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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/05/2016 in Posts

  1. Even though I am a guy I found that quite horny. I rarely go swimming these days but a swinger club I go to occasionally has a small pool and I always pee in that when I go. I used to go with a lady friend who was also into naughty peeing and we would both try and let go in the pool and could feel the flow from each other. I would love to see more like this, both male and female, and better still both together!
    2 points
  2. @Maggie_555 @steve25805 Hey Maggie and Steve don't feel uncomfortable at all because I have a confession of my own regarding shit. I would love for a woman to piss on my stomach while riding me cowgirl and then shit on my stomach while riding me reverse cowgirl. There I said it. Any woman who does this for me shall be rewarded with an immediate marriage proposal and unwavering love and romance, complete with morning oral pleasure as she eats a breakfast that I prepared.
    2 points
  3. i just love looking at women's bare bottoms
    1 point
  4. Here's a guy 'doing his business' into the water. I sure hope someone swims in there right after he has peed! 480_800_3Ik2S-G493-.mp4
    1 point
  5. Soon be time for Christmas shopping again and I tell you want happened 2 years ago. I was Christmas shopping, with my 18 year-old daughter helping, and while in a store I spotted a door slightly open right at the back. It was out of sight of the main store and I needed to pee so I peeped inside and found it was a stockroom. There was a single light on at the far end, and as I could see there were no staff in there I asked my daughter to stay by the door and keep a look-out. I went in and pulled down my panties, lifting my skirt to do so, and squatted close to a big cardboard box. Relieving
    1 point
  6. Now, that sounds fun. I'd love to get to go to a pool with someone who was okay with me peeing in it -- and better yet, someone who would do the same nearby me. It'd be a fun thing to enjoy secretly in plain sight, I think! I'm glad you've gotten to try that out, and of course I approve wholeheartedly of any peeing in swimming pools that anyone does. That's the best thing to do in a pool. It really would be nice if there were more videos of this sort. As a bi guy myself, I'm really not overly picky on who's doing their thing in the pool, but I think it'd be fascinating to see how this loo
    1 point
  7. in Heavy Rain there a character called Madison Paige in eleventh chapter Sleepless Night you can see her using the toilet
    1 point
  8. In South Park (1998) you can throw snowballs. The alt fire makes them yellow! In Postal II you can pee on people. If you pee in their mouth they will vomit.
    1 point
  9. Hey I know I shouldn't have Spectacle, but I felt able to and couldn't resist the temptation. I pushed and was successful before I had time to change my mind. This is something I genuinely regret doing, even though it seemed a great idea at that moment. Now I'm older I have mixed feelings about urinating into the domestic water supply of that house too. However it wasn't drinking water (although of course it would be used for showering and possibly tooth-brushing too) and I did get an intense thrill from contaminating it then.
    1 point
  10. I wish I could say that I have some similar family experiences as these, but alas, I don't. I've only had the internet to help me with this part of my upbringing. (Maggie, looking at you. ) Growing up with parents who all but openly have a pee fetish, I imagine it might be hard not to end up with some latent (or active) interest in it as well. But on the flip side, here I am, from a household where no one ever even talked about these things. The notion of peeing outside a toilet was practically inconceivable. The worst I ever did, with my parents knowing, was to do my thing in a corner o
    1 point
  11. Though they probably didn't mean to, my parents accidentally gave clues to me (and my brother) that they both had a pee fetish. My brother's first memory of this kind, when he was very young, was of sneaking downstairs after bedtime and seeing, through a partly opened door, our mom peeing through her panties while dad watched. Anxious not be spotted he quickly and silently went back to bed but told me about it the next day. A second clue came while we were on vacation in a rented cottage. Dad removed the protective covers from mattresses on all the beds, saying it was to make them more
    1 point
  12. The only trains I've ever been on have been the ones with completely open cars. Or at least, open besides an enclosed restroom, possibly. Between that and the waterproof vinyl seats, it's pretty hard to get anything exciting done. Times change, I suppose. That's an exciting story, Maggie. I honestly didn't know you were into that 'extra' business in the first place. But I can see that happening easily, if you're not too concerned about the consequences of leaving such a... well, such a substantial mess. As long as you had fun!
    1 point
  13. Hello Spectacle and welcome to this Forum. It's a great place for people into naughty peeing. I hope you pee in swimming pools by the way!
    1 point
  14. That's ok, Maggie. You know I have an open invitation for any lady who so desires to come here and piss on my carpet. But in the spirit of admitting to things we might feel less comfortable with admitting - even on a fetish site - if any lady out there wants to come and take a shit on my carpet, you're welcome!
