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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/21/2018 in Posts

  1. Not overly adventurous as I usually am (peeing all over myself) but was told that these might pique the interest of the viewers. So here goes!!
    2 points
  2. Hello, I am a 27 yr old guy and I love peeing (a recent revelation to be honest). When I was a teenager around 15 or so I tried to masturbate without knowing how to do it well enough, in the process I ended up peeing over myself a little. At first it felt a little strange but then I enjoyed the sensation over my body. I now love the warmth of the pee trickling down my body. I once had this woman suggest that some people use pee as lube and why not I do the same. I was imediately aroused by the suggestion and did it for her ( although it was on a sex chat site). I have done it a few times
    2 points
  3. @steve25805 @Scot_Lover Ok, Now heading toward the last stances Seven Gods described, four to describe Abaddon, Pan's younger brother This man is complicated There is a legend in Sumerian mythology, utterly un-true on the realistic stance but useful as a metaphor to know Him, which tells He was born out of a rape so violent His mother fell to coma, and got pulled out of her only seven months when she eventually died During those seven months, he absorbed all the love of the soul of her mother, focusing pure light on her child though conce
    2 points
  4. @greedyneedygirl What a brilliant piece of writing, loved every word. We have those creeps here, tiny cameras in the toe of a shoe, or the more blatant mobile phone under a skirt of someone who is just going home on the subway. The ugliest one that made headlines was someone taking pics of school girls. These were the ones who were caught and dealt with by the law, considerable jail time too, if I remember. Another one that I heard of was warned off so sternly, he needed stitches and a couple of plaster casts, possible blood transfusions too with his share of blood he left on the flo
    2 points
  5. @greedyneedygirl one of the best written neo-feminist pamphlet I ever read and with feminist, I am not talking of hairy-armpit cock-hating tomboy I am talking of a point of view from a woman perspective Allow me to say this is marvellous I will point it, having the chance, to all my dearest friends, because it is so well written it could really be printed and given at Street corners I adore how you write, is so mature, yet so sharp, nonetheless never vulgar or angry I could read you all day long you make me feel the same way Anais Nin made me feel, yet
    2 points
  6. http://www.eroprofile.com/m/videos/view/Naughty-peeing-all-over-public-toilet Thought the restroom needed a good soak. Maybe next time I'll add some cum: let me know what you think haha. Hope you guys and gals enjoy the video 😘
    1 point
  7. Ok guys! As already promised, now it is time to take action!!! Soon I'll be free from all relatives at home and therefore I will be free to look for my camera which is a bit lost So, now, all of you: you read me as I wrote that I can be anything people desire (or at least I wish, and I try!), that I was willing to give a hand in realizing your fantasies! Soooooooooo Where would you like me to pee? How, which position? Would you like me to wipe? Spread my pussy? Talk to the camera (anyway NO face)? I am NOT promising I would be able to do what has
    1 point
  8. Roland, a man I met on-line would contact me the night before, he had a very simple and heartfelt instruction; "Please don't wash, or wipe yourself after a pee". I found this very hard to carry out, our meeting always took place on the last Friday of every month. I worked as a receptionist in a Dental Practice, and so I did carry out my morning ablutions. My peeing habits dependent upon how much I'd drank during the day, tea, coffee, a soft drink, water. For the rest of his request...not wiping after a pee, I carried out in the toilet at the practice. Staff had their own loo, off a communal ro
    1 point
  9. I went to the hairdresser’s this morning, nothing unusual in that, I go frequently, for colour more than anything. It’s small talk, weather, holiday’s etc. Flicking through the problem pages of women’s magazine’s, I alight on some poor thing writing with concern about why she was unable to ejaculate during orgasm, because; “My Boyfriend says, that other girl’s can do it”. My turn, the girl’s in the Salon I shall call X (Redhead) Y (Tall and Lean), Z (Puppy Fat). I feel the cold porcelain on the back of my neck as Z sprays my hair with luke warm water, before foaming the palms of her hand with
    1 point
  10. Evening all, I'm Luke from London UK finally got around to registering, can't remember if I had an older account from years ago. Just looking for a site on this topic that is a little more active than some of the alternatives.
