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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Welcome to our community @Jayargo. I'm merged your post into this existing thread - you'll see that you are most definitely not alone, I for one am very much there too. You'll find a huge family of people here from all over, with a common interest. Some with partners that support, some who are alone and some as you're finding things too. We're all here to support and encourage each other.
  2. Reading back, the original author lost their password and so made a new account. But they haven’t been online using that new account since December 2021.
  3. Leia gets challenged - resulting in desperation, naughty peeing and wetting. Written as a single story in short segments - enjoy reading as much or as little as you wish. Hi all, I thought I'd share my day of holding and weeing fun from earlier this week. I've no idea what time my day started, it could even have been a dream. But I was vaguely aware of Alec, my partner, running his fingers into my slit and reaching downwards to circle gently around my clitoris. I was vaguely aware of reaching across and tickling his balls gently with my nails whilst he wanked himself to a
  4. A bit hard to see, but I'm going to claim 750ml there.
  5. And now the ride discord chat is talking about sizes of coffee servings…. Not helping. 9 minutes to go!!!
  6. Just had one of those really intense need-to-piss right now moments. 24 mins to go until end of ride. And have got padded one piece cycling suit - can’t just pull it out and pee. Offcut of carpet in my garage is looking favourable but I also want to measure.
  7. Can’t beat those sort of pics… But currently doing an hour long virtual bike ride. And absolutely bursting. Last pee just over 4 hrs ago, needed to pee before I started…
  8. In the voice of Robin Williams, Good Morning Vietnam style... H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y P E E F A N S, and than means you: @Sandman033 @HairyPee @Vertte @ltd2 @Sparky88
  9. Tribe / mob mentality ??? 'I'm with my mates and we can say what we want whilst showing off to each other.' And if they're young, perhaps their expectations are wholly unrealistic based on extremes they've seen on the net or certain movies but never experienced in reality. I've got absolutely no issues with anyone taking a peek at me at a urinal (and I don't expect them to be impressed, I know myself and my shortcomings). But if a bunch of girls come uninvited into 'my territory' to shame me, that's equally as unacceptable as a guy striding into the ladies bathroom, peering over
  10. Welcome to Peefans - you've posted the very best kind of intro! Pee. And the entire Peefans family (which you're now part of) feels the warmth with you.
  11. Today's huge Birthday Celebration Wishes go to: @daemoniak @brppfan @2294rjb @Sake76fin @Idk123 @michik123 Have a great day all !!!
  12. Seems to me the most practical and guaranteed solution - a pre-arranged contractually arranged solution where she knows and accepts what she’s going to do, isn’t going to be offended and is going to fully meet your requirements. Ok - so you’ll pay for the privilege, but you’re paying for a hotel room with no guarantee of any pee action otherwise. And possibly safer than asking random women on the street.
  13. Another day - and a VIP Birthday - actually plenty of birthdays to celebrate today: @Scot_Lover @harry_jones_1975 @John Sierra @ThatPotato @horst schlemmer @Leon @Lumwoz @Matty412 @Captaindrunkee Hope you like my gift:
  14. Hi and a very warm welcome to Peefans. Depending how long you've lurked, you may have various preconceptions about us. You may have some ideas from the sites, outside our control, where we get mentioned. You may see our huge membership numbers - but don't be daunted, we actually have a small core of active people who are just like you. Real world people from all over. All backgrounds, genders, orientations. Young and old. Some healthy, some with challenges to overcome. But every one with exactly one thing - and maybe more - in common. A love of pee in one form or another.
  15. I’m going to propose to close this thread to any further replies. There are already two threads on the go about piss marking memories: https://peefans.com/topic/29563-how-old-were-you-on-your-first-piss-mark/page/2/?tab=comments#comment-413681 https://peefans.com/topic/29598-what-is-your-best-memory-of-piss-marking-at-school/?tab=comments#comment-413729 When replying to either of these please remember Peefans Site Rules: events / memories of childhood peeing MAY be acceptable if they are not sexual. We will not tolerate deliberate underage sexual discussions.
  16. Happy Birthday Cindy Crawford, the late Kurt Cobain, Ivana Trump and Rihanna. But more importantly our very own VIPs: @susaward75 @ImarkellI @Oldfossil @Oknemox85 @Giant2008
  17. Would you believe it - some more birthdays, so another excuse to throw a wild celebration for @Lillou @mse192 @flexihorse
  18. I guess the factor that comes into play here:- in the majority of progressive countries (and I'm thinking western Europe, America, Australia etc) recently passed laws have made voyeurism and publishing content from deliberately placed hidden cameras illegal. At the moment we're still seeing carnival and festival outdoor peeing clips online, but for how much longer? And people choosing to pee in sight of CCTV. But the producers and hosts of those type of content will no doubt be considering their future prospects.
  19. @lux714 - all of your post has appeared here in Italian - but we need all content to be in English. Sometimes the automatic translation is the problem, but all must be in English.
  20. Today's will party is being thrown in honour of: @seeupee @supernotme Hope you have an amazing birthday!!!
  21. Certainly that's an interpretation that works. I'm pretty sure I'm too old to be properly down with the kids, but 'marking' also I think has a sort of graffiti type meaning too. As in breaking the rules by leaving your mark, defiling somewhere, putting your mark where things were clean and undamaged before. So there's a sort of 'intentional act' thing there too - not just relieving a need, but doing so with intent because it's non-conformist, taboo, naughty and/or fun.
  22. According to the Page index, 100 replies and 3.5k views - awesome, and just goes to show how much appreciation there is for a normal, everyday person like yourself who's willing to discuss pee in such a natural way. Mine maybe isn't so much of an 'asking about pee'. But two questions: - When you posted the original invitation to ask, five pages ago - did you imagine so many people would be interested (hopefully it doesn't bother you that they are). - Through all of the questions asked - I'm wondering if there's anything you've been hoping someone would ask, but actually nobody
  23. So Saturday it looks like there's only one Birthday to mention: @dolf112 Hope you have a great day!!!
  24. Lovely @vanessa9 - and awesome that you got 'entertained' as well, being able to enjoy the sight of them and their pissing whilst you also enjoyed your own pee.
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