    1 point
  15. The one time I tried my hand at naughty peeing as a child, I pretty much instantly got caught and reprimanded for it. As a result, I didn't do anything more in that regard until I was a teenager and I was rediscovering certain desires of mine. By that time, I'd built up a pretty solid psychological block against peeing anyplace besides a toilet. Even when I tried to do it elsewhere, for experiment's sake—the muscles just wouldn't flex. It was the worst. Fortunately, it's handily enough fixed with practice. Now I have a perfectly easy time doing my thing anywhere I choose. These days,
    1 point
  16. @steve25805 The irony is that many of these religious people in power passing judgment on fetishes are themselves very disgusting people in many ways, often sexually as well. Guarantee that many of them engage in extramarital affairs behind their spouses back. I saw a documentary years ago where prostitutes were telling how many politicians and other government officials they service on a regular basis. Many of them are blasphemous according to the very scriptures they are supposed to live by when they condemn others instead of love thy neighbor. Not to mention that they willingly ruin li
    1 point
  17. Thanks Steve and I agree. "Live and let live" is something I particularly like about this forum.
    1 point
  18. Many say the same about pissing. But none of them are forced to read anything on this forum. Just as no one else is forcing you to read anything about poo. Ever heard of the expression "live and let live"? It has always been a founding principle of this forum.
    1 point
  19. “Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.” H.L.Mencken. The world is full of people who devote their entire lives to being killjoys.
    1 point
  20. Thanks for your reply Steve, and yes I did mean that but wanted to suggest it carefully in case it caused problems. By the way in my Confession(2) where I peed into the water tank I also did 'something else'. Up til now I've felt uncomfortable with admitting this, but I did push while I had the opportunity and succeeded into the water with a worryingly loud 'plop' sound as I did so.
    1 point
  21. And another. The best part is at the end when she's giggling with her mouth full http://www.eroprofile.com/m/videos/view/Cute-18-yearold-Swallowing-my-load
    1 point
  22. Yes, I am already familiar with her productions and have seen most of them. One of my favourites features her enjoying a piss against her hotel room curtains. And yes, you can see that she really is enjoying it. Here's a screenshot.....
    1 point
  23. @steve25805 I'm not gonna lie I would've loved seeing her do that. That's so disgusting and hot at the same time. I wasn't sure if I should tell this story here or experiences but I guess it doesn't matter. At my old job at Burger King, we had this hot woman in her early 30's working as a manager. She was from another store and they brought her in for a few weeks to cover for a manger they had suspended. She wanted to transfer to our store permanently and the supervisor had told her it would happen. Supervisor went back on his word and she found out through the grapevine she wasn't g
    1 point
  24. Hi Maggie. Since you are such a huge fan of girls being naughty by pissing in swimming pools, I thought you might appreciate this......
    1 point
  25. The first pee website I visited was EliteGold but I only lurked there. Since then I've been active on Peesearch - but there tended to be a lot of hostility to naughty peeing on there so I stayed away for many months at a time. I could not believe the level of hostility at times. For instance most people who are not pee fetishists generally consider peeing in swimming pools to be tolerable, even if they don't do it themselves. Ah well, there you go - and luckily things are much more friendly here.
    1 point
  26. That's awesome. I never had any such clues from my own parents, though my mum made little attempt at hiding herself from the view of us kids when caught short while out in the car and she needed to pee. We'd generally open both passenger side doors to conceal her from public view as she crouched down between them, but all of us in the car could see everything. Never any sign that this was in any way sexual, though., But I kind of have over the years had clues from my brother and sister. As a kid I can remember my sister being told off for having peed on her bedroom carpet. When I let
    1 point
  27. Interesting to hear of your observations d1984 and that's another method I've used. When in my early 20s I often went on vacation with a group of girls and our 'code' to let each other know we were going into the pool for a pee was "I'm going for a quick dip" - exactly as you've said!! When we were on sunbeds and a friend said "I'm going for a quick dip" I'd join her if I thought I'd also be able to pee. I like the idea of adding urine to the pool water as a team effort so it was even more fun if another friend joined us. We'd sometimes see guys wearing goggles and thought it was likely
    1 point
  28. Just returned from Italy and five days in Milan , for three of the days we went to Monza to see the F1 , anybody that's done it will know how totally crowded the trains are on race days , on Sunday after the race everyone tries to get on the 221 bus back into Monza central, I ended up jammed in with two boys and there girlfriends and they sounded German , there conversation was a bit concerned and agitated even I could tell and by the end of the short journey one of the girls had peed in her black trousers .!! The rest of them were laughing and the puddle of pee had traveled halfway down the b
    1 point
  29. I was at a pool party this weekend at a family friends house! Her name is Jessica and her husband have a beautiful back yard with a lovely in ground pool. I know that jessica isn't afraid to pee in pools because we have vacationed together before and we have peed in the water together many times. I was there with my two sisters and my nieces. There were a bunch of other people there that I hadn't met before too, mostly friends who they worked with. Pretty much all the ladies were in the pool while the men were all in the garage looking at Jessica husbands car. Jessica took the opportunity to
    1 point
  30. It was lunch, so the two of them stood in line patiently at Subway, smirking at the cardboard cutout of Jared holding his old gigantic pants. They both ordered six-inch clubs and large diet drinks and sat at a table near the waterfall. Kiki smiled at the light splashes from the falls tapping against her ankles. The sensation made her have to pee and her smile grew bigger as she felt her bladder filling up gradually. “Okay,” her mother said, “remember when I told you I didn’t want you peeing in public without me?” Kiki nodded. “Let me tell you a story about when I was your age.” When Cheryl
    1 point
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