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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Ha ha - it worked for me. Not that I remember, but if she did the gushing probably drowned them out.
  2. Great job introducing yourself @Roland - welcome (again) to the site. I seem to remember only the other day someone also describing themselves as asexual - perhaps it's a case that the right person (personality as much as anything else) would be 'the one' and up to that point I fully get what you mean.
  3. It seems like pretty much every time I visit the site.... or at least every time certain people on here post new content 😉
  4. I think quietly turned on... although I'd have to not give that away too much. Would be interesting to catch a look at the power-pisser as she came out of the bathroom, just to see if she met expectations. As an aside, a number of years ago my missus was starting a new business and conscripted a number of friends to do a leaflet drop - with the promise of lunch. One of the ladies involved was a very attractive, very curvy late teens girl. One of those girl next door types. At the end of a morning traipsing round with leaflets she didn't let on too openly that she was desperate - but i
  5. One step at a time is fine @will64 - one day at a time, look for the positives no matter how dark the clouds are. The internet including this site can be a demoralising place, with so many anonymous keyboard warriors. In my case I only really usually post when I've got something positive or constructive, and I guess that can give the impression that everybody is having a much happier better time than you are. It's most likely not the case - I don't mean that in a 'man up' sense (and I would never say that), what I mean is that when things are bad there are always people who know what you're
  6. Very much the same scenario as Steve & Micky - straight male, in that I'm pretty obsessed with the female form (and function!). In my youth I was pretty anti-gay, which I'm not proud of. Nowadays I've definitely mellowed and have a definite 'whatever makes you happy' attitude -whatever your preference is fine. I've got no real desire to have a same sex encounter, although I'll admit I have on occasion shocked the odd guy - end of the night farewell hugs taken one step further...
  7. Yes, what @Dr.P said. The opening picture had almost a horror movie feel to it, dark, cold and wet and then harsh flickering lights..... Well written and welcome back!
  8. Thanks @Admin - much appreciated. You guys work so hard to keep this place the vibrant active community it is today and we probably never thank any of you enough. So from me at least "THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO" I agree with @Peefreak99, and I'll try and do the same - it's always a fine line between encouraging someone that there's a better topic for that post or perhaps a different approach that could be more effective versus just discouraging and coming over haughtily.
  9. We have smartphones with three or four cameras which mimic the human eye in being able to separate the subject from the background and then being able to adjust focus and the like after the event. One next step could be using say three separate but linked cameras to capture a subject from all sides and then processing to create a true 3D picture or movie - then project it holographically?
  10. True - I guess that everything we all contribute is fuelled to an extent by our fantasy. Some areas of the site are clearly devoted to fiction and fantasy whilst others for true accounts or discussion. Personally I feel it quite important that the 'real' areas stay true to the real world - someone could ask an honest relationship question and what then happens when everyone replies with a 'grab em by the pussy, every woman I meet pisses for me' type response. Fine in fantasy, but try that in the real world there's a good chance it's not going to end well... In this instance perhaps a si
  11. I would say absolutely, 100,000% YES. The smart phone has brought a camera to every single person's pocket without the need to carry anything extra or wait to get photos developed. For the opportunist it is a godsend, being able to grab photos at any moment. It, alongside social media have also dramatically changed accessibility of the material we love to see - just do a google search of 'drunk pee' and you'll find hundreds of images, snapped by friends as a laugh on a drunken night out. The times are coming now too where professional production can take advantage - I'm a photograp
  12. That’s one hell of an Uber journey.... work in Nashville to Quakertown Philadelphia, no wonder she was bursting!
  13. Drives down the road, sees a girl at the bus stop and wonders on a scale 1-10 how much she needs to pee...
  14. So right now - watching The Boat That Rocked, possibly my favourite film with an amazing sixties soundtrack- that pretty much sums up my listening.
  15. I admire the confidence of the people replying above. There are a lot of people on the forum sharing tales of girls willingly peeing for them / with them, but I'm a bit more cautious. Maybe I just don't know the right kind of girls! I'm not sure if I missed something.... I read into it that you're going just on a casual night out, you're in company but at the same time you want to keep an eye out for any action along the way. I'm also guessing that you haven't previously discussed your love of pee with the two friends and then can't be assumed that they're into the whole thing?
  16. Welcome, make yourself at home. Enjoying your contributions already.
  17. Welcome to the site! Enjoy.
  18. Sounds amazing. I agree you have to go with the only leaving together thing - before the party and after you remain dedicated to each other, and what happens at the party is only for the party. That way, if you do hook up with other guests it doesn’t prejudice or risk your marriage. Look forward to maybe reading some of the tales - in small doses, I don’t think I could cope with all in one go!
  19. I gat the impression that the site is growing - maybe it's always been the case that members become inactive and leave at the same rate, but there certainly seems to be an influx of newcomers. I think I saw some discussion about the pee search engines where we're mentioned and perhaps that's it. Don't get me wrong, I'm 100% in favour of new blood (or other body fluid), it's absolutely brilliant to see new guys and girls introducing themselves and starting to participate in the general forum activities. I have noticed a couple of trends which aren't helpful and maybe go against the e
  20. Only thing is @Alfresco - it starts to become an expensive lifestyle if it costs a $500 tip every night to get home 😉
  21. ...and welcome too @littlemisspiss - hope you are on the up soon.
  22. Welcome - it's good to talk, which is pretty much exactly what this site is about. You're in the right place!!!
  23. Hi and welcome - it is a great forum, lots of loyal members with some awesome material to share. Take a bit of time to see who appreciates what and you'll fit right it.
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