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Posts posted by speedy3471

  1. 49 minutes ago, MVPee said:

    Wanted to share an unexpected naughty pee I took today. I’m still so excited just thinking about it. 

    I drank a lot of water this morning (1.5L) and was wandering around, looking for a bathroom before finding a place to study - when, to my surprise, I happened upon a vacant office in a quiet hallway with the door wide open. It was completely empty minus a few boxes and an empty bookshelf. 

    Feeling opportunistic with such a nice surprise, I went in, closed the door, and proceeded to turn the wall into my urinal.

    Letting my piss run down the wall and soak the carpet felt so naughty. I peed for what felt like a solid minute and got so much satisfaction out of watching my piss pool up and then get absorbed by the beat-up carpet.

    I had the foresight to take a photo of the aftermath before I hid my mess behind some of the boxes, which I’ve included for your viewing pleasure 😏

    Has anyone else had a similar experience? Between lots of unexpected voyeur sightings during St. Paddy’s Day festivities yesterday and this, it has been a great couple of days for me lol.

    20190318_143651 (1).jpg

    Good work haha. Have you used this particular place more than once?

  2. Iam not on any social media. Unless we count this website and a few others. 

    If I go on holidays I will let the people that I want knowing in away, not post it all over Facebook.

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  3. 1 minute ago, spywareonya said:

    And pissed in a sand box and on the floor in a corner (though I had peed recently to it was a bit less, alcohol induced piss) and between parked cars, but more than anything DOWN STAIRS FLIGHT!!!


    Anyway the second girl (the Young brunette) kind touched me everywhere but left after the very first kiss, so maybe mating out isn't the proper definition, I was sad about that!!!!!!!!!

    Maybe not. She just may have been inexperienced with making out with a hot women

    • Haha 1
  4. 1 hour ago, spywareonya said:

    Last night started a bit silly

    I now understand why online girls advice not to eat too well before goin’ clubbin’, as while we were driving to the club, a sudden urge hit me and I ended up having a poo in the garden of a house next to the street, there was nobody in and the garden hadn’t got a fence, hahahaha!!!


    After being back at 100% operation, we hit the club, and problems started immediately ahahahaha

    The bouncers were incredibly gentle and polite, but were a bit puzzled because my attire (this one)




    left my buttocks visible even without bending frontward, and also at slightest sway clearly showed I hadn’t any panties on…

    But thanks to a coupon, I had paid for a VIP access and the boss let us in


    The place was amazing, utterly dark and with great music, full of hot girls, but much of them seemed on their own or even desponding…

    I did not like it, so I headed right to the bar, everybody knows alcohol makes everything better, and after a few shots, they looked less ugly and arrogant ahahahahah!!!


    The night took a great turn when I spotted this IMPOSSIBLY HOT (bitch help me spell H – O – T) romanian girl peeping at my ass…

    I smiled at her, and she smiled back at me, so I thought HEEYYY!!!!, I gathered all my courage, and headed right toward her, and BANG kissed her on the lips, like there and then, imagine my surprise when instead of pushing me away, she OPENED HER MOUTH to let my tongue in!!!

    We frenchkissed a couple of time, and I quickly got her hand and took it between my legs to make her sense my naked and wet pussy, she spread her eyes wide, and then I gave Alex our secret signal, so he laughed and went away…

    Later, he told me he hooked up with a hot black girl dancing crazy, they flirted a bit but did not went beyond frenchkiss, as she was drawn away by her female friends, leaving my poor boyfriend with a hard-on (and a puzzled face I suppose ahahahah)

    I went dancing with this girl, we kissed and touched all over, the bouncers had to ask us get down from the ledge as the boys were getting out of control, with us dancing and kissing and her fingering me in front of everybody, I can understand why they asked us to stop ahahahah (anyway, fuck they were incredibly gentle and polite)

    We hit the sofas, and she told me of her past relationship, her increasing interest in girls, that she was amazed at my beauty and attire (I blushed in the dark)

