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Everything posted by chubbybirb999

  1. This was a lovely watch, thank you very much! I applaud your confidence! Well done, darling 🙂
  2. I would do the exact same! Too many Hartnell/Troughton serials lost - how I wish I could see the yeti in all their glory!
  3. Thank you for these wonderful words 🙂 I wish I could bottle your advice up and use it any time I’m on a downer. Dont worry. Thanks to you and everyone here, I do feel I’m getting better! All my love, always
  4. Of course 🙂 i still haven’t decided which one I’m going to do next but as soon as I do it, I’ll be posting it for everyone!
  5. I probably won’t get a chance to do another one tonight but maybe tomorrow?
  6. Gosh, she’s incredible! I think mine would look like a pathetic wee trickle in comparison!
  7. I think that was the idea! Though I haven’t got a very powerful stream and I have no idea how to go about doing it. I’ll figure it out - hopefully! Any excuse to watch other more talented ladies doing it to watch their technique!
  8. Next time I do one of the challenges, I’ll try and make it the full length. I have the following to do: 1. Pee in sink 2. Pee on floor from bed 3. No toilet day 4. Pee into a cooking pot 5. Pee into a laundry basket 6. Long distance pee 7. Wetting underwear in the bath I’ve likely missed something so please let me know if there’s anything else you’d like! Oh, and please suggest/vote on which one you would like me to do next!
  9. A bit shorter than I’d like but here is the moving image!
  10. Thank you beautiful! I may end up liking myself as much as all of you do one day, fingers crossed! I think so! I still have trouble directing the stream properly but I hope I’ll get better with practice! Would anyone like to see a moving gif image of the above pee, as I can do that too 🙂
  11. Standing up pee into the toilet! (please ignore my stupidly chubby legs 🙈)
  12. I already said in my intro post I can’t do public peeing.
  13. Done, done and done. Will post photographs when I have completed each one!
  14. Hi folks, I’m on holiday now so I have the opportunity to do some fun brazen wees around the house! Looking for anyone to suggest some unique ways to pee that I can try (or even just ways you’d like to see me pee) that I can do over the following two weeks and possibly post on the forum! Please note, I can’t do anything outside/in public as I live in quite a large housing estate with a lot of neighbours! So please suggest away!
  15. I generally just sit down lol! Whenever I use a a public bathroom usually my bladder is too busy screaming for relief for me to be able to waste time putting toilet paper down!
  16. 😍 I only wish it could happen!
  17. I’m sure it’ll be amazing when you do! Wishing you all the courage for next time!
  18. So many times! When I was growing up, we lived right next to a beach pretty much and I used to spend hours on the shore and in the sea. Whenever me or my friends needed to pee, we just used to swim a little way out, pee and then go right back to what we were doing. I miss those days!
  19. Very brave to even consider it, there’s no way I’d be brave enough for something like this. Maybe next time!
  20. Myself and a friend did something very similar to this expect I was too scared to climb the tree! She climbed up, peed and I watched her, fascinated!
  21. I THINK I’m a 6. Certainly it’s the closest as far as I can tell. As for which one I like, I think I like 10 and 20 the best, although they are all beautiful!
  22. This isn’t to say that I wouldn’t be into any of the various things I’ve scored lowly on the questionnaire - I haven’t tried them so can’t know for sure. I will generally try anything once xP
  23. 1)Peeing on a partner - a solid 10! 2) Being peed on by a partner - another solid 10! 3) Peeing in your partner's face - 5 4) Having your own face peed on - 3 5) Having your partner drink your pee from the source - 2 6) Drinking your partner's pee from the source - 0 7) Watching your partner piss all over the carpet -9 8. Yourself pissing all over the carpet in front of your partner - 9 9) Wetting yourself while your partner watches - 7 10) Watching your partner wet him/her self - 8 11) Having your partner hold your dick/part your labia while y
  24. I will add in my other accounts tomorrow! Also, I will have two weeks off work soon so I will be looking for naughty suggestions of what to do during my down time 😛
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