    1 point
  11. Oh Goddess this is marvellous... Thank you for posting it Steve... definitely...
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. Exactly Karma do not works like people think, it is much more friendly and scientifical Karma means that if you are psychologically vulnerable to a flaw, sooner or later you will cause to stir that same flaws in the situations around you. They do not administer Karma, because Karma for what is considered by people do not exist. It is more a inner-karma, we got weak spots and living life sometimes they felt hit and hurt, and this can be interpreted like a "punishment for a flaw" but indeed is all in itself, a flaw is a weakspot of the soul and if deluded or angered we
    1 point
  14. Hi Jack!!! Marvellous to have you here with us!!! and the "peefully" passage was fabulous ahahahahahaha!!! Your story is so hot, I am sure people will love to know you!!!
    1 point
  15. Patches place for sure. When I first discoveredit, in the very earliest days of the internet, I was in a library with terminal access, and I remember masturbating three times within an hour
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. Here is an awesome pic to bump this thread with......
    1 point
  18. Thanks for that. Have visitors due in 15 mins so can't read it thoughtfully enough or respond just yet due to lack of time. Will get back to you on this later. I meanwhile probably have just enough time to find a couple of nature pics to bump my pics of nature thread. Back later.
    1 point
  19. Well my best friend in the real world hails from a line of witches. And yes, she is bisexual, as you said all witches are. So I wonder if she has any interest at all in the fetish? I have never been given any reason to think so, though we never really talk much about sex really. She is not really a practicing witch, however - least I don't think so.
    1 point
  20. Indeed. In some of these pics blood does feature as part of some ritual or sacrificial element. And of course many people have always associated the spilling of blood with evil - war, murder, serial killers, psychopathic depravity, gore, unnatural death. I should imagine that the blood association with witches was often propagandised by the church to convince people that they are evil. No one ever stops and thinks though, that the eating of consecrated bread and drinking of holy wine in churches is meant to symbolically represent the eating of the flesh of Jesus and the drinkin
    1 point
  21. Yes, exactly There, the souls dream and live in a subtler plane, like a shared dream, with other souls
    1 point
  22. Lilith, by any chance? And is it a mandatory requirement for witches and gods to be shaved downstairs?
    1 point
  23. Witches performing lesbian games during a celebration Notice, here too, the shaved pussy, and the robe identical to my own in my pics
    1 point
  24. Satan, in His most occult manifestation. The Heart, the Snake, and the Crown. They are ancestral symbols. The Heart is symbol of the impossibility to evade comparison between personal acts and the moral guidelines of Cosmical Good. The Snake implies power, transcendence Beyond illusions and ignorance, and the ability of the soul to recover from evrything, leaving behind the old self like a snake changes his skin The Crown implies the expression of self, yet so tested and forged by the Good, that all personal instincts and desires are in accordance with It. Thus, somebody who never wa
    1 point
  25. A bit of beauty now to recover from fear!!! Lilith in Her luminous form This had been one of the first pic of Her I ever downloaded, we are talking of almost ten years ago!!!
    1 point
  26. Lilith's terrible elder sister All souls, no matter how nasty, bow to Her in terror, (pointlessly) hoping to be spared
    1 point
  27. Lilith, sensual and obscure
    1 point
  28. The mind of a Witch Hallucinogenic beauty and mind-transcending marvels
    1 point
  29. A scaring rendition of Kali. The Gods are also dark and scary. But not to hurt us. For a much more luminous purpose: we are all intrigued by the dark, the danger, monsters and mysteries. Thus the Gods show us there can be a Good side of these things too. Unless, we could end up looking for them beyond the limits of Good!!!
