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Everything posted by Riley

  1. thank you! sorry I missed that 🙂 Tbh I dont have a great relationship with food but in the more savory catagory I do like thai and indian food and things like stir fry and then in sweet food I like very dark chocolate ice cream 🙂
  2. Im sorry, my life has been a little crazy but im ok, just busy 🙂 hmmm, probably the carpet kind of anywhere xD I kind of just like how it feels and sounds and also i guess kind of how taboo it is xD I hope this answer helped!
  3. I thought it would be fun to do an interview thread but I couldnt find the interview subforum so I ended up just posting it here 🙂 You can literally ask me anything and I will do my very best to respond! It could be as simple as what my favorite color is or it could be like, what is my favorite star in the universe. Thank you so much and I look forward to answering people's questions!!
  4. Also, here is a cute fox gif @spywareonya 🙂
  5. im so so so so sorry you had to go through this. Im so glad to see you back and I think I speak for everyone when I say we really missed you 🙂 Life is really messy and can sometimes be terrible, but those experiences are what make us who we are. I am so sorry life has been horrible but we are here for you and if you ever need to rant, talk, or anything, you can always pm me 🙂 We all love you!!!!
  6. The sky was a dark grey as rain drizzled onto the black paved street. The feint sound of engines roaring past filled my ears as I sat staring blankly out of a coffee shop window. The sky was starting to turn to night, with the warm coffee shop lights leaving reflections of the inside of the shop onto the clear glass. I looked back at my laptop and started finishing my work, hearing the clacking of keys as I wrote. I typed, occasionally taking sips from the white ceramic tea cup sitting next to me. There were a few other people but it was relatively quiet with just the feint noise of other keyb
  7. @Rewdna Dont worry tbh it's not all bad. I kind of weirdly enjoy needing to pee when I know I can't go and an airplane in turbulence is a great place for that, its just sometimes, I get pushed a little too far over the edge where I start to worry about making a mess xD
  8. Im sorry Im not super comfortable posting videos or pictures of me peeing but I did do this xD I kind of just didn't use the toilet for a while until I started to get really desperate to pee. I then took a soup bowl and filled it up like halfwayish with ice cubes and set it on the bottom of my bathtub. I then stripped all the way down and squatted over the bowl, starting to let go. I felt a wave of relief pass over me as the ice cubes crackled, melting under my stream. It was honestly really fun to watch the ice cubes kind of break apart as I pee on them, idk xD I know that sounds weird
  9. I mean I kind of do this almost every time I pee xD I don't really know how to describe it xD
  10. I mean its kind of winter where I am right now, but I have done this before xD I went to the beach and drank as much water as I could to make sure I had to pee and started with peeing in the ocean and then slowly transitioned to doing more daring things such as peeing in the sand xD Tbh it was really nerveracking but I intentionally went on a day that was colder so there wouldn't be as many people.
  11. Idk if renaming it clean chat but just kind of keeping it in mind might be a more general thing. My hope for the live pee chat was the you could always ask do you want to talk in the live pee chat. Or just @ them in that chat. Idk i do think having a more clean vs dirty chat might be nice but idk if we need a hard line, just like if you notice the conversation is drifitng that direction, maybe just ask if you want to talk in the pee live chat. Idk its just an idea. sorry
  12. Although I dont think we really need anymore proof I thought I would try to provide it xD This specific image is very similar to a removed version of the image on a website called virpergirls: https://vipergirls.to/threads/577790-Charlotte-Wet-Jeans-And-Panties-(Apr-19-2013)-x117-*PEE* the models name is Charlotte and for reference, here is a picture of her that looks very similar to the person in the photo: So unless you had a party with several models in it then this seems very unlikely. Also this could just be me, but if I was part of a pee party I would write a
  13. 12 hours seems long enough that peeing at some point is inevitable (at least for me) but i mean the greatest thing you can do to make sure you dont have pee is to not drink a lot, especially caffeinated or alcohol beverages. The other option is to sleep through the flight. Tbh airplanes kind of scare me due to their pee constraints. I've almost wet myself so many times due to turbulence or take off delays and so im just a little terrified. Last time, the plane had to be deiced and so it was a significant amount of time before we could take off and i had had a headache so I had been drinki
  14. sorry i know this is late but this was one of my reasons for making the live pee chat in the real pee section. I thought it would make a live area where people could do live holds and such without making the chatbox the place for that
  15. Just a warning, this is going to very much vary from person to person so i dont want you to think my answers are representative of more than pretty much me xD I can change my stream direction a little bit but if i go to far it just kind of sprays and gets everywhere I would say average though I don't really have an measurement to know how strong it is xD Last time i tried my stream went 1 1/3 meters, idk if that is good or not though xD Pretty much straight down Im not sure what your asking for but one time i intentionally sat on the edge of the toilet so my stream wo
  16. Sorry for the late reply. Ok! Ill go get dressed xD
  17. I mean what you say doesn't have to be final xD I just like to try and dress to what other people like 🙂 If you dont want to though I completely understand and can go 🙂
  18. Thank you 🙂 I did 🙂 Now i need to choose what to wear for the day xD if you want to help me think of something you are welcome to 🙂
  19. I woke up this morning super desperate and felt a leak as soon as i moved to get out of bed xD I tried to hold it as much as I could but a few leaks escaped before I was able to get to the toilet xD Once I sat down though the relief felt amazing xD
  20. I slowly started leaking more and more until my body just couldnt take it anymore and no matter what i did to try and stop it, it kept flowing out of me xD
  21. sorry, i ended up losing control and peeing myself xD
  22. I can feel it trying to force its way out of me
  23. Im holding myslef trying to ease the pressure but idk if it's helping at all
  24. Ive already leaked a few times and i feel like my bladder is about to exolode
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