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Everything posted by steve25805

  1. Do you like the colour of yellow pee but not the taste or smell of really strong pee? Do you want your partner to be able to drink loads and still pee loads whilst still having truly golden pee? I have discovered these multivitamins..... Dissolve one in a glass of water and not only do you have a tasty drink which is good for you, I guarantee that your next pee will be deep yellow if you give it at least 30 mins, however much you drink. Yellow pee without the dehydration, without the smell, and without the bitter taste. And much less damaging to the carpet than the mo
  2. Dear Wet Carpet. I'm a lucky guy. This is the girl who lives in the flat above me.... And she is wild, especially after a few drinks. Some of the things she comes out with are unreal.And we have become friends. She often calls in on me on the way home. Well last night she knocked on my door after coming home from the pub and she was very tipsy. I let her in of course. I mean, look at those tits and that beautiful face. Who wouldn't let a girl like that in? Wll she was a bit giggly because of the alcohol when she informed me that she needed to pee and hadn't been all d
  3. I like the idea of girls pissing anywhere without actually giving a fuck. I have a recurring fantasy about a girl I once knew nonchalantly taking a piss right there on my living room carpet, chatting away normally whilst doing it. It never happened of course but I do like to imagine that it did.
  4. Oh wow, I love you already, lol. I'd gladly let any girl pee in my car as long as I can watch. When you pee in his car do you do it in something like a container of some kind? Or do you just pee on the floor in front of the seat? Or even on the seat? And do you do it purely out of convenience or do you do it in part for fun?
  5. I love that hissing sound. I think I remember you saying somewhere that you have quite a loud hiss when you are full. Or did I just fantasize that? lol And talking of sounds, I love it when the hissing is combined with the muffled splashing of pee landing on carpet. And the way the sound of that splashing gets less muffled and louder as the area of carpet being peed on gets soaked and has more piss hitting it than it can quickly absorb.
  6. This was many years ago in a crowded pub on New Year's Eve. The queue for the ladiues was long. I happened to notice this young couple sat in the corner. He had a pint of what looked like lager which was less than a quarter full. Much to my surprise he handed the glass to his girlfriend who immediately took it under the table. Then I saw the bottom half of the glass between her legs. And I could see the lager frothing and the level of the glass rising. She was quite obviously pissing in her boyfriend's beer glass. When she was done she lifted the glass up from under the table and it was now at
  7. Imagine if it rained all day. "It has been a very wet but golden day at the olympics." Lol. I think that time years back when Paula Radcliffe was running a marathon and briefly stopped for a quick piss, it was a definite case of going for gold.
  8. I often have a mental image in my head of Sophie with a naughty grin. In my imagination she is generally peeing on my carpet at the time. Sadly, the only place this has ever happened has been in my imagination.
  9. Dear Wet Carpet. I'm a 40 year old lesbian but think I still look good. And following the recent trend for accompanying pics, this is me. The pic was taken last summer on the beach by a lady I was seeing at the time.... Anyway, I am known for a certain pissy reputation in some cirlcles on the gay and lesbian scene. Basically, I'll just pee anywhere. I go to fetish clubs sometimes where people are happy to have me pee all over the floor or something. I am like the martini girl of pee - for those old enough to remember the advert - anytime, any place, anywhere. Well yesterda
  10. Dear Wet Carpet. I'm a young and glamorous model. This is me.... And I guess it goes without saying since I obviously read this magazine, that I am into pissing and things like that. Not really the whole being pissed all over thing, though I was once seeing this guy who liked to have me piss all over him. Was kind of fun in a way. It made me feel quite diminant just standing over a guy and pissing on him. But it's the whole naughty peeing thing I am really into.. My main thing is to squat and piss on the kitchen floor. Doing it in the kitchen on the floor like that just feels s
  11. Dear Wet Carpet This is a pic my boyfriend just took, me feeling naughty and - though perhaps not obvious in that pic - needing a pee.... Fact is I hadn't been all day, and had also been to the pub, so it was going to be a very long pee. And I was feeling horny. Sometimes I like to pee in places other than the toilet. The naughtier the more erotic. And my boyfriend loves watching me do it. At night I rarely bother using the bathroom if I need to pee. I just get out of bed and pee on the carpet beside it. After a few drinks I can be outrageous, peeing on tables
  12. @Sophie, a fictional story featuring you doing what you do best. In my imagination anyway, lol. ---------------------------------------------------- My name is Sophie and I am a teacher in a comprehensive school. I am also a moderator on a pee fetish forum. You see, I am into naughty peeing. The former mod Steve has written accounts of some of my visits to his flat whenever I have been in his vicinity. Like the time I peed on his living room carpet and on his kitchen floor. Mind you, I have been known to pee on my own kitchen floor, filmed by my hubby. I guess I like doing things lik
