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Everything posted by speedy3471

  1. Well Trudeau has wrecked this once great nation. His dad fucked over western Canada and he is doing the same. He better be voted out in October
  2. Gotta like not buying fuel anymore lol. That quite a bit cheaper than our fuel up here
  3. O for sure it is. Your Trumps trade war is affecting us big time
  4. Lol wow. Iam beginning to think I'm in the wrong business lol. What's diesel fuel worth down south? Up here for farm fuel(its dyed red) for $1.05 per liter. That worke out to $4.76 per gallon! Good thing our farm fuel is carbon tax exempt! Thank you mr trudeo
  5. Wow that is a different way of doing things. Lots of big farmers lease their equipment here. John Deere has an attractive lease program. These farmers sign a 1 year lease. That way they run new equipment every year Last year one of our combines broke down, it was October the 27th it looked like rain coming in so instead of fixing it right away we rented a combine from our dealer. Well we didn't ask the price right away(just wanted to get harvest done lol). It was $350.00 per hour to rent!! Needless to say it costed us a few dollars lol
  6. I never got rich trucking, but I made a good living. The rates used to be much higher 10 years ago. Fuel was also much cheaper
  7. I find lamb tricky to cook. I am just a inexperienced canadian
  8. Yuppers lol. Calving season is only once a year, you don't have to be up at 3am everday of the year
  9. Dairy farmers are hard working individuals. Starting their day at 3am isnt for the faint of heart, it's hard work You learn alot about life growing up on a farm. I've probably said this to you before, but I will say it again. Thanks for your service. Anyone who serves their country has my reapect
  10. O absolutely it would. In Canada criminals have just about more rights than law abiding citizens. If we kept criminals in jail instead of letting out after 5 years in a 20 year sentence and let the law abiding guy get a blowjob in the morning, crime would not exist up here
  11. Another example of good solid advice
  12. Wide open blue skies this afternoon
  13. Dads calves are born staring about mid March, so watching them run around, priceless. Also branding time is fun, iam the head chef lol
  14. You can't beat the rancher and farming lifestyle if you as me. Its peaceful, it man and nature just as it should be Hell Sunday gunday is a tradition at our place lol. Sometimes its gunday during the week if iam caught up on the work for the time being lol. Freshly cut alfalfa, another breathtaking smell
  15. I can honestly say I love being a farmer. I mean there is lots of stress, all jobs have stress. The smell of the freshly turned dirt, seeing a new day being born each morning, all the little ducklings and goslings, coyote pups and foxes running around. Just being one with the land makes it all worth while
  16. Good idea with a sample piece of carpet. A throw rug maybe?
  17. I don't rent them, our farm buys all of our equipment. We have to take out loans of course. Just the fertilizer, seed, chemical, and other inputs for my farm costs me 1 million dollars every year. Our farm invests a million dollars into producing crops every year, more if we expand lol with no guarantee of a return on that money. Gotta like farming lol
  18. Hahahahah yes they will. Have you ever seen them jump a 4 foot high fence at a flat out run? Very impressive
  19. O I believe you. I think we are nearly there, everyone here follows this rule
  20. Word that I live by as well my friend. Imagine the world if we all lived by these words
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