more and more desperate until you can't hold it any more! 😄
  5. And another one. @Sophie Tina & Mel continued with their business meeting, glancing out the door at Laura, Abbie, and Jess working hard at their workbenches, waiting for Abbie to become extremely desperate. "Lets give it 10 more minutes, then we'll go out and ask her to demo how she makes some of the garments. You'll probably get to witness first hand as she rewets herself!" Suggested Tina. Mel looked excited at the idea and agreed to hang around to witness another soaking. Abbie was already panicking. By this point her bladder was on the verge of loosing control
  6. Lovely post! 😄 Have a lovely holiday period! 😊
  7. Sounds good! Enjoy! 😄 I won't be online to see what happens, but will have a read later. 😄
  8. That's quiet a while! 😮 Are you getting really full? Perhaps a nice big drink will help. 😄 That sounds good!
  9. I'm not unfortunately. How long has it been since you last peed? Any plans for when you finally have to give in?
  10. Here you go @Sophie About an hour after Laura had lost control, Jess' bladder was getting rather full again. She had drank way too much tea in the morning, and had accepted too much water that Tina had kindly been supplying all day. At this point, Jess had come to terms with the fact that if she wanted to stay hydrated, she'd have to just get used to wetting herself throughout the day. At around 2pm Tina came out of her office. Jess was already sat squirming in her seat by this point. "Ladies, we have a potential buyer coming in for a meeting in 30 minutes. I need these l
  11. Hi Bulge. It's always interesting to see how well you can hold. (We've messaged in the past quite a bit) 🙂 Let us know how you get on. I am at work though so won't be able to follow live, but will be interested to read how well you get on.
  12. That's a nice sounding idea. I need to carry it on. Tina is due a visit from a potential buyer and the girls better not mess it up for her!
  13. Imagine getting home from the concert hours later knowing she'd peed her panties before it even started! https://www.marieclaire.com/celebrity/a30266564/selena-gomez-peed-herself-ed-sheeran-concert/
  14. Thanks. 😄 I'll have to have a think about where I could go with it! I hadn't planned enough out really when I started writing it, I was just writing whatever I thought. I will try and have a think and see what I can come up with. 😄 Thanks for the nomination as well!
  15. Yesterday was quite an interesting day. I often sit near a lady at work. She's 31, quite short, has a cute face with nice cheeks, and long golden blonde hair. Anyway, she has recently started trying to drink more having noticed she often forgets to keep hydrated. She has bought herself one of those bottles that has times and ml on the side as a sort of drinking target. The bottle is 1l, and it's graduated at around 200ml per hour. Now, very recently she admitted to having a small bladder. She even mentioned how that she hopes her bladder will get a bit bigger or stronger as she gets use
  16. Those look like nice comfy PJ bottoms!
  17. What a perfect little pussy! 😍
  18. I saw this on another website once. A game for people that enjoy a little naughty wetting. Drink lots, get nice and full bladdered, then watch your favorite world cup team. Each time they score, or there is a corner, or a free kick etc (add in whichever you like), you have to let a spurt of pee out. 😄 You gradually get wetter and wetter as the game goes on! I'll definitely be doing it tonight for the England v France game. 😛
  19. Another hour later. I was nearly dry. My pissy penis was begging for another naughty leak. I pulled my waistband away, looked down and then watched as a warm jet sprayed out the tip of my cock and got absorbed my the slightly damp boxers. Heaven!
  20. An hour later the wet patch has become a faint damp outline. Time to give my naughty boy another warm trickle. 😛 Heaven!
  21. I was intending to let my boxers dry a bit while I was cooking but I couldn't resist the urge to let a few little fresh leaks out. 😄 My wet patch on my boxers looks great now! 😄 My naughty penis was glistening when I looked down the front of my trousers. 😛 It feels so naughty just doing normal day to day tasks as you let your private parts spray pee into your underwear!
  22. I wish I was the sim now. 😂 Another wetting, and another lovely warm leak for me to enjoy. I better start cooking lunch soon! That should give my boxers time to dry out before another load of naughty fun later. 😄
  23. Whoops! And another little leak. 😛 The sim wet herself again but this time in the garden! My boxers have a lovely little wet patch now. 😄
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