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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/08/2017 in Posts

  1. I was looking through the drawers in the dinning-room, when I came across a faded Polaroid photo (I used to have Polaroid Land-camera which used a wet film) of me, my girlfriend and her sister, (about a year younger) in our swimwear on a beach in Cornwall. We had gone down to Cornwall for the day to this beach. The sister had brought this thing which was like two large towels sown up both sides with a hole at the top to put your head through to change in, we all used it standing on a big flat rock to keep the sand out of our cloths. This was about midday. At about six we started to get
    2 points
  2. i didn't think i'd make it outside this morning. i had to pee so bad! while i was waiting for the coffee to brew i had to kneal on the floor using my heel to hold back. but even that didn't stop some pee from leaking out. i'm pretty sure a couple of drops are on the kitchen floor. and the patch in my crotch was cold as i finally made it outside, still wearing only my nightie- really just a strappy cotton and lace jammies top- and panties. i held standing with my legs crossed drinking the hot beverage, getting about half, until i couldn't take it anymore. then squatted and peed through my whit
    2 points
  3. The Souvenir by Dr. P They had about a half hour wait, when they reached the restaurant, so they had a couple of cocktails before dinner. She visited the Ladies' just before the food arrived. He asked her to bring him a souvenir, as she had done, years ago. She smiled, knowingly. When she returned, she said "It looked clean at first, but I noticed some dribbles on the seat, at the last second, so I couldn't sit down; I had to squat." She remembered how he had often begged her to squat, when he watched her pee, in the past. "How did you do it?" he asked, hoping for more details. "I'
    2 points
  4. I was driving along on an 'A' road when I saw on the opposite side of the road a caravan towed by a car had parked at the side of the road, with a man standing at the front peeing over the crash barrier into the hedge, then I noticed a female squatting between the front wheel and the crash barrier. I would of thought that she would of used the toilet in the caravan. Later at a motorway services, I had parked in the first row from the building with the toilets etc., and as I pulled away I saw a car in the third row with the passenger side doors open and a female just doing up her belt and
    1 point
  5. A few have requested me peeing in a measuring cup. Well there is no measuring cup at work so i found a lemonade jug hanging around. At this point, i don't really care who it belongs too as long as no one serves me anything to drink in the future lmao!! Feel free to participate and post yours too. Why not have fun on a thursday afternoon. Edit: I held it in for a good hour and a half!!!!!
    1 point
  6. This site IS NOT a kind of "pee-dating" site.We have several female members,but they are on here for their own reasons,which dont usually involve anything like "snapchat".We are welcoming community,and by definition we dont really judge you.Please respect all the other members,and by all means try to get to know everybody as much as you can.You never know what may happen,but its nice to spend time getting to know people.
    1 point
  7. You have no idea how much I wish more people understood this. We're not a dating site, or a Snapchat site. I'm sure there are very very little women who visit here just to give their Snapchat details to members.
    1 point
  8. I feel ive seen this girl on TV,who is she?Like a presenter or something?
    1 point
  9. I would make do with a nice warm shower,lovely!
    1 point
  10. I have decided to give you a peek at my puddle.. please enjoy.
    1 point
  11. Dear Wet Carpet, This one is slightly off topic as it doesn't involve carpets, but there are some soft furnishings involved, so I'm hoping that you'll still enjoy reading about my experience. I am a 36 year old lady who travels a lot in the local area meeting clients for my work in sales. As you can appreciate, I don't feel it very professional to ask to use a client's toilet whilst I am trying to sell to them. Therefore, I improvise a lot and have found a good few places in the area where I can take a quick pee if the need arises. This particular time, I had come out of a cl
    1 point
  12. @steve25805 suggested I lay my clothes in a little heap and pee all over them. This happened a couple of months ago but I've only just had chance to post it. It was a normal day at work and I couldn't wait to get home for some excitement. I made sure to drink plenty of water and skipped my afternoon toilet visit so I would be desperate by the time I had to drive home. I was wearing my usual work clothes, a black pencil skirt and white blouse, underneath was a lingerie set from Boux Avenue (photo at the bottom), one I had bought specifically for this day, my husband had never seen it befor
    1 point
  13. I love people like this that take a quick pit stop by their cars. I do it myself regularly and have witnessed others - mostly male though with just a few females. One of my favourites was when I saw a car with French plates pull into a layby and a family of four got out. The man stepped over to the adjacent hedge and started to pee in it, the lady walked a short distance to a gate and climbed over it. I went through the gate of the adjacent field and saw her casually squatting in the grass, pulling up her jeans and climbing back over the gate to rejoin her family. I didn't see where
    1 point
  14. At the weekend I visited a place where old buildings which had been taken down brick by brick and moved too then rebuilt so you can go into them and see how they were when first built, from old barns, workshops, factories to churches and houses. One of there buildings was a Prefab house from after the second world war, I went inside to look and thought how small it was with all the families furniture and things inside compered to the last one that I had been in over 40 years age. Where I lived there where a number of sites were there had been large numbers of these Prefabs on. Me and my
    1 point
  15. A Very Intimate Selfie by Dr. P They were a mature couple, obviously fond of one another, walking hand in hand on the Strand, on a beautiful, summer day. They were dressed casually, she in a light summer dress, with bare legs and low heels, he in shorts and a polo shirt, drinking from paper cups, as they approached some restrooms. They tossed the paper cups in the trash, then hugged, kissed, and continued their embrace. "I really have to "go," she whispered in his ear, as he held her close, "and I might as well do it here, in the restrooms." "I do too," he said, "Wish we could d
    1 point
  16. i guys,I had a very surreal experience and lucky sighting just now which I wanted to recount.So I'm traveling on the train and at a particular station I need to get out and get a bus from there. As I get out onto the platform amongst other people are 4 girls in their late teens early 20s who start rushing / power walking towards the exit. All dressed up for a night out, brunettes, with black jeans or tight dresses on and denim jackets. I'm sure I overheard one of them mention that they needed a pee so I paid attention. They went up the escalator and out the exit, one getting stuck in the barri
    1 point
  17. Dear Wet Carpet I'm Vanessa, 29 years old and working in an office environment. Recently a few colleagues and I had to attend a series of meetings a fair bit of driving away, and the company that we work for paid for a set of hotel rooms. It was one of those hotels that also specializes in renting out conference rooms for meetings and the likes, but also regular rooms with the meeting rooms being situated on the lower floors. Most of the meetings we had to attend were elsewhere, though, but we did have one scheduled at the hotel. Anyway, we had two rooms on the 14th floor; one for my fe
    1 point
  18. I agree with beachmom! It's nice that many women have a place like a pool where they can enjoy the freedom of being able to pee in a public space. I have always encouraged any girls I've swam with to enjoy them selves and to pee in the water. Speaking of mothers, a few weeks ago while swimming at a local rec Centre I witnessed an amazing sight. A young mother and her teen daughter we sitting on the lounge chairs around the outside of the pool. The mother was reading, the daughter was playing on an ipad. The mother was also watching acouple younger children in the pool. I was lounging around in
    1 point
  19. Spectacle has described very well the effects of urine in the pool water and it is the thought of these potential effects (to other swimmers) which gives me an intense sexual thrill when I pee in a public pool. I know it is naughty, and it shows a lack of concern for others, but the sexual thrill I get from polluting the water over-rides any other considerations. I enjoy the expectation of getting into the pool with my bladder full, the moment when I'm actually peeing and can feel the warmth of urine as it flows out through my swimsuit, and especially afterwards when I can watch others s
    1 point
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