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Posts posted by speedy3471

  1. 13 hours ago, will64 said:

    well i did my 3rd day and am getting the hang of using the till and serving customers now and i keep forgetting to say how much in total the items are 😁 

    If that's all your forgetting you sir have it mastered. Grest job

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  2. 22 hours ago, tenterhooks said:

    I'm half of an English couple currently living on the beautiful Isle of Anglesey off the coast of North Wales in the UK.
    Not seen anyone except my wife peeing outdoors here. 🙂


    I think there is a fre people from the UK here

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  3. 10 hours ago, spywareonya said:

    That was one hell of a night, we went home after an alcoholic party degenerated into a beer battle, we were all drenched and we went home and started to drink again, I was dared to piss standing on a wall and I did, then while other were chatting about who would have been next (in the end nobody did, I love these stories online where ALL girls are naughty but Real Life seems to be less shining), I threw myself on the sofa all scrambled ahahahahah and pissed myself there and then, and not only once ahahahah

    Too drunk even to move

    I will admit I've been to drunk to walk strait or move that well haha. I've pissed myself and because I was so drunk, I didn't care hahaha

    • Haha 1
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  4. 4 hours ago, Paulypeeps said:

    When I need to pee in the office I just trickle a little here and there either down my legs or move my feet apart and trickle on the carpet. Mostly pee on the way to the office, lunch time or on the way home so don't do much in the office. Sometimes my chair gets a little when I forget where I am.

    Has anyone ever seen you peeing in your chair?

  5. 5 hours ago, spywareonya said:


    I agree with both, as clearly we feel compelled to scream "TERRORRISM!!!" if there are casualties in the number of dozens rather than a single person making victims


    I also agree on the fact we must not let this "technical difficulties" prevent us from aknowledging them both as acts of hatred, equally awful

    Religious fanaticism is Always wrong, no matter who is the perpetrator and who are the victims

    I fear this kind of violence will continue. In all religions you have your fanatics. Now matter how you chop it up, its terrorism. 


    • Agree 1
  6. 7 minutes ago, spywareonya said:

    One day we will rise under one flag


    In my dreams I will be the pivot

    But I would be happy to simply be part of it

    As would I. I do look forward to rising up under one flag one day as well

    • Love 1
  7. 7 hours ago, spywareonya said:


    This is awful

    My blood froze while I was reading



    NOW I understand your position better

    Ya its sad how kids are growing up here. No one likes to fail or no parent likes to see their kids fail, but guess what, that's life. The earlier kids learn this the better. I believe we are setting kids up for failure in later life doing this. When kids learn to have a good attitude coming in second or third place, they will learn to be great winners

    As far as not being able to fail a kid on a math test or any school test for that matter is just silly. I mean what is this teaching them 

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  8. 1 hour ago, spywareonya said:

    50 casualties is a wrong price for us to open our eyes

    I hope it won't go in vain

    It won't go in vain. This shooter needed help, be it mental, physical or financial. He fell through the cracks of the system. This needs to change

    In canada kids in elementary and high schools are not allowed to fail, be it a test or a grade. We hand out participation medals. We no longer hand out 1st, 2nd or third place medals, we mite hurt their feelings. The math curriculum has changed to rounding numbers. 2+2 equaled 4 when I went to school. Now it could be 3 or 5, ridiculous. When kids learn failure at a young age they learn from it, they study or practise harder. When a girl/boy breaks their hearts at 12 or 13 they learn to deal with it. Imagine a 17 or 18 year old high school graduate who has never known failure till university or their first job interview, they will be crushed and may act out. This NEEDS to change

    Putting kids on meds to early in their young lives for being hyper has to affect their brain chemistry. This NEEDS to  change 

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  9. 1 minute ago, spywareonya said:

    He was a complicated man

    My opinions about him are too complex, I will keep them unto myself

    But his house is GREAT

    I don't know that much about him, other than he invented the assembly line

    • Like 1
  10. 59 minutes ago, spywareonya said:


    If the world doesn't change peacefully it will change violently. I will disagree with such violence, but we NEED change

    I hope its peace that brings about change, I fear violence will. Either way you are right, change is needed

    • Agree 1
  11. 1 hour ago, spywareonya said:

    That's why you are so manly



    About the house, anyway, it looks magnificent

    Only one reflection: how much would it COST to keep it warm during winter? Ahahahahahahah I bet Ford did not need to worry about such trifle things like money hahahahah

    No iam betting he had lots of money 

    • Haha 1
  12. 7 hours ago, spywareonya said:

    There is a thread I have, Where would you see me pee, where we can chat of your fantasies, and maybe one day I could take pics accordingly...

    If you start taking pics according to fantasys you my dear may give some of us heart attacks haha. 

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  13. 5 hours ago, spywareonya said:

    Me too!!!

    Playful arrogance is marvellous


    Because real arrogance to me is absurd, I mean it is out of mind to believe that some people REALLY consider themselves better than other, I mean come on, hierarchy is one thing but real arrogance? Are we playing a game or what?!

    And yet, living in a misunderstood russian regime "flat-ism" is destructive for the health of a happy soul!!!

    So many people think that they are better than everyone else. They honestly think that their shit doesn't stink. Its crazy haha

    I do not think for a second that iam better than anyone else 

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  14. 3 minutes ago, spywareonya said:

    I am lucky to be a Witch. We are both anarchist and hierarchic so I can be for freedom and also be vain and feel "superior" (in a playful stance obviously!!!) at the same time ahahahahahahaha

    I love it hahahaha

    • Haha 1
  15. 4 minutes ago, spywareonya said:

    I was seriously planning to join them but in the end I choose not to

    I have my career, and with my past I need all beside arrest

    But I support them 100%

    They are gonna change things thats for sure. Things that NEED to be changed 

    • Agree 1
  16. Just now, spywareonya said:


    If really there is no other way than violent riot, then do as Yellow Gilet in France, they don't kill anybody!!!

    The yellow jacket caught on here in western canada. They are protesting for the same reasons here and more. 

    Agreed. They don't kill anyone 

    • Agree 1
  17. 9 hours ago, spywareonya said:

    Only a tunnel-visioned depression coming from the (wrong) self-convincement lack of chances can make a human murder other humans like that


    But the video is not working!!!

    Tunnel vision for sure. Iam betting the shooter had lack of confidence, no social skills, no friends or girl friend. He likey got turned down for job offers and dates. He is a angry individual suffering from small man syndrome. He chose to take his anger out on unarmed people, a coward in my eyes

    • Agree 1
  18. 1 minute ago, spywareonya said:

    I would have roamed it looking at people through the Windows and cheer at them like "Oooooh, my people, work, work for me, Nancy the mighty and powerful" ahahahahahah



    These are the moments where my anarchist soul conflicts with my feminine vainglory ahahahahahah

    I was think more naughty fun hahaha

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  19. 3 hours ago, 2prnot2p said:

    I thought I'd share some pics of Henry Ford's house, Fair Lane, in my town.  It's about 2.5 miles from my residence.  Mr. Ford died in the house in 1947.  It's not nearly as posh as what he could have afforded, but is still pretty impressive at 31,000 square feet with 65 rooms.  Frank Lloyd Wright was one of the architects who designed the home.  I've been there many times and there are tours offered.  I once played a gig there with the band I ran.  The grounds it occupies are beautiful too.  I hope you enjoy the pics.


    Grand Stairway.jpg

    Overhead View.jpg



    Rear Side.jpg


    West Side with Patio.jpg

    Oh wow thats quite a house, thanks for sharing. Is it on the market haha?

    • Haha 2
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