    1 point
  30. A Witch covered in blood As you can see, pussy mandatorily bald
    1 point
  31. This is not an actual ritual, but it looks like, this pic is amazing
    1 point
  32. Real rituals cannot be photographed, but celebrations can (like my pics for example) That Witch is beautiful, and you can see that her pussy is shaved just like mine is a trademark of religious commitment
    1 point
  33. Another one for the rubric "If Lilith was a real woman" Look at her eyes: a man eating slut!
    1 point
  34. This is beautiful rendition of Lilith, in Her most complete and perfect blend of luminous and sinister emanation
    1 point
  35. This too is fabulous Amazing body, and that pussy like a blossom to be smelled... and licked...
    1 point
  36. One night I was woken up in the small hours of the morning by a couple arguing gradually getting louder as they got closer, I went to the window to look where the noise was coming from and saw them walking by the pub and stopped in the parking bay of the community centre to continue their slanging match, apparently he was "up to his old tricks again" and "eyeing every slag up in town" which he strongly denied. They were maybe in their forties and smartly dressed, he was balding wearing a shirt and a disheveled looking tie, she was blonde, and in a white blouse and a black skirt to her knees.
    1 point
  37. Really had to go so just sprayed it across the bathroom
    1 point
  38. A few weeks later I was up one night when I heard a group of women walking up the street, by then I would look out if the window in the hope I would see something, I watched as they walked up from the left, past the community centre and stood outside the pub, rattled the door, but it was closed for the night they then crossed the road towards the shop's when one of them stumbled and fell flat on her back as she got to the pavement, this set off a woman with dark curly hair, glasses and a dress of black and white hoops into hysterical laughter so much so that she pulled up her dress, down her k
    1 point
  39. I've been doing some clubs here. Namely Golden Shower Fans. I have downloaded a bunch of images from there and elsewhere and noticed that many of the photos were contributed by Steve. Man! His collection is vast! I just wanted to say it publicly: Thanks man! for uploading so many really juicy images! Can't wait to put them all in slide show mode and rock back, with my pants off and my hand busy doing...you know what! While I look at all the nasty, naughty fun!
    1 point
  40. This from a guy..... "My girlfriend used to pee on the carpet. She loved the thrill of being able to use my carpet instead of walking all the way to the toilet. It didn't matter to me as we were moving soon anyway hahaha."
    1 point
  41. That makes me feel old. When I was around 11 or 12, websites didn't exist Patches Place was the go-to place for me for many years.
    1 point
  42. In the parking where the visitors were asked to leave their cars and use the abovementioned bus appointed for the exposition, I found a MARVELLOUS car, and I couldn't lose the opportunity to take a pic of the two of us together!!!
    1 point
  43. ...and just a week after, Spring actually exploded!!! Nice weather brought Alex to secretly arrange a Whole-day trip to a flower exposition with various stands around an out-town village, and it was one of the happiest days of my recent life, I pissed around the Whole place, in many houses gardens, and even jerked him off while packed all together in the bus leading to the village This is a pic of me taken by him on the top of an ancient war-related Watchtower. It had to be done quickly because people were climbing up too. It was a windy day!!!
    1 point
  44. My robe is S-E-R-I-O-U-S BUTt meanwhile say hi to my sassy ass&pussy
    1 point
  45. Ok friends this is the new deal This is my pussy And this is my motherfucking boyfriend taking pics of me while down on ANOTHER pussy 'problems editing the pic to eliminate the other girl.... her face was much more visible than mine AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
    1 point
  46. As promised, new pics!!! From the same concert of the previous one, blowing kisses!!! And this was shot by one of my lovers. I have to come to accept the fact that from the pics itself it is hard to notice (grrrrr angry) but I just ended taking a really big piss exactly in front of her, with a naughty look on my face (that you guys should just imagine due to privacy needed!!!!)
    1 point
  47. Meanwhile. another teaser for my beloved friends!!! Shoot by a female friend during concert! Up here posing Down here, peeing!!! ps 2nd one taken without warning!!! Naughty friend!!!
    1 point
  48. At bus shelter, you have to understand that being too noticeable, too visible and obvious, can be counter-productive. I mean, it is done out of convenience, not out of kinkiness, not in those situations at least. So, I usually pee only when I'm alone, hiding from passer-by behind the shelter itself. I know this could maybe disappoint people but you have to understand: for me, peeing outside is something I was grown up with, I love to use it as a fetish yet it is part of my normal life, and many times, stealthness is more fitting than kinkiness For what concerns the motorbike
    1 point
  49. Me at the beach, but this time at the Mediterranean :)
    1 point
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