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Everything posted by speedy3471

  1. Spring snow storm last night. I figured in would piss on it hahaha
  2. Great videos. It looks like you enjoyed yourself hahaha. Thanks for posting
  3. I've never heard them called these names before hahaha
  4. A hot dog is a naughty choice hahah.
  5. Amazingly enough rattlesnakes survive the harsh cold long winters hear. They have big dens under ground and get rolled up into a big ball with hundreds of other snakes, other species even. They will return to the same den year after year
  6. Hahahahaha you guessed right. I made it to easy hahah
  7. You assume I don't have my cock out and worshipping you hahahahahahahahahahahaha
  8. I don't blame you, i would be to if i were in your shoes. Doctors now a days(at least here) are often quick to prescribe meds, which most cases are needed. A good pharmacist will tell then which ones will react with other meds and have weird side effects
  9. I will play The area I live on has rattlesnakes I don't piss outside given the opportunity We have moose where I live
  10. I was guessing the snake was false as well hahha
  11. Iam glad you found a alternative to your meds. The side effects to some meds make you wonder if they are worth taking
  12. Yes we are. Like hammerhead said, it's easy when we have things in common. Plus everyone here is very friendly Iam glad to hear your moving forward. I will have to post in the scooby section again as well hahaha
  13. We raise cattle as well. I spent alot of my youth on horseback checking views hahaha
  14. Sounds amazingly delicious. You've made me hungry and it's only 10:40 am here hahahaha
  15. How are you celebrating? I will have a pint of guiness tonite to celebrate your 10000 posts hahaha
  16. Good work. I've got laundry to do today as well, I will add a pic of me pissing into the laundry basket
  17. Iam glad to hear everyone here has helped you. Iam also glad I found this site. We are all a good bunch of people and I hope we continue to help each other
  18. I can't piss with a hard on either Haha, especially if it's been worn out that day hahahahah
  19. The question is rather vague hahaha. As a heterosexual guy I will say no. Iam also comfortable enough with myself to give a complement of its warranted lol
  20. How about we start off rather easy hahaha. Pissing into a laundry basket hahahaha
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