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Everything posted by speedy3471

  1. We will agree to disagree on global warming lol. I respect your opinion. Your totally right on the coal fired powerplants and getting third world countries to modernize. There are quite a few big wind farms across south western Saskatchewan and southern Alberta, it's always windy here lol Yes we have tougher gun laws than you guys, our system works my change it lol. People who think banning guns will stop crime should have their heads examined lol. As long as the black market exists you will all ways be able to access what you need to commit a crime. Last I check criminals don't fol
  2. Yup. Seal failed and took out the torque limiter
  3. Isnt that the truth lol. First thing the techs do when working on equipment now lol, hook up the diagnostic computer lol
  4. Lol. It wouldn't be very exciting, tractors don't go that fast lol. This tractor is just a little guy, 130 horsepower or so, weighs about 15000 pounds and goes about 18mph. The tractor iam running right now tops the scales at about 53000 pounds is rated at 620 horse power, 2170 pounds/feet of torque and goes 23mph
  5. I would if I could lol. It's being overhauled in a Cummins engine shop getting 200km away
  6. Well in Canada we can't own assault rifles, only semiautomatic ones. He wants to ban anything thsts semiautomatic. He thinks that this will keep gangs from getting their hands of firearms, give me a break lol. Criminals don't follow the law. He wants enhanced background checks which I don't disagree with. We have quite the licenceing process already, leave it alone. Iam not a huge believer in global warming, there is some form of climate change happening no dought. The earth cannot support 7 billion people, it jus6 can't. We need fossil fuels yet, we will always need gasoline and diesel
  7. They both have pissed on western Canada, and not in a good way lol Senior didn't give a rat's ass about farmers or anyone out west, he taxed us to death. Justin his a trust fund baby who has never worked a day in his life. He embarrasses Canada everywhere he goes. He has killed the oilfield in western Canada. He is against pipelines, against fossil fuels. He thinks taxing things makes problems go away, he wants to ban all guns. He gave 10.5 million dollars to Omar Kashar a terrorist mean while he told our veterans that they are asking for more than the goverment can give. He is a fucking
  8. Hahahahah. Your very welcome
  9. We were gonna tackle the engine rebuild but didn't have time during seeding. I would of loved to show you the engine block from the 14 liter engine
  10. So this spring has been hell on equipment for our farm. We have one tractor getting an engine overhaul and this one had transmission problems. The torque limiter needed replacing. We fixed this one ourselves. It's back running now
  11. Maybe that's something we should get state again?
  12. I haven't seem this move either. I will buy the blueray. I've got to catch up on many marvel movies as well hahaha
  13. And what a sight that would be hahaha. I would provide you with another target hahahaha
  14. Hahaha I bet. Iam imagining sitting kn front of you and wondering what's hitting the back of my seat hahahahaha
  15. Wow your tank must of been full hahahahahaha
  16. It would of been quite the feeling blowing your load as you kept on swimming lol
  17. Wow, you sure were caught up in the moment. I've never experienced anything like that, sounds like a amazing experiance tho
  18. There are so many choices available other than going all the way to the washrooms lol
  19. I do want to visit someday. My great grand parents came from Australia and Germany. My one great grandpa didn't immigrate to Canada till 1925
  20. Hahahaha yes it would. Piss on our liberal goverment
  21. You should come to Canada and piss in our parliament building lol
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