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Everything posted by Riley

  1. Yes, and yes it has but I think it wasn't just the pee but the kind of intimacy that went along with it. Also if its someone I know and its very casual I don't get anywhere near the excitement level I have other times.
  2. I know I'm not a dude but I'm going to answer this anyway😂 when I peed I usually pee into the water because that's the most comfortable but if I'm trying to be quiet I'll slide towards the front of the toilet seat and pee while trying to like half hold back so my stream isn't loud🤷‍♀️ I hope that helps!
  3. It was. I'm not sure how that happened in the engineering phase but I enjoyed it
  4. One time I was really really desperate to pee and there was 2" of standing water on the ground of the bathroom because one of the toilets was having a major plumbing problem. The bathroom was on a slight tilt though so the water got deeper the further you went in. I really didn't want to do this but I really really had to pee and was already leaking so I pulled down my pants and just peed there adding my tiny bladder to the flooding issue
  5. There's a few around me. They usually don't have any urinals and are just stalls. They are very efficient which works for me😂 Honestly like I said above, the people who have used them are totally cool people and it's never been an issue. I don't really feel uncomfortable peeing knowing there's a guy in the stall next to me because we all came here for one thing and that thing crosses to all humans so why should it matter🤷
  6. I don't know if this counts but when I pee a lot of times there will be my main stream of pee but there will be another of the pee that gets whicked away by my labia and that falls a little further down my slit.
  7. Welcome to my 5th pee lottery!! This time im doing the prize a little differently. Its completely up to the winner to decide for me to do something (that I'm comfortable with and is legal). This could be anywhere from you should wear this outfit to writing a story to controlling my bladder for a certain amount of time. Whatever you want! If you want me to define some things and give options I can do that as well just let me know! There are a few different ways to enter this lottery. The first way is to ask a question which will give you 1 entry. You can do this as many times as you
  8. Sometimes when I go the beach I intentionally drink a ton of water so that I have to go and can go in the sea xD Sometimes Ill also pee on the sand and not the sea xD
  9. I think this one is close to me😂😂
  10. I've seen a few but they are rare. I'm not sure if this counts but I did see a bathroom that had 2 toilets in a stall. I was with the same group of friends and we each got a partner and went in xD I always find them a fun and exciting alternative when I'm with friends but that's also me xD
  11. I guess I could try to find a picture online that's very similar to mine if that would help🤷‍♀️
  12. The red outlined shapes are the ones I selected scroll down a little bit
  13. I know this is a weird picture but honestly I don't really know how to explain this in a way that doesn't make me sound crazy. Just enjoy my horrible body😂😂
  14. Tbh I'm not really sure if I match any of these really so I just kind of have been guessing😂 I think I'm close to a 10 or maybe 6 but I'm not sure. Here is my approximation of what I am so I hope this helps 🙂 http://vaginacode.creativerobot.co/?c=v1_44840C024-210440022-4_26-2-119
  15. It does😂😂 I don't really like being the center of attention but doing something that's not socially normal and no one noticing is always fun😂
  16. I randomly came across a chart like this and thought I would share them xD I dont super like how they depict smaller breasts in relation to being younger because I have smaller breasts but🤷‍♀️
  17. Riley


    I think this is me but i did do this off of memory and didn't use a mirror to check everything xD http://vaginacode.creativerobot.co/?c=v1_44840C024-210440022-4_26-2-119
  18. Riley


    I found it xD http://vaginacode.creativerobot.co/ http://dickcode.creativerobot.co/
  19. Riley


    If I think of it I'll post the link here🙂
  20. Riley


    I saw a website one time where it allowed people to build their vulva/penis on the site and share it so you could share your parts without having to be that intimate? I don't remember what it was called though🤔
  21. Riley


    So my.measurements are by no means accurate but if I measured correctly I think I'm a little smaller than average😂 I was around 7cm in length and a little under 20mm😂🤷 I hope that helps give a better visual of me😂😂
  22. I am a virgin so I don't know about sex but I do notice that depending on the stimulation the process and feeling changes. If I get aroused from pictures and videos it's more of a slow incline of me having a good time but if I'm desperate to pee and then release or something else its more sudden and more pleasureful for me anyway😂
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