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Posts posted by speedy3471

  1. 19 minutes ago, spywareonya said:

    We women usually have same feelings about same things… because we are more sincere than boys!!!!!! Ihihihihihih

    And sincerity usually bring people to the same ideas, as we are more similar than we may think/fear, if we all listen to our hearts!!!

    Well said. I totally agree

    • Love 1
  2. 57 minutes ago, spywareonya said:

    The point is to find the perfect balance of stream intensity, temperature, and "shape" of the jet itself, some can change the stream shape between single jet, sprinkler and so on...

    I love the "few jets" version, one single jet can be too hard, and the sprinkler does nothing but making me tingle instead of cumming ahahahahah!!!

    My wife says the same thing about the sprinkler setting on the wand in our tub haha

    • Agree 1
  3. 4 hours ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    Over the last 12 months or so I’ve been getting fit by cycling- from couch to taking on a 100km charity ride this summer. It may sound a lot, but it’s been a steady progression. It’s probably a mid life crisis thing lol.

    Other than that I’ve always been a keen photographer- about ten years ago I set up a part time company and have been covering everything from weddings to corporate since then. (That said, I’m in the stages of winding it down - it’s a lot to do on top of family life and day job). 

    Other than that I’m a general geek really with a bit of a retro streak - my son plays a bit of guitar, so built him a valve amp, that sort of thing. 

    Hope that helps 😉

    That's awesome your cycling to get fit. Before it wintered in I would walk a brisk 1.5km before breakfast. I would try and repeat it again at supper time

    Photography is a cool hobbie. Bonus you turned it into a small business. Thanks for sharing

    • Thanks 1
  4. On 3/4/2019 at 10:19 AM, Sophie said:

    I'm very much a gamer 🙂 I've recently finished playing Red Dead redemption 2 and I'm currently playing The Witcher 3, but the game that mostly holds my attention and has done for a number of years is Team Fortress 2.  I don't really have a favourite genre. 

    I have an xbox one and ps4, and an average pc. What I use depends on the game and my mood. 

    Do you have a favorite gaming console?

  5. I don't belive for a second that we are alone in the universe, galaxy hell likey even earth. I find it hard to believe the human race is the smartest race in existence. Now don't get me wrong, humans can be very smart at times and yet so dumb as well

    • Love 1
  6. 14 minutes ago, spywareonya said:

    SHE or YOU fully clothed?

    Ihihihih your first reaction point has been by me, I took your forum virginity AHAHAHAHA

    I'm such a nasty girl, teasing virgin boys AHAHAHAHA

    Yes you are haha. Some lovely women has to do that hahaha

    • Haha 2
  7. 2 hours ago, spywareonya said:


    It was Amazing, like it was in a fantasy movie… but I mean… it was indeed a bit embarassing, more than anything because she would have never done such things unless bound to obey me!!!


    But now you got 3 things all humans should envy you for: a long lasting relationship with that over-human that your wife is, a terrifc job (BITCH I love your pics), and one of the cutest children of the Whole world!!!

    I am not sad that life ended, mine I mean: I was involved in sex with much many more girls but the stress was too much. Witchcraft is often involved in vigilante-like activities and having both the Law and the Outlawed as enemies… can be exhausting


    It wasn't the first time and it hadn't been the last, but it was among the best because this girl was a barely legal, super hot & super SHY chinese lady, appointed as my attendant… it was… intriguing...

    Thank you you much for the nice comments. 

    Life works in funny ways, one minute your partying with your friends, the next your hanging out with other couples haha. Still partying but not nearly as much. Sometimes iam still amazes that my wife is still at my side

    When our son was born, our whole world did change. He is just fun to be around. Just about 11 months old now lol

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  8. Never ever have I cheated on my wife. We also have been together 10 years. I've never cheated in any relationship I've been in

    As far as watching porn and fantasising both my wife and I are guilty hahahaha 

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, spywareonya said:

    The greatest embarass and emotion was to actually tell the girl, like she was a servant, "Mmmh, there", indicating where I wanted to piss, with her rising my dress and squatting near me to keep it up as I peed...

    I have to admit that I felt a little embarassed about asking a total stranger to partecipate in something Law, commonsense, standard education, etc, completely frowned upon. It has been thrilling but actually… wow… you see what I mean, do you?



    For burying in the memory, it happened something strange. I have rarely been more drunk than that night, I mean, I blackout more or less 52 weekends per year, but that night I drank so much I actually fainted while having sex, I mean, it is a big hit. The morning later we were embarassed and happy, so it kinda happened that we exchanged some meaningful, romantic glances, simply failing to feel any interest in commenting it by words. And then… life simply went on...

    You have to understand that it happened before I logged in to the forum, and in those times, my life was a lot hotter, both in terms of sex with girls and dangers with the Law and with the bad guys, so that was one of the happiest nights of my life but not the most extreme...


    About seeing Alex getting out of the shower with an hard on, what gave me the utmost thrill was the fact that I was conscious that the girl was witnessing him herself… a feet next to me...

    I can understand you having a 'servent' helping you with your pissing would be a little embarrassing. I would be if I were in your shoes. 

    Life changes, we all head down different paths each day. I was a lot wilder 10 years ago that's for sure hahahaha

    I can also see that you got totally turned on witnessing another women seeing alex in all his glory. Hell the sight of you two lovely ladies turned on would have me raring to go as well hahaha 

    • Love 1
  10. 18 hours ago, spywareonya said:

    It has been my best night of my life. I wrote of it somewhere, but fuck me if I remember where

    That night a rich couple of friends married and the restaurant was kept open all night and turned into a danceclub

    I pissed EVERYWHERE on the floor between tables, in the Emergency staircase, in a constantly-shrieking-dunno-why bitch's purses left on a chair, literally ANYWHERE. This chinese girl was so shy and cute, she was appointed a handmaiden to me who was the bridesmaid, and she followed me everywhere to keep my (rent by the bride) ceremony dress up when I needed to piss, so she was with me everytime and was bound by chinese strict honour code not only to be my accomplice everytime I pissed, but also never to complain of the place, nor tell anybody.

    I was SO drunk I ended asking her to physically drag me to my room where Alex just finished taking a shower, he got out of the shower with a hard on and naked believing he was alone, we just entered the room. She saw him naked (he is equipped like a bull, I'm not boasting,  he's really huge) and was a bit tipsy herself, I asked her to undress me and I had nothing under the ceremony dress...

    I was so drunk I passed out that night. Literally, fainted. But last thing I remember was her tongue on my pussy while Alex was fucking her doggystyle… Holy fuck, I JUST REALIZED to this day I NEVER EVER asked him if he used precautions… or where did he cummed with her.

    CAN YOU JUST BELIEVE ME? It happend years ago... and I realize it NOW

    Wow like a said before, very hot and erotic. I can picture you pissing where ever you wish without a second thought, that's just awesome.

    I was such a great time that you must of buried it deep in your memory bank. The site of alex coming out of the shower must of drove you wild for him

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