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Everything posted by MidoriLemonade85

  1. Yes,it is true. Older people tend to talk more about health issues. You have to be more mindful of health as you age. I think that your body will look after you if you look after it, but can’t do much about genetics. If you are going to inherit health issues,it just has to be managed.
  2. Sorry, got confused with the posts but love you too Bacardi!!!!💕
  3. Sounds wonderfully compliment-worthy to me. 💚
  4. Love you too, Goose. 💚 Wet hugs! 💞
  5. This is so cool, Goose. You’re just so talented. 💚
  6. Ok, it sounds like an interesting idea. Do you wash them afterwards? How?
  7. It is beautiful, and I am sure that I would use it. But if the local teenagers don’t break it, then the next hailstorm will take it out! 💥⛈️
  8. Really beautiful. You have a lovely body. 💚
  9. I love travel questions..,, 1. England… Cambridge, Liverpool, Manchester, Stonehenge, Brighton, London would be lovely. 2. Hawaii for the beaches 3. Santorini for the colours and sunsets and pools and food. if I could have a fourth it would be USA for New York, California, San Francisco, Las Vegas. Seen them in movies so much! Las Vegas would be my vibe the most I reckon. Bright lights, music, fast cars and hedonism. But would love to see Strawberry Fields in NY for my man, John Lennon. 💚 …and I mean Iceland would be out of this world. But now I am getting greedy
  10. Hey gorgeous. Yes, I do. Though it is a girly drink, and TBH, straight whiskey is more effective. Also like Baileys, Port, Sake, Rum, Frangelico and Contrieu. My parents travelled when I was young. I learned all I know from duty-free shopping! 😆✈️🤑 Pocahontas without question! Most beautiful Disney princess of all time. I dyed my hair black and grew it long to look like her. Couldn’t figure how to do blue streaks though! Hope your hangover lifts soon, my lovely!!! 😘
  11. Mint! Without question! A very stupid, and stubborn, but very fluffy and loving long-haired chihuahua. And a naughty, wanking budgie. I love frogs too. 1. Win X lotto so I can travel the world to meet all of you. 2. Robots to fold washing and cook for me. 3. Peace and love, man. 💚
  12. You….are…..HILARIOUS! 😆 Stickers fall off if they get wet. Ok, I will do one sticker per boob next time!! 💚
  13. If I could get away with walking the shopping mall with no top on, without Security crash-tackling me and kicking me out, I would. 😆
  14. I have a top the same colour. Went to get petrol for the car this morning wearing it, braless.
  15. Sounds great to me! And nice and safe without the slip hazards! So many bathroom floors are very slippery….dumb, isn’t it?
  16. I bought our house because they had a John Lennon photo on the wall. Kidding! But I know what you mean.😆 Although…Kupar…when we sold our house, the Real Estate Agent advised us the type of art to display during open inspections. Perhaps these pictures are to his/her taste rather than the owners?
  17. I am sure they would! In all the stress of selling a house that’s a cinch!
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