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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/23/2017 in Posts

  1. For exceptionally high quality contributions to the forums, and earning high reputations with extremely positive like:post ratios, the following members will also receive VIP status (in no particular order): @nopjans, @wetwulf, @likesToLick, @glad1, @daemoniak, @Alfresco, @will64, @kewet, @Sephora, @puddyls Whilst no longer an active member of the pee community, VIP status will also be awarded to @MissPiss who was here from beginning of the site and has provided us all with great content over many years.
    2 points
  2. Curly-Poo Hi, Thought I would tell you how my wife and I got started in our interest. It is mostly weeing together, and her wetting, with the occasional poo. The little bit of poop as the stories progress, no smearing or anything remotely scat related If anyone likes the way the thread is progressing I will add more My interest in girls wetting started with my mates younger sister, who often seemed to have wet pants but no one seemed to notice or care, she would just sit there and wet her pants. Later we progressed to the; I’ll show you mine, you show me yours. But that was all Th
    1 point
  3. Among the Primates,especially the Apes,our own order,Humans have the biggest penis in relation to size.If ours were like a Gorilla,it would be no more than like your little finger,or a Chimp,maybe like your middle finger.There must have been a reason in our ancestry why this happened.Maybe as we became more upright,less powerfully built,but much more cerebral,and social,instead of using displays of power,or violence as in Gorillas and Chimps,maybe our penis size was an indicator of fitness.Perhaps there were displays by groups of males in which they would all try get erections and then the fem
    1 point
  4. There was a time when I was concerned about "getting caught" or being looked down upon by others for suggesting that my boys pee in an inappropriate place. But after realizing how really mainstream this is, especially for boys, men and how aware women are to what the guys do, I don't really give a fuck anymore. I think that there are many women whom are tired of being held to a different standard, we've told our sons to just whip it out and go as we suffer to find a restroom. Don't get me wrong, I don't think women pissing in public is going to become commonplace, but in situations when we are
    1 point
  5. I would have pee training centers where women can learn to hold it for long periods, peeing standing up and training their pc muscles to pee as forceful as possible: Reduced college tuition fees for any woman that completes the training: Semi-annual Piss Olympics where they can compete in various competitions to crown a piss champion, who would be celebrated as royalty: Random toilets and urinals placed outside in plain view all over cities for women to use and be paid each time they use them.
    1 point
  6. Awesome; supposedly if you can master it well enough, it's possible to pee through the fly!!
    1 point
  7. I guess people move on to other things in their lives - new jobs, relationships, holidays etc. that interrupt their activities here. I specially miss Sally Westbury's posts, she seemed like a truly sensuous lady.
    1 point
  8. Once a week would be "peeday".In which the president is allowed to go into any ladies toilet in the country,and demand to watch any girl of his choice have a wee.If the girl is agreeable,she is entitled to have the costs of all her sanitary products,toilet paper etc,free for life,plus a one-off payment of £100.No penalty is given if any girl declines,also the president is not allowed to sexually molest the girl.(unless she wants him to..)Whats not to like,girls?
    1 point
  9. As for the country side of things, my first act would probably be to ban all women from using toilets - the new law would be that they are free to go wherever they are at that moment when the urge strikes. We'll have cleaners all over ready to tidy up afterwards. As for my personal wealth, a twist on the playboy mansion would be nice - a house full of models living together, with the key exception that there are no clothes or toilets allowed, and people should pee wherever else they like. The floors, walls etc are all perfectly good options, and the cleaners will take care of it immediate
    1 point
  10. Ive noticed on this site,we rarely refer to actual sexual intercourse per se,we tend to focus on the pee etc,but what is the vagina really about?So the girl on the right,to me anyway,is beckoning my willy her way!
    1 point
  11. Upskirt or Slit page?Couldnt really decide,but what the hell!
    1 point
  12. A few more of those beautiful female genitalia we all love.The girl in the black i think has a really beautiful slit,who ever she is,shes on my pee list..Beautiful!
    1 point
  13. Melissa Wets The Villa By Leaky_One Melissa had discovered that the holiday flat next to hers had been left unoccupied. This chance discovery had been on her mind now for several days; the opportunity to break in and do her piss all over the place simply too great to ignore. It was now Wednesday morning and Melissa had spent the previous night sleeping in the master bedroom of her neighbours apartment after breaking in last night. She had awoken with a full bladder and it seemed only right, that she took her first pee there and then all over the bed. Sitting upright on the bed,
    1 point
  14. I believe you will like this video a lot : http://www.eroprofile.com/m/videos/view/The-Piss-Take-2014-1
    1 point
  15. What an experience! Thanks for the details and background - it makes it so much better to read and imagine the scene. I take it you might consider peeing in public like that far more often. Of course, the most discrete way of all would be to just sit on the grass with your legs in front of you and your skirt pulled out from underneath you. You could maybe lean against a tree and read a book or something and nobody would have a clue as you relaxed your bladder and felt it releasing between your closed legs, carressing your intimate areas and pooling on the grass beneath you before soaki
    1 point
  16. Curly Poo 5 We are still in the 70’s and off to a party, now my girl did not drink a lot, very little really, but when she has just a few she tries things that I could not have imagined some months ago. It was in an old house and was already under way when we arrived, we just walked around talked and had a few drinks, and she had on a reasonably short dress and looked lovely. After a little while she asked if I needed to do a wee, I did so she and I walked out into the back yard and she held me while I peed. As I was getting erection thinking about what she might do it was hard to pee.
    1 point
  17. Curly Pee 4 Living on a farm has advantages, the other morning I slipped a pair of stretchy shorts on my wife before she woke up. . A while later she was up when I was cooking breakfast, she did not say anything but as we finished breakfast she said” I really have to go, I am about to wet my shorts come outside”. While we were walking around the garden she peed several times, and these stretchy type shorts she had on you could not really see the wet mark. I said maybe you should wear these out one day. She looked at me and said, remember my little green pants?, I must have had a silly loo
    1 point
  18. Curly poo 3 Hope you are enjoying our experiences, thank you for your kind comments so far By now we could hardly get enough of each other, I had proposed and she had accepted but no engagement or telling parents yet. We decided to play it a bit cool, so this Saturday was just me turning up at her place for dinner with the family, nice quiet night. When I was leaving we were standing in the front hall by ourselves, She said I really wish you could take me to the toilet I really want to do a wee. I suggested that I pick her up early the next day, I take her to the toilet and we go to
    1 point
  19. Thanks for these tales Stan. I remember the 70s, though just a kid at the time (born mid-60s). But towards the latter years of that decade I was old enough to have become sexually aware, including by then really struggling with the fact that I had a thing about pee. And yeah, there was no internet, no support network, very little mention even in porn mags, all pee porn still strictly illegal and only available "under the counter". When the subject came up it was discussed as something twisted and perverted and disgusting. Those who felt that way were loud and proud about it. Those who didn't
    1 point
  20. I know a guy who married one!:) lol, sorry FW, couldn't resist! Thanks for this thread though, I found it a fascinating insight into wanking :x3: and also funny at times. Be assured guys, I am laughing with you not at you :thumbsup: Zoe xx
    1 point
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