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Posts posted by speedy3471

  1. 2 hours ago, will64 said:

    well i did my 2nd day and am getting used to the till to serve customers and also i help to get the papers in put them were they go 😀

    When is day 3? I don't even know how to run a till haha

    • Like 1
  2. 8 hours ago, 2prnot2p said:

    Found this GIF by accident.  I went to her site and...wow!  It's not a porno site, but a very erotic site just the same.  You should check it out.  She's married and has a child.  But, likes being sexy.  It's paysite, but there's plenty to enjoy for free.  🙂



    I've never met anyone like her when I was out walking hahahaha 

  3. 52 minutes ago, will64 said:

    well i did my 2nd day and am getting used to the till to serve customers and also i help to get the papers in put them were they go 😀

    Good job, another big step taken. Keep up the good work

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  4. 1 hour ago, spywareonya said:

    Girls like me aren't found. We are created. Built through a Path that shapes us to a strenght you don't imagine

    Explore my galleries on the forum, you'll have fun...

    Girls like you aren't found very often. I would like to see you piss on the dance floor tonite haha. I know you have likely done it before haha

    • Haha 1
  5. 11 minutes ago, 2prnot2p said:

    I don't want to pour gasoline on the fire, but I live in a city with the largest Arabic/Muslim community in the world outside of the Middle East.  There's a mosque at the end of my street.  Our city is 40% or more Muslim.  We have no problems at all.  None.  They do not impose their religion on me or any other non-Muslim, ever.  I've never seen it happen.  They also don't commit crime on the level of many other minorities.  They're polite and we all seem to get along just fine.  Oh, and I love their food! 

    It saddens me to hear about Muslims/Arabs causing trouble in other western nations.  I don't have any advice or answers for anyone.  I just wanted to share my experiences with readers here. 

    Someone once said, "You hate what you fear.  And you fear what you don't understand."  I agree completely.  That's all I have to say about it.

    Iam 200km to the nearest city that has a big muslem population. I can't speak directly about that city but as a whole it 1% that give the other 99% a bad name

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  6. 1 hour ago, spywareonya said:

    I would like to use this post to express my delicate opinion on what @F.W just said


    Because sometimes our pal Fanny is a bit too headlong in his adfirmations and this led him in the past to have little rusts with others

    I Pm with Fanny almost daily

    and I can put my soul on the line, I can bet my life, upon trusting you all he is one of the most sensitive and honourable persons I ever met

    He is just a warrior and warriors don't talk like pussies

    So, I want to officially express my deepest admiration for this Amazing contributor, both to the forum with his posts, and to my life with his friendship




    I think here two things had been put together while they were separate

    Islam and islamic terrorism are not one and the same. Terrorism doesn't exist: what we call islam terrorism is NOT terrorism. They are official acts of war perpetrated by nations that are militaristically expansive and accidentally have islam as their religion


    Fanny, what happened in Christchurch is not an act of Christian hatred against the wrong way Govs are Handling islamic spread

    That hatred con be understandable, but doesn't degenerate to what happened unless people are SO oriented toward violence, that if it wasn't used against muslims, it would have been used against what do I know surfers on the beach

    Violence was ready for use: it was stirred by mental illness, not by social unjustices



    Yes, Govs are proposing us to let them fuck us doggystyle

    Yes, they are incredibly eager to do that

    Yes, in their country we must observe their laws while when they come here they try to enslave us

    Yes, some nations who [ACCIDENTALLY] got islam as their religion are the main problem of modern world


    But many nations of Africa has Islam as their religion and we don't hear problems from them. Istambul is mainly muslim and they all drink and have fun with europeans, telling Qu'Ran-bashers to better read it and find out The Prophet just proposed people not to drink to avoid heart failure in a country so hot and humid like Arabic Penisula

    Islam terrorism is not what unleashed these people


    They were white supremacists, and thus their handle of "when to feel offended" was set on EAGERLY AND DESTRUCTIVELY

    YOU, Fanny, denounces things which are correct. YOU would do something big (not hurting Others, but maybe a strong manifestation of any kind) to sensibilize Govs they ask us to let the Crusade start again and get peacefully defeated

    YOU would use "noise" to make your message be heard


    NOT them




    They are NOT an indicator of something: else than the fact we are still an uncivilized race

    I love you more than almost anybody else Fanny, but here you are underestimating the stupidity of those who claim to kill in the name of something: you are unvoluntarily projecting your most ferocious (yet honourable) side onto them

    There is a name for this: Solipsism

    It's the illusione of sensitive and intelligent people (like you) that anything in the world is done with the same intelligence as background, that you yourself would utilize.

    It is not like that

    They did not put their mental illness in the service of a social need too long unheard. They used that social need as an excusation for killing people. Violence was the aim, religion the excusation. Not religion the aim, and violence a wrong tool.


    Anyway, if you think differently, I'll listen

    a kiss

    You said it very well, I totally agree with you. Extremists can be found in any race, religion and walk of life. They are the ones that give the rest of us/them a bad name. 

