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Everything posted by Adyguy6970

  1. Hi JesseP. I'm in the Lincolnshire area so not too far from you. I'd certainly be interested in meeting people socially for coffee, lunch or a drink and seeing how things developed but with no pressure for anyone to 'perform' or do anything they weren't comfortable with.
  2. Hi JesseP. I'm in the Lincolnshire area so not too far from you. I'd certainly be interested in meeting people socially for coffee, lunch or a drink and seeing how things developed but with no pressure for anyone to 'perform' or do anything they weren't comfortable with.
  3. Hi and welcome, tommcan. Thanks for sharing with us your experience of catheter play. Please be very careful though because unless strict hygiene is followed, catheters can be a quick - and not very pleasant - way of introducing infection into the urethra and/or bladder.
  4. Hi and welcome, Harley. You've come to a great place and I'm sure you'll meet some amazing people here with similar interests. I look forward to seeing you around.
  5. (This is a new story which I've just written and shared elsewhere too. I hope you enjoy it.) Anne pulled out of Boston Hospital carpark and on to Spilsby Road. She’d been to visit Brian whose prostate operation had taken place the previous day. Being a typical man, he’d taken it like a baby and, whilst he really needed to rest, Anne knew that if she didn’t visit she’d never hear the last of it. Luckily his ward allowed visiting from 11am to 12.30pm so she’d been able see him whilst still making sure he’d get the nap after lunch which she was sure he needed. It was a fair drive from t
  6. Hi and welcome, Public P. Boy. I'm very certain that you've come to the right place and I'm sure you'll find plenty that's of interest.
  7. I'm happy to meet up in most circumstances but the initial meeting would be a social one, say over coffee or lunch somewhere.
  8. Thanks for sharing that. How long do you hold it though to be able to pee for over a minute and a half, twice as long as average? I'd be intrigued to know.
  9. Hi and welcome. It sounds as though you had a good day with Julia. If what happened didn't cement your friendship it ought to have done.
  10. I quite like the cup symbol and I'd recommend using it.
  11. Toilet peeing is what I tend to do most for practical reasons. However I also enjoy peeing outdoors in the garden and I always pee whilst showering in an evening. Occasionally I've stood in the bath and peed a pair of pants. My fantasy is to pee a pair of flyless pants/trousers whilst out in public but not summed up the courage yet. My loo is upstairs and when I'm working downstairs and need to pee I'll often use a vase or measuring jug. That's probably the one really hot thing that I get to enjoy on a regular basis.
  12. Adyguy6970


    Hi and welcome, MVP. I hope you have a great time hear and look forward to enjoying your contributions.
  13. Thanks for that. I'll do my best!
  14. Hi Brutus Thanks for that. I too am a member of Literotica where I'm Adrian69702006. Please feel free to check out my stories there, some of which overlap with ones here.
  15. I too wonder what happens to the many people who sign up here, post for a while, and then disappear. It's not peculiar to this forum either as I've noticed it on many others. I know from my own experience that 'life' often gets in the way of what I'd like to do online and it's not always possible to contribute to the various forums of which I'm a member in the way that I'd like - and probably should. I try to come here when I can though - and sometimes cum afterwards!
  16. Adyguy6970


    Hi and a slightly belated welcome, Rann. I hope you have a good time and look forward to seeing you about.
  17. I'm an occasional discreet wearer of adult diapers and am quite happy about weeing in them when I'm out, although I don't overdo it. They're very comfy on the whole but not to be recommended for use in hot weather.
  18. I'm nominally still a member of Skymouse's Panty Wetting forum but, sadly, it's been quiet for a long time.
  19. Adyguy6970


    Hi and welcome, Mark. I think it's probably true that most of us enjoy peeing in unusual places. I hope you have a great time and look forward to seeing you around.
  20. Although the new look is certainly different, I quite like it.
  21. It varies. If I'm going out it's usually seat (and sometimes lid too) down. If, however, I'm at home and therefore likely to need to go pee (especially at night) I tend to leave both seat and lid up. I did however get into trouble once with my GF when she was staying overnight, got up to pee, and didn't realise I'd left everything up! When she's staying I try to remember to leave the seat down.
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