  13. Dear Wet Carpet. I'm a high class escort who earns a lot of money because I look good and take care of myself. Looks will fade as I get older so I need to make as much as I can whilst still young. This is me... Am not really into the whole pleasure and pain scene but have always had a thing about pissing, so will do most things watersports related if the price is right. I grew up pissing on the carpet in the corner of my bedroom after all. I still do it now sometimes. I'm often paid to piss on somebody or get pissed on. It is very empowering to be squatting over some guy's
  14. Dear Wet Carpet. I am 50 years old but look good for my age. This is me.... And I have a naughty pleasure. You see, I like to pee on the floor because I get a kick out of doing it. I always have. Not only do I squat and pee in the kitchen and bathroom whose floors are tiled. I also like to pee on the carpet - in my bedroom, in the living room, in the hallway. I get such a buzz out of the sight and sound of my golden hissy piss splashing down onto the carpet and soaking in. I've been doing it since I was a teenager and it has always seemed normal for me. You see, I kne
  15. Dear Wet Carpet. I'm an attractive barmaid and popular with the male customers. This is me. It was taken when I agreed to work my shift in my underwear for charity. The guys loved it.... As you can tell I'm the kind of girl who is game for anything. Anyway, I've been seeing one of the regulars on and off, kind of a casual thing. And whenever I am spending the night at his, when we are about to get into bed for the night he has this thing he likes to have me do. Basically he likes to watch me pee on the floor beside his bed, right there on the carpet. His side of the bed na
  16. As someone who in my formative years cut my teeth masturbating to the lingerie pages of Littlewoods catalogues, I guess I must be a perv too. But then again, when you think of it, being a perv is a necessary requirement for having an interest in this site, lol So we are all pervs here. Perverts of the world unite. You have nothing to lose but your virginity. Though I reckon most of us have lost that already, lol.
  17. I am still here as a member. I will still be contributing. And I do intend to get the end of the year with my carpet pissing calendar complete.
  18. I would just like to briefly announce that I have stepped down as a mod. This decision was wholly mine and is largely due to other life commitments preventing me from being able to devote sufficient time to the role. If anyone has any issues that need resolving, please direct them to the remaining mods or Admin, since I no longer have mod powers. Thanks to everyone for their support over the years.
  19. Dear Wet Carpet. I've been seeing this 24 year old buxom blonde girl, and it's going great. The first time back at her place we were laying naked together on her bed after having sex, when she announced that she had to pee. She got up off the bed and with a smirk just popped a squat right there beside it, saying, "I think I'll just piss here." And with a big smirk upon her face, within seconds there was a loud hissing and splashing as she started peeing there on the carpet. I couldn't take my eyes off, it just looked so sexy. I asked her if she made a habit of peeing on her bed
  20. I was going to say this in the staff room area accessible only to mods and admin, but decided instead to say it more publicly to everyone. I have today been going through a number of my pic threads, which I rarely ever do. I mostly just post them and move on, perhaps storing only the very best on my storage device. But what I rather depressingly discovered was that many of the same pics, posted time after time by me, kept recurring. Sometimes during the course of an entire thread, admittedly covering many years with many pages, I came across the same pic posted by me maybe half a dozen ti
  21. Dear Wet Carpet. This is me. Most people seem to think I look good but make your own minds up..... I am in my early 20s now but I have had a thing about peeing for as long as I can remember. I used to pee on my bedroom carpet, and would let friends do it too. I kind of enjoyed doing it. Unfortunately my mum was a lot less understanding when she found out and kicked me out. But that's rather hypocritical because I know for a fact that she likes being pissed on by other women. Anyway, I began to develop fantasies about pissing just about anywhere and everywhere. By the time
  22. Dear wet carpet. I'm a still good looking blonde in my early 40s. This is me... Well for a long time I lived in a conventional marriage having conventional sex, but my husband spent more time down the pub than he did with me and in the end this led to divorce. Well that was finalised three years ago and lately I've been seeing this guy who works as a civil servant. On the outside he seems pretty conventional, though never goes to the pub without me. But he has an interesting little thing. Before bed when I need to pee he likes to have me pee on his bedroom carpet beside hi
  23. Well I have just bought a nearly new 2019 Vauxhall Corsa I am hoping to hang onto for a while. I know I would be pretty pissed off if someone vandalised it but I guess that is a big part of why some people find it fun. Mind you, if @Sophie is ever down here in this neck of the woods and fancies it, she'd be welcome to enjoy a piss on the floor in front of the front passenger seat. Or what the hell, she'd be welcome to piss on the front passenger seat if she wanted to, lol. And if this lady.... ...should come along wanting to piss on the front passenger seat of my car,
  24. steve25805


    I used to get screenshots from there too but it became too virus infected even to risk that.
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