    Islam definitely has its share of extremists who then brain wash young people into carring out jihad. Many muslims live in peace among their Christian counterparts

    That being said our goverment in canada goes out of it's way to accommodate Muslim emigrants. Iam not opposed to emigration but they are free to practice their religion here but don't press it into other people. We have changed our customs and traditions for them, I don't think it's right. If I moved to a Muslim country I would be expected to follow their customs and traditions

    I do belive that these 'shootres' have a chemical imbalance in their brains. I do belive this is caused by medications that are not necessary. Parents are to quick to medicate their kids because they are hyper, kids are hyper, let them outside Haha. Some people actually need meds I get that, but let's stop over medicating people. You never heard of mass shootings 50 years ago when men were men and people in general better than we are now


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  7. 58 minutes ago, 2prnot2p said:

    My mom, who died in 2003, taught me this at a very young age.  It is the best philosophy by which to live.  "Be kind, honest, forgiving, but most of all...care what YOU think of yourself, Billy.  Because there will always be those who don't like you.  Those people really don't like themselves, deep down."  I can still hear her saying that to me as a small child.  She was a wonderful person, my mom. 

    Well put, Speedy!  Very well done. 🙂

    Your mom said it way better than I did. 😀

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  8. 4 hours ago, will64 said:

    it is a REALLY BIG step for me i all way shy away from it but am FINALLY coming out of my comfort zone and thank you everyone for your kind words and don't worry am STILL going to keep this updated 😀

    Please do. I know it's hard coming out of your comfort zone, at the end of the day you will be glad you did 

    • Thanks 2
  9. 8 hours ago, will64 said:

    well i just did my first day and i feel like achieved something today i helped with my mother to find the rigth birthday cards putting on the shelf and use the till to served 4 customers i feel good about 😀

    That's awesome man, good for you. Now that the scariest part/step is taken I hope the rest fo easier for you. 

    Just remember you have everyone's support here, don't overdue it and if you need to talk we are here

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  10. It's amazing how much easier life becomes when we stop caring so much about what other people think of us.

    If someone doesn't like me or the things I do I don't lose sleep over it, who cares what they think. Make your self happy and great things will follow

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  11. 4 minutes ago, thedario said:

    Hey there peefans

    Has anybody some interesting piss stories which happened in an office? I do. I work for an international bank in central Europe. It's the headquarters of this bank and there work about 4000 people here. It's a multiple store huge building! I work in the IT department which means I have to work often on weekends or at night as well. So for me, this building is like a huge piss playground. There is a security guard which makes a tour throgh the building every hour but thats a joke for me. There are so many options to piss! Multiple desks, meeting rooms, carpets, the kitchen, sofas, stairs fridges ect. I guess you can imagine. So sometimes I take the chance and piss all over a meeting room. Over the chairs, table, the telephone and the walls. It's just amazing, I love it! But right after the act I have bad feelings. Mostly I clean up the table and all the stuff because I don't want to leave a mess behind. 

    But the highlight was something else. I know a cute blond haired girl.she works in the marketing department. She's about 22years old and slim (I am 24 years old, moreless sportiv and not too bad looking). And she is hot as hell. She knew about my piss fetish for years. We don't speak too often about it, we barely see each other in this huge building. But one day, we were chatting to each other. I jokingly offered her a lunch if she pisses on the floor of the toilet for me. I told her "what should be the problem, just miss the toilet thats all" And she really did! She snook into the unisex bathroom (wheelchair accessable) and I heard a splattering noise. Than she came out and left without saying anything to me. She just had a grin on her face.. of course I entered the bathroom immediately whit a huge boner. And there was a huge lake of piss on the black floor. So hot! I wanked and came within seconds. It smelled so good in there! Great! 

    Unfortunately she just did it once and never again. I asked her hundrets of times. Too bad.

    What would you do in a building like this? There are so many options, the possibilities are endless! 

    This story isn't too detailed. I don't know if anybody likes the scenario. If yes, I could write much more detailled stories about it.

    To bad she didn't do that again. As far as your pissing goes sounds like unlimited possibilities hahaha

    • Haha 1
  12. 2 minutes ago, likesToLick said:

    Hey, I like that.  It's going to be my excuse from now on. 😄

    Actually I'm guessing that I like small ones because, when I was a young man,  my first two lovers had small breasts.

    Some psychologists have a theory that men who only like large breasts were bottle fed when they were babies. 😉

    I haven't heard that theory. Makes sense when you think about it haha

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  13. 34 minutes ago, Alfresco said:

    I used to have a metal tin - like a big square biscuit tin that I kept under the stairs at my parents house and used to pee in because I liked the idea or peeing somewhere naughty and I didn't want to go upstairs to pee.  I used to use it for a day or two and then empty it outside when nobody was looking.   It was all fine, except that one day I found that the tin that should have been partly full was empty.   It turned out that the pee had coroded the tin and my pee was now merrily soaking into the carpet!!

    Urine is a bit corrosive haha

    • Haha 3
  14. 2 hours ago, steve25805 said:

    Never ever have I parachuted out of an aircraft.

    And never ever do I intend to. If I was meant to leap out of a flying device thousands of feet up, I'd be a member of a species that had evolved wings.

    I've jumped out of perfectly good airplanes haha. I figured the pilot didn't know how to land a plane hahaha

    • Haha 1
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