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About Ryan12

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    I love watching and hearing stories about women peeing especially candidly. I have enjoyed this for years and am happy to meet other people who share this interest as it is nice to know I’m not the only one who is into this.

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  1. Lastly, it was about half an hour later and a few of us were sitting in the shallow water near the shore to avoid the mud. Kayla was part of this group and at one point she drifted away out into the water. Someone asked where she was going and her friend Emily who was next to her replied. “Oh she’s pissing.” Kayla looked back at the group and smiled affirming Emily’s response. This was the 3rd time I had confirmed Kayla peeing in the water. Who knows how many other times she went and I didn’t know about it as well as the other girls in the group. I’m sure these instances were just a small snap
  2. Once we packed everything up we moved the boats around to the other side of the island. My boat arrived first and I was on the shore telling the people on the other boat to be careful as when you get off the boat there was about 3 feet of mud under the water that you would sink down into. Katie was the first to get off the boat to help set the anchor. Katie has red hair and freckles and was wearing a small purple bikini with her ass cheeks out. Kayla got off right after her and Katie asked her why she got off with her. I didn’t hear what Kayla said but Katie replied with “oh I forgot I had to
  3. About an hour later when we were packing up a few of us were still in the water. This included Michelle who was about 15 feet away from me when she turned to her friend and said “I’m peeing again.” Someone responded with “you’re peeing?” To which she replied “I’m trying to, I’m kinda nervous now” and laughed. She then waded about 50 feet away from everyone to pee. While she was over there I looked over and she smiled and gave me a thumbs up as if to let me know that was indeed peeing.
  4. A few minutes later while I was still talking with her, her friend Kayla came over. Kayla has blonde hair and is a little curvier, but not fat by any means. She had a really nice ass though in her black bikini bottoms. I also don’t really know Kayla so she came over to talk to Michelle and I was just standing there. I couldn’t really hear what she was saying, but at the end of the exchange I heard Michelle say “no, pee would make it hurt worse.” It’s important to note that Michelle had been stung by a jellyfish on her leg earlier and Kayla was standing over her leg kind of straddling it. So I
  5. So last week for the 4th some friends and I rented a couple boats to take out on the water. There were about 20 of us in total all between 23 and 35. We didn’t go far, just around to the other side of the island nearest the shore and we anchored our boats. No bathrooms on the island obviously and everyone was drinking so I knew everyone would be peeing in the water. I tried to stay alert for whenever any of the girls were relieving themselves. Here is what I observed. Nothing really exciting for the first couple hours, but a bunch of us had gone to the shore and set up a table and were ha
  6. Completely agree, especially with the second part. One time I was out with my fiancée at a bar and when we left she had to pee and said she would hold it till we got home so she could pee for me, but as we were walking to the car she got extremely desperate almost to the point of tears and that’s never my intention when I ask her to pee for me. So I told her she could go by the car when we got there which she did, but the whole situation just made me feel shitty and it was hard to enjoy it.
  7. I wish, it was too grassy to be able to make anything out unfortunately.
  8. This reminds me of a time I was on a roadtrip with my brother to visit my grandfather. We stopped at a gas station somewhere in Massachusetts and I really had to piss so while he was filling up the car I went to find the bathroom. It was a small building outside not attached to the gas station, but when I went to open the door it was locked and someone nearby said they had already asked the person inside and it was out of order. As I was standing there trying to figure out what to do a woman pulled up next to me, rolled down her window and said “yeah it’s locked, just go around the back of it,
  9. Did no one mention Project X on this thread? This girl is shown briefly peeing behind a car outside the house and from what I’ve heard this is a real pee and they had so many people on the set the bathroom lines were long so she went to pee here and someone filmed it and they paid her extra to include it in the movie cuz it really fits with the context of a giant house party. https://thisvid.com/videos/girl-peeing-behind-a-car-looped/
  10. Nice! I’m originally from central MD but live in Mississippi now
  11. I totally get where you’re coming from as my fiancee really struggles to understand the kink. Thankfully she’s a lot more open minded about it and she will pee on me sometimes in the shower and allow me to watch and record her if she ever has to pee outdoors, but it is rare and since she doesn’t understand it I often have to remind her about it for her to do anything for me. And I always feel guilty because she always seems a bit annoyed about it. I appreciate what she does for me and that she tries her best not to kink shame but I often end up seeking additional gratification online.
  12. @JDG @Alfresco @knarf11 love to see the interest! I am fairly new on here so what would be the best way to share this? Should I post on this thread? Create a new thread? Pm everyone? I will start drafting some up to share.
  13. Great story! You seem to have almost the exact same interests and opinions as I do when it comes to girls peeing. I have also had 2 relationships that have lasted over a year (one currently) and it wasn’t until about a year in that I felt comfortable enough to tell them how I felt about peeing. I was able to acquire many stories like this from them before that however and once I told them it got even better as I was then able to get videos of them peeing in many different places. I’d be happy to share some of this if anyone is interested.
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