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Everything posted by NaughtyGold

  1. Thank you, Colette! I really also love reading about your adventures with your taxi driver 😍 These great experiences and memories are what makes life special. I had quite a few missed opportunities (especially with our “hobby”) in the recent years. That makes the successful ones even more remarkably! It simply shows one sometimes just needs to dare to ask.
  2. Very good comments and questions. Believe me, I also immediately thought about the seat as her (first) target. That’s why I wrote, I thought I must be dreaming. Hindsight (still in the train) she was embarrassed again. I complimented her for her boldness and she admitted that there wasn’t a specific reason to pee on the chairs that much. She indeed preferred a natural position in the beginning and was afraid of wetting her pants. She also confessed how much she was enjoying the first seconds after being desperate for so long and that she simply didn’t care much once she was into it, becau
  3. I want to share with you a really exciting experience from last week. Enjoy the reading as much as I enjoyed the situation and writing it down in its details. I am so grateful and cummed many times to this since then already… It’s a good tradition that we meet with a couple of former co-workers every year around this time before Christmas. Meanwhile we work in different places and cities in Germany, but still not too far from each other. This time we met in a town, which is a one hour non-stop train ride away from where I live. Since we wanted to attend a Christmas market and enjoy s
  4. It’s been a while since the last opportunity. So I really enjoyed to misbehave 😂😜😈 and using wall, carpet and couch for getting rid of the many drinks of the night. And l thought to start sharing my fun with you 😊
  5. I love peeing on furniture 😛 . At home I once had an old mattress, that I stored in the basement and used for playing when I was alone. My partner at that time was not really into it. She knew about my fetish though but would only pee in the shower or tub to do me a favor. One night at new years eve I could finally convince her and we both used the poor mattress as toilet multiple times. However, the next day my gf insisted that the mattress would go to the garbage... So she considered it an absolute hell of a mess 😉 I remember that was the time when I started my sneaky pee escapes in hot
  6. The much I fully support anybody who has this fetish, I must admit I prefer watching and interacting with women. Besides being naughty I really enjoy the sexual arousal. That being said I of course got often enough inspired to try new places for messing around by watching content from like-minded males.
  7. Haha, you just made me smile, Kasslyn 😊. That reminds me of a “real game” that my gf once played with me. She was in a hotel for a business trip already one night before I joined her for the weekend… The challenge was l had to be desperate upon arrival and find in total the seven places where she had enjoyed sneaky pees during the hours before. I got 15 minutes to completely empty my bladder (peeing in total for at least 60 seconds) while adding my juice to ALL of her secret patches. I managed the obvious ones on the carpet under one nightstand or under the couch as well as the puddle in
  8. Great story, Collette. I must admit I prefer the sneaky way. But that is really a bold move and tells me that beautiful girls could get away with anything. I would book a car sharing for us and join you 😉 I am also curious whether you ever tried other public transport? And also it sounds like a great opportunity if you use a hotel for your weekend escape 😜💦 Would love to hear more stories!
  9. Hi Collette, I very much know what you mean… I also enjoyed reading here in the forum, before I recently came up with the resolution to share some experiences. I love messing around since my early teenage years, by now more than 35 years 😜🙈. Always wondering how much water l saved already by avoiding the toilet 😂. Was blessed to be in a relation with a girl that was into wet and dirty fun, for 3 years in the past. But it is really like finding the needle in the haystack, so even more important to keep forums like this alive and make new (virtual) friends! Welcome again and have fun 💦🤩
  10. I also love wetting carpets, as long as they are not in my home 😉 Hotels are definitly THE perfect place. Back in the days when I was in a relation with a like minded girl, we both enjoyed any opportunity to mess around and leaving sustainable memories in our rooms 😛 We always removed the bed(s), thus creating a large playground. And considering the dirt and things we found on the floor, it was many times the first "cleaning" in a while for the carpet 😄 The best public experience we once had in a cinema though. It was during one of our naughty get-aways in a small town in Germany.
  11. I could somewhat confirm the assumption, that most of the wet fun in hotel rooms won’t be filmed. In fact, I was also shy on sharing my thoughts and experiences, even here in this place. Anyway, since l am reading here once in a while for quite some time already, I do also want to break the silence, so to speak. An ex gf and I also have a track record in deliberately wetting in wrong places 🤣💦. But we rarely took pictures and never videos of our action. Julia (not her real name, but the rest of the story is real) was 28, some years younger than I. She had this wonderful innocent expr
  12. I very much like to hold my pee until I am bursting. And then laying down on a soft foam mattress and very slowly starting to relief (while the fabric slowly gets soaked) is so cozy and arousing 🤩 I prefer doing it the sneaky way, whenever away from home, which is most convenient. It is so inappropriate and naughty 😈 At home I always hate having to clean up 😉 I never use any cover or mattress protection. So I guess creating a sustainable mess (and not having to care about it later) is another big part of it for me 😝
  13. That is exactly it. We try always how far we could go 😜. Wetting on display beds in a furniture store or any other upholstery is still on my list. I once was close to it, but ended up messing the bathroom, as it would have been too risky. As girls you could try wearing a skirt and just sitting on a chair or couch and let go. Make sure to grab a blanket or pillow that you could place on your puddle, when you leave. That should work. My gf once did that in a cinema 😝. Just put some other trash on the seat before we left and the lights went on, so that nobody would immediately notice… Also a l
  14. I developed a preference for hotel rooms in the recent years 😜… But the naughtiest I possibly ever did, was once pissing in a train compartment, that I had for myself. It was dark outside, only few people in the whole car, and one could even dim the light in the compartment. I was never daring, but always wanted to do this and this was my chance. The conductor had already finished his control, and my bladder was already bursting in pleasant anticipation 😂 I was somewhat betting on the opportunity and hadn’t used the bathroom the whole day long. I was really nervous though at the beginning. But
  15. Haha, that sounds like a lot of fun 🤩. I am only wondering why going in a hotel if you have to clean up? Unfortunately only few girls are really into this wet fun. I met only one so far, already some years ago, but still in good memories. She also loved emptying herself while having sex, but was always afraid of removing the mess afterwards… So one day during a weekend trip in a decent hotel we decided to be brazen and use the unprotected hotel bed for our wet fun. In fact we were both horny and drunk enough that night, that we didn’t care 🙈😝 It’s a story of its own 😀… From that t
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