    She confessed me she cannot relinquish heterosexual intercourse, and thus she was shy at dating girls for fear they would have pretended a lesbian-only relationship, something she did not want

    I explained her that I would have been more than happy to have Alex provide her all the cock she needed, she laughed because she saw him before he left us and she said he is hot (he is, and not because he’s my boyfriend hehehehe)


    From me, I crave for some threesome worthy of this name. Back in the past, I used to have many of them. I remember an evening, years ago, I was laying on a bed, with my face few inches away from the ass of a beautiful girl having anal with Alex, I was drunk and keep drinking Rum, having a cigar, I was like in a trance, like when you are REALLY drunk, and puffed clouds of smoke on his cock doing in&out from that hole, with her gasping for each swing, I watched the huge vein on his cock thrusting to&from, stained a bit here and there with you-know-what, and kept drinking and smoking and watching…

    I crave for it to happen again, as soon as possible…

    We danced again, I touched her all over but couldn’t reach her pussy for she had leather leggins, but she reached mine, boy if she did… but even from the trousers, I can tell you an ass like hers, deserves to be plundered…

    After a while, she left because some friends arrived and she had to talk to them, but I gave her my number, hope she calls me…


    I got back to Alex, he told me of the black girl, I laughed but the mix of it all made me horny as fuck, but also had to piss, he told me he peed into a plantpot in the garden, there was a secluded corner that though not at all in the dark, was fine, but when we got there, surprise there were tons of people!!!

    Lucky me, my attire allowed me to piss serenely so I just sit on the edge of one of those big boxes full of sand for people to throw cigarettes butts in them, and while sitting and chatting I just peed, with people all around, it was hilarious!!! I had the wall on my back so nobody could have saw me, but when I got up the sand was all wet!!! I quickly put my empty glass upside down in it and walked away…

    Alex was out of his mind at that point so we found a corner and I unzipped him, we positioned in such a way that our bodies formed a triangle with the wall (one shoulder to the wall, one next to each other, facing the wall itself) and I jerked him off, it took really little, it was amazing, when he told me he was gonna cum I took advantage of the fact we were in a corner (not a dark one anyway) and I SQUATTED and swallowed it all!!! I can’t believe the crowd did not notice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    (well, we WERE a bit hidden indeed, behind a column, but with the correct angle there could have been no doubts of what I was doin’… drinking not a shot of alcohol, but the content of my man’s testicles…


    After that, we were happy and wild, and we both needed to piss again, there was no pots to piss in su I just let it go as I was already on the floor, then I got up and reprised my tringle stance and he pissed on the wall, the corner was FLOODED and we run away because we understood we risked too much, it was clear somebody pissed there and we were afraid of getting caught, so afraid that we had to use all our training to remain calm with bouncers going left and right all around, always scared at the chance they could blame us…


    Obviously it did not happen ahahahahah!!!


    We went to dance again as I was horny as fuck (he had his pleasure, but I hadn’t yet had mine) and we tried to hook up once again…

    We spotted two girls, a red-dyed and brunette, I hit the latter and he the former, but I now suppose (too drunk to notice on the spot) she was barely legal, as she was shy, and after the first time I kissed her, she seemed to snap out of dance-trance and quickly excused herself and went away, grabbing her friend’s hand and dragging her away from Alex (who was happily entwined with her, I got wet at them french-kissing so passionately), who remained more puzzled than ever…  [HOLY FUCK I JUST REALIZED: DID SHE TASTED CUM IN MY MOUTH?????????]

