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About Loveebugg54

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  • Birthday December 31

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  • About Me
    I love the idea of all pee play. I enjoy peeing naughty places and love watching others do the same !

Pee Profile

  • Favourite Thing About Pee
    I love peeing on the carpet , in my pants , on myself . I want to play with another both give and receive
  • Hottest Pee Experience
    Sitting in a chair and spraying piss down my mirror

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  1. Today again all I want to do is pee, I don’t feel like a big clean up so I’ve just been peeing little bits around the room . Some in the dresser , in a decorative basket , on the end of my bed , under my sink , finished spraying infront of the mirror in a glass cup I had. Drinking more water so I can go again
  2. I remember being very young and I knew exactly what I was doing. I was watching tv on my sisters bed and I didn’t want to get up so I peed right there . Looking back I can’t believe I did that . Years later still young a neighbor I’m pretty sure it was a magazine someone showed me and there was a girl standing there peeing. After that my curiosity was peaked and it’s been history ever since !
  3. Oooo you sound great ! I’ve peed in my poor closet so many times. I have to go again so maybe that’ll be the spot again. My furnitures pretty heavy !
  4. My next pee I went to the park and peed in the porta potty not exactly correctly . Made quite the mess for myself to clean , when I came home still had to pee so I finished in my closet on the carpet again. Guess I’m no longer using the toilet tonight !! What’s fun is I have videos of all my pee fun today .
  5. I do want to ! Earlier I peed a little on the edge of my bed . I don’t have protection but I so badly wanna let it all go while I’m laying here
  6. I’d love that . I as expected need to go again !
  7. After drinking water all day at work I got home and realized how full my bladder was . Holding it on the drive home put me in the mood for a naughty pee. It’s not often I’ll wet myself but when I got home I let some out and just didn’t want to stop. So finally I changed but continued to drink water. so shortly after I was so full again . I seen where I put my wet shorts and I went to them again and peed over them . Getting carried away my carpet got a little shower. After two naughty pees I may back in bed and watch other and read stories . I can again feel my bladder filling so quic
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