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Everything posted by geordielad

  1. Where in Middlesbrough and Newcastle do you rate as the best spot?
  2. Wow lucky you, reminds me the benefit of public transport
  3. Wow you know how to treat your friends, I am looking forward to the story
  4. Was it a mini or maxi skirt and did you get a good view, pity you did not have a smart phone it must have been a wonderful sight
  5. Wow, where is the layby, I am sure you will you will have an audience next time.
  6. Can I join you on walks, you seem so lucky. Is your girls friend the lucky charm :-)
  7. It will be your lucky day when one leaves the door open, the stalls in our work bathroom have gaps and I am sure you would be able to see in from the right angle.
  8. Lucky to have clean ones, you should see some of these types of toilets. Did you not fancy looking under or over the cubicle?
  9. Even better if someone might be watching, I know a volunteer ;-) lol
  10. there are a couple of videos on youtube with girls peeing in a shop. I think the bushes would have been a better bet
  11. Seems a shame the house was not 2-3 miles further, or your sister drove slower. There will always be a next time
  12. The more the merrier it is even better when you know the picture are of a real person, I can not wait:thumbsup:
  13. As long as I can remember, I can recall playing with girls in the woods when I was 7 or 8 waiting for them to need to pee so I could watch them. I can remember nights out as a teenager watching drunk girls peeing in alleys. Never looked back
  14. I have been disappointed at the big festivals like Leeds/Reading, I have been to a few local festivals where toilet arrangements are less organised and seen some great sites, including the same group of girls coming back to the same spot near where we had our fire.
  15. Good job you were not wearing trousers! Guys do not have at all there own way.... trousers with buttons and boxers are a real bind, I guess once it is out at least we can point it, but with the wind who knows where it will blow.
  16. Just found the site from a youtube link, what a find glad to be in at the start. Like minded people and some interesting content. Good Luck Geordielad
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