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Posts posted by speedy3471

  1. 6 minutes ago, spywareonya said:

    I can see a picture in my mind, the three of us together, you driving, she pissing on the side of the road, and me obscenely and openly massaging my privates while looking at her in the backseat, smiling evily and satisfied in the meanwhile...

    I sure would like driving you 2 lovely ladies around that's for sure hahahaha

    • Haha 1
  2. 8 minutes ago, spywareonya said:

    No, I mean I never enter public toilets, because of many reasons


    1) Witchcraft is against exceeding economical differences between riches and poors but is not against high-class dressing, and I love my shoes (I'm still a woman & they're quite expensive) and I would NEVER step on the floor of a public toilet. The simple though of it gives me the physical thrills to puke


    2) They are filthy to an unbearable extent. I'm not germophobic but I have studied biology as part of my personal curriculum and you can't imagine what public toilets shelters in terms of illness


    3) My anarchist side refuses to be forced to pee in a dedicated place decided by society (though this is, of the 4 reasons, the less serious or important)


    4) The deepest and most secret, is that Witchcraft is highly hierarchical and doesn't think the Law should be equal for everybody. Pissfetishists and other superior people (a person become superior according to how brave and/or sensitive he/she is) should be free to pee where other shouldn't, a sign of erotic power and dominance. According to this computation, I could piss on a famous work of art and actually  increase its value!!! Thus I will never let myself be cornered in a toilet!!!

    My wife says that she would rather pee on the side of the road rather than use most public bathrooms because they are filthy. If she does use a public toilet she 'hovers' over the toilet. She usually always endes up making a mess hahahaha

    • Hot 1
  3. 1 hour ago, spywareonya said:

    I cannot offer myself to another man, Witchcraft is very strict on this, a girl MUST fuck everything in sight but after she marries a man in front of Them, they are bound forever, were they ever to part, they should renounce the Path as the Spirits would actually stop talking to them beside just telling each of them "gat back with him/her and LATER we will start help you again"

    This has no backdoors. Punishment for things like cheating or ill-treating the partner are atrocious, but they never result in divorce. There is no such things, for the Spirits simply don't allow a marriage in the Path unless They foresee that couple is wanted by Destiny




    I'd love to have a threesome with you, mainly because I want a shot at your wife's $$$

    You can have a shot at her nice tight wet pussy and big boobs anytime 

    • Hot 1
  4. 1 hour ago, spywareonya said:

    I was terrified about daring to make the same question as Steve HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    So your pee doesn't freeze? phew… I feared that it could become ice during the expulsion, and back-fire, or better said back-froze, directly into your bladder, making you EXPLODE

    Well that wouldn't be good at all hahaha. The cold does tend to make my cock shrink tho hahahahahaha 

    • Agree 2
  5. 1 hour ago, spywareonya said:

    Cute&hot is a good description… it has been described in many ways though… "tight", "Juicy" (mainly by girls), "cozy" (mainly by Alex, if you see what I mean ehehehe) and "nasty" (mainly by friends, because it isn't the kind of bum which… ahahahaha…. will just sit there and SAY NOTHING... if you ONCE AGAIN see  -or "hear", this time-  what I mean!!!)

    I can see why it's called "juicy" and or "cozy" hahaha. Again very hot and thanks for posting

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  6. 1 hour ago, spywareonya said:

    It is also among MY favorites!!!! Boobs were a bit hidden under the shirt because it was still a bit cold, but you can guess their size eheheheh!!!

    O yes, nice and big hahahahahaha 

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  7. 1 hour ago, chubbybirb999 said:

    Basically as long as I can remember I’ve been really fascinated by pee although it was much more innocent as a child than it is now. I started equating it with sexiness much later in life, early twenties I think. I knew it made me feel good to look at it and see it and think about it in my teens but I was still too naive to really know what to do about it really lol

    Thanks for the answer. From the pics you post you sure know what to do now hahaha 

    • Agree 2
  8. 1 hour ago, spywareonya said:

    OMG this is the cutest and most touching thing I EVER read!!! THANK YOU!!!!



    It's a destiny we share with you boys. The point is realizing we should hurry. Love is never enough!!! And we all want and deserve so much more happiness!!!


    Your very welcome. Thank you for enlightening us with your soulful facts 

    • Love 1
  9. 4 hours ago, spywareonya said:

    Take a man

    Enlighten him with the knowledge that carrions can be eaten, decreasing Society's economical effort to keep slaughterhouses working.

    Let's just build drones that lift off corpses from the bushes after lions eat of them the portion they wanted


    Imagine this man will know that a race eating carcasses is mandatory for the functioning of Nature

    Like Hyenas do

    Imagine this man will stick to the understanding of that


    Beside being a bit ridiculous for a thousand of reasons (nutritive apport, supply, health, illness, and so on), I just wanted to say that no matter how convinced this man would be of the need to act alongside this philosophy, he will never love corpses the way Hyenas do


    Because we did not evolve to be scavengers, Hyenas did


    True love, desire, appreciation, is NEVER alongside a RATIONAL REFLECTION

    It goes on instinct

    No philosopher, with his high obtained degree, will ever understand the terrifying glory of womanhood more than us on this forum, destryoing our genitals in the fury of masturbation in front of the pics and videos on this forum, slobbering in craving ruthlessness driven by mad desire


    Nothing glorifies Woman more than pornography


    No, maybe I'm wrong

    Witchcraft does

    Once and for all, what is Witchcraft?


    We humans, driven by fear, did repress stuff in the unconscious. People with same problems meeting, built a society which also contained that shadow. A "collective unconscious" was born. It houses fear, anger, desire. Witchcraft means for a Woman to bring these energies to the light again.

    Testify the dignity of pain

    Hug the fears of mankind and cuddle them with the respect due to our deepest anguishes

    Discipline but NOT REPRESS our common anger against what doesn't work good

    And more than anything, EMBODY AND GLORIFY DESIRES


    We Witches commit ourselves never to breed.

    It's unbearable.

    But we are moms nonetheless: mothers of the Future of our race.


    THIS is what it means to be A WOMAN

    Our Uterus

    Our ability to CRAFT EXISTENCE


    Not necessarily a new human. In the Occult, a sorcery must be sheltered in the spiritual bodily regions around the uterus for a while, before it can be released to warp Chance and Fate


    What every woman is, what every woman can do

    is to become a channel, a mean, a vessel, for bringing Chaos into life


    The dark pool of ancients needs and repulsions, testified, hugged, purified


    A Woman is a creature built by evolution to embody all our cravings.

    To gather men to give them all they need, and turn them into soldiers of an ideal

    To gather other women and teach them how and why they all are Witches already and they just still do not know

    A Woman is what bring Passion and People to meet each other in Love


    And I am here for that...


    Love you all

    Happy 8th of March

    Spoken from the bottom of a beautiful and bottomless heart. We are very lucky to have women in this world

    They bring a wonderful light to a otherwise dark world

    • Love 1
  10. 11 hours ago, steve25805 said:

    When the temp drops below minus 30 does your pee freeze before it hits the ground?

    No it does not Haha. It sure melts a hole in the snow hahahaha 

    • Haha 1
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