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Posts posted by speedy3471

  1. 4 minutes ago, spywareonya said:

    I don't appreciate the money involved in it

    Players are paid too much, and the business around it for advertisement and merchandise is O-B-S-C-E-N-E


    But I love its sociological power, the fact it brings people together over a non-violent competition… and the game in itself is TOO FASCINATING. I mean, how can people miss to get addicted? Sudden actions, suspense, physical ability and prowess… wow!!!

    Iam not sure how much they are paid but in north America baseball and basketball players are paid huge. I don't like how players are paid these huge amounts for playing a game they so call "love"

    • Agree 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, spywareonya said:

    I have some strong sympathies for them myself

    Sincerily, I would love to know the tastes of some of my UK friends… ihihihi

    But MU is cool

    In all fairness I haven't watched to many soccer(football) matches before.

    Thanks to you and every other fan here iam gonna start watching more often 

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  3. 6 minutes ago, spywareonya said:

    I'll wait for Tomorrow for the draft lottery

    After knowing the matches, I'll simply support the team I like more, I mean the UK one if there will be a UK - NoUK match

    If there will be a UK - UK match, I'll simply watch it with interest and wait ahahahahah

    I may just throw my support behind Manchester United  haha

    • Haha 1
  4. 9 minutes ago, spywareonya said:

    I see thing exactly that way

    I keep my nationality undercover, let's just say none of the teams are my actual national-favoured team so even if I was from France I wouldn't support Ajax or if I'm from Portugal I wouldn't support Porto, or if italian my team won't be Juventus and so on (plus I don't exceedingly love Barcellona, I don't love teams who ALWAYS win ahahah)


    So by now I support UK Team, as everybody know I'm not english...

    How should I pick my UK team? Close my eyes and point my finger at one hahaha?

    • Haha 1
  5. 1 hour ago, spywareonya said:

    Who do you guys support?

    There is no canadian team so I don't know who to support hahaha. A team from the UK would make sense as both canada and UK are commonwealth nations haha

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  6. So I've been attending a big confrence for the past 2 days. Its provided me with the opportunity to do some naughty pissing in public bathrooms haha

    I've pissed on walls behind urinals, bathroom floors, and all over a stall. From the walls to the toilet I complete covered the toilet stall with piss hahaha

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  7. 5 minutes ago, spywareonya said:

    I first got stories about it from Alex, one of his former girlfriends did it and was caught...

    He did too...

    My first time was after I met him… and last was last week ihihihihih

    Hahaha I hope you get a chance more. I hope I get a chance soon as well haha

    • Haha 1
  8. 10 minutes ago, spywareonya said:

    Thank you

    About the piss stuff, the pub went closed due to people's rage, but I Always remember that casual attitude of people coming to our walls and foyer and piss all around

    Instead of being offended I was turned on, I love nasty attitude even if I was the "victim". But now I am a Mistress and thus I can't accept defeat ihihihih and I, well, piss back!!

    Hahah awesome. Fight against piss with piss haha

    • Haha 1
  9. 20 minutes ago, spywareonya said:

    It sounds great!!!

    My first piss flood was where I lived in my childhood, there was a pub on the exact opposite of the street, and people just kept crossing it to reach the hallways of the apartment building I lived it. Men and women swarming all around pissing, in the beginning we used to have need of a hoose to wash away all the piss and the smell was unbearable...


    ...but I liked all of that… it was so nasty...

    On my I can just picture that haha, ya the smell would be nasty

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