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Everything posted by MidoriLemonade85

  1. Welcome, have fun, enjoy. We are diverse but friendly. 😊
  2. Wow. 🌟 Well, it has all been said before, many times, but yes, you are a lucky man. She has such a lovely body. She is so good to let you post her photo. Lots of love to the one and only K! πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š Wouldn’t it be funny if she followed you around with her phone taking photos of you in the bathroom? (Kupar says β€œoh yeah!” πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯) πŸ₯°πŸ˜†
  3. Welcome, Sakura. Lovely name. πŸŒΈπŸ’– I am sure you will love it here. ….and if anyone gives you hassles, I will tickle them for you! πŸ˜†
  4. All I got to say to that is…..mmmmmmmmmπŸ’–πŸ’š
  5. Well done, Kupar. πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š Your streamlined chest makes you fast and aerodynamic. πŸ₯° Stay hydrated in the heat. πŸ’–πŸ₯€πŸ§
  6. Wet and hot. My kind of holiday! πŸ’–πŸ”₯πŸ’¦ gorgeous!
  7. You are so welcome, and I am only at the start of my Goose stories journey, so, get ready for more πŸ’š for your words. to
  8. Chapter One was lovely. I am a person who loves being physically close to other people….well as much as they will let me. I think it is the best thing about being a human, that feeling of connecting with others within their personal space, and experiencing their unique energy. I love how he was lost in her eyes, somehow drawn into another reality for a moment, until he realised and apologised. This is a beautiful piece of writing: β€œShe stepped forwards, put her hands around him and this time it was her that gave him a long and lingering passionate kiss. As they kissed time again s
  9. Yes! Now that I have done my homework, and read your stories, I will read his stories next! πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š
  10. That’s right, Kupar. You leave me, and others, here buzzing, wanting for more! πŸ˜†πŸ’–βœ¨ I have a MILLION ideas a minute, as you know, so let me know if you ever want me to co-author these stories to progress them to even higher places. My dirty mind has no boundaries. I fall in love with the characters, and can visualise these scenes perfectly. I can give you my raw ideas and you can add in all your beautiful descriptions to make them into the pieces of art that they end up as.
  11. Wow! Sounds like absolute heaven. Let’s hope they didn’t bother repairing the toilet.
  12. Thanks Takashi, that means a lot to me. i will write. if I feel it is good enough, I will contribute it to PF. you guys deserve the best of my words.
  13. Yes, I write for self expression. My parents always told me that writers make no money! 😭 if I could turn back time, I would pursue journalism rather than admin. perhaps when I am older I will write some e-books. writing makes me very happy. Midori is green liqueur I drink with lemonade.
  14. I happened across this fetish on Instagram (while searching for pee of course! πŸ˜†) and thought it was strange but interesting. There are also some videos on YouTube of women just pouring water over each other so that their clothes are wet and see through. I think I even came across a game show where if a lady got a question wrong, she had water poured over her sexy, thin dress. Oil makes ANYONE look good! I tried it once and was amazed at how it transforms the body’s look. So yes, I found the women sitting on cakes and pouring custard down their jeans on Insta….I think it is the hedonistic natu
  15. Wow! this one is so hardcore, compared to your other writing. i love it so much! πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯✨✨✨
  16. Ooooh now I wish I had a pee slave at work! Thus is going to sound weird, but a week ago I had a dream about work and about a new guy in IT who I hadn’t met yet, and I dreamed I gave him a blow job under his desk so he would get my computer fixed quicker. Then I actually met the new IT guy a couple of days later at work, and he was almost as lovely as in my dream. Young, dark hair, super helpful and smart. But because of my dream, I feel kind of awkward around him. πŸ˜† He would make a nice pee slave at work though. πŸ”₯πŸ˜† maybe I need to write to Wet Carpet magazine too! i love the though
  17. Omg, Kupar! perfection! risque! so hot. so powerful!
  18. The story was just heating up, I am desperate to hear more! This would have turned into such a beautiful hot night for these gorgeous people. πŸ’–πŸ”₯πŸŒŸπŸ˜πŸ·πŸ’¦
  19. Yes! Where can I find friends like these? πŸ˜† though my ensuite and shower are quite small!
  20. oh! Sophie! πŸ’– and yes, on all counts. Kupar’s stories are so……πŸ”₯πŸ’œ
  21. Gorgeous story, Kupar. I can really relate to Sara. The way that you explain the intense sensory pleasure of holding, and the anticipation, the sexually charged nature of it…it can be hard to put this into words, let alone explain it to a non-PeeFan. The feeling just takes over to the exclusion of all else. Yes, it is the naughtiness of it, the anti-convention side, the sharing of a very personal moment with someone special. And that person loving everything about you, even the waters from inside your body, made sacred through shared appreciation. It is the game of battling your own desperati
  22. Hi Takashi san.πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ I think a lot of us just do it to get fantasies out of our heads and into writing so they can be made into some kind of reality in the dimension of our very vivid, and very dirty imaginations. πŸ”₯We can play with ideas and see how they make us, and others feel. My imagination and inner world is fucking huge, and it has no boundaries…..I can do whatever the hell I want there with zero consequences. It is where I can feel completely free.✨ I have only written one story so far for PF (below). I have also written some customised stories for a couple of my PF friends, because then
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