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Everything posted by MidoriLemonade85

  1. Probably. I have a water bottle next to the bed.
  2. Thank you for sharing your celebration with us. Amazing. 💖💖💖
  3. Go for it. Sounds like perfection to me.
  4. Wetting is what brings many of us introverts here. It is something that you can enjoy privately, or with a partner, and doesn’t have much risk factor involved, plus clean up is basic. it can be fitted into daily life easily. I like, when I can, to wet my tights, under my long dress, while cooking dinner. My kitchen surrounds me with a breakfast bar, so it gives me some privacy from others in the house to pee in pants while cooking onions on the stove or loading up the dishwasher late at night. Sometimes i do it while hanging washing outside. The other day after a long day at work I sat on the
  5. No but i should. It is probly the same but after kids you lose strength in the core muscles
  6. Small to average I guess. Have to pee every couple of hours. My 1.5 hour commute in the car is sometimes a struggle. When I was in Japan I found a sports drink called Pocari Sweat. It enabled me to run around catching bullet trains all day without having to find a toilet. Not sure how it works but I think you sweat it out rather than pee it out 😆 who knows. But yeah, if I am going to be somewhere, on on some transport for 2 hours I research where the toilets are in advance so things don’t get awkward. Things definitely change in the female body after you have kids…
  7. Yep, been married since 2009 and husband is very logical and practical. I have a big imagination full of fantasies and ideas, we have done maybe 10% of them. Maybe as we get older, things will get more adventurous. Or maybe more boring 😂. Who knows. Usually my fun times are by myself or inside my mind and I am happy with that and glad to connect to PeeFans. Every person is different, you can’t force people to do things that don’t come naturally though you may be surprised that your partner might be willing to learn new things. Take it slowly one step at a time. My ex was into it, but he didn’t
  8. Yep true. Involving others in your naughty fantasies does tend to mess things up sometimes. Reality and fantasy don’t alway mix.
  9. I guess it would depend where you were. I had to stop on a highway and pee on the side of the road beside my car on the concrete and it makes noise and takes a while to dry up and leaves evidence. I couldn’t get to the grass because of a fence. I would prefer grass as it doesn’t show or make much noise. I am shy. However: if it were a party or pub situation, and people were pissing on carpet or walls, I would like to hear the sound and see the puddles. I think a thin wall in an old house would make a pleasing noise with a stream hitting it, and carpet has a nice soft thud as liquid hits it in
  10. If i was on my way home, and desperate, i would wet my leggings under my skirt. If i could find a private area behind a building or car or tree i would do it there. Here in Australia, peeing behind a bush or tree is generally ok in country areas.
  11. You are a deep thinker like me (I am a Pisces!) and for me friendships in real life are kind of distant too. Online friendships feel like a deeper connection, maybe more honest and intense. Less restriction, though more physical distance, which probably makes it nice and safe. I love everyone on here, sharing their dreams, ideas, fantasies and experiences. This site is so welcoming. The first thought that came to my mind was that during the 90s I was friends with some gay guys and bi guys (I considered myself bi at the time, but am now married to a man). The friendship with gay guys always con
  12. I can tell you think very deeply about things 💖
  13. Sure did, I don’t spill a drop unless I want to! 😆
  14. It’s a traffic hazard! Causes driver distraction! I am sure a lot of people experience it. Especially those who drink coffee while they drive long distances!
  15. Very practical. I used to pee into a cup in my bedroom when living with my parents as my Dad didn’t like the lights being turned on at night time for bathroom visits. Luckily I had floorboards so mess was easy to clean up.
  16. I have a 1 to 1.5 hour drive home from work. I try and stop drinking coffee in the afternoon, to ensure a comfortable drive, but it doesn’t always work. Being a female it can be harder to hold on than guys. I just know that one day, I am going to wet in my car, because the traffic gets so bad in rush hour, and I can’t stop for a bathroom break, as then I can’t easily get back on the highway. Who else goes through this, what do you do to get through it, and have you ever wet the driver’s seat because the traffic just WON’T MOVE?! I make the music louder to take my mind off it. I mean it’s a ni
  17. Need more. She needs another place to trash and piss on.
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