    We got back together and laughed like crazy at what just happened, last portion of the night was spent trying to hook up again with little results, and dancing together with my heart full of love


    Once in the parking lot, we both pissed among cars, serenely showing it all to passing girls (none of them said anything, nor good nor bad, so sad ahahah) and then I jokingly told him I was disappointed of the night as I needed SEX, not kisses, so he wordlessly gripped me from the back of my neck (imagine my pussy like trying to spoon-feed a baby: “Open wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide” ahahahahahahah) and bent me on the car hood, I heard unzipping sound and then he was INSIDE ME, I felt from the intensity he wasn’t planning on lasting for ages, it wasn’t a controlled sway, more of a ravaging, but I cummed almost on the spot as he was angled the perfect way and hitting all the right buttons, I gasped trying not to scream, it was AMAZING because three girls whose car was parked exactly next to ours just came by like three feet away while I was with my ass all out and his cock in full view, and they just stayed there waiting for us to finish, they were smoking cigarettes and giggling among themselves and when Alex saw them, he grew even bolder and after giving me my pleasure, he put it out of my pussy and cummed all over my ass, with the girls cheering at it like hell…


    Marvel that turned to TERROR as we spotted a POLICE car approaching for a routine check at nightclub parking lots (drug-dealing), so we dressed up quickly and drove away!!! This morning I found marks on my seat in the car, signaling I did not clean my bum properly from cum ahaahhahaha


    During the trip home, we stopped by a flat building we spotted weeks ago due its curious habit of leaving the hallway door happily OPEN even at night… he pissed on a bike, and I climbed a flight of stairs and pissed down the steps… the noise was terrible, but I was sooooo horny!!! I just couldn’t avoid stepping in it climbing down…

    Back at home, we undressed and had a furious fuck as soon as hitting the bed… I did not even wash myself after that and just feel asleep, this morning I woke up with my pussy all sticky of cum… and itchy HAHAHAHAHAHAH


    At the present, hangover is destroying me, all memories are almost in a dream, but as soon as I remember all that happened, I am getting horny again…

    O my what a good night. You made out with a couple of hot women, swallowed cum, and got fucked. What a good night haha

    • Haha 1
  5. 50 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

    It was only the once more out of curiosity than anything else, at a price of 10p a minute instead of the then more usual £1.50 a minute.

    Never ever have I shoved a banana up my arse.

    I am not judging anyone who has.

    I've never done that either haha

    • Haha 2
  6. 10 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

    Sadly I have, in my younger and stupider days.

    Never ever have I racked up a massive phone bill calling telephone sex chat lines.

    Though there was once one that advertised itself for the uniquely low price of only  10p a minute, maximum call length 15 mins. So I paid £1.50 to listen to a recording of a lady describing an alleged occasion when she pissed on her boyfriend's face, lol.

    But as a medium, I prefer stories, pics and vids if I must be honest.

    Never ever have I called a telephone sex line

    Iam not judging anyone who has

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  7. 2 minutes ago, will64 said:

    I Can't Thank You guys and gals Enough for the overwhelming support positivity it really make 's me  VERY HAPPY  and i hope this topic helps other people aswell 😀

    You have inspired others my friend, your courage has

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  8. 2 minutes ago, spywareonya said:

    I am saying more

    I am stating a scientific adfirmatio, that piss fetishists are closer to their inner visceral core, and thus their mental health is more firm and strong

    You are totally right about that

  9. 1 minute ago, spywareonya said:

    I am absolutely willing to see it happens… Will and his endevour are exactly what this forum needs… a sign we piss fetishists got a bigger heart than rubber-faces out there...

    O absolutely. Just because we have kinky fetishes doesn't mean we don't have a heart

    • Thanks 2
  10. 1 minute ago, spywareonya said:

    Not sure I'm gonna write it tonight

    I'm still destroyed by the alcohol, when I party I party hard

    Tomorrow maybe

    No worries. Write when your head isn't as foggy hahaha. I used to party hard like that. I still party but not that hard anymore hahaha

    • Haha 1
  11. 1 minute ago, spywareonya said:

    NOT too often, as it's less invisible than many girls (girls…? I never trust strangers online claiming things which are almost impossible) claim...

    But yes, I did

    Not last night, though

    I pissed somewhere else

    Story coming soon...

    I for one cannot wait to read it 

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