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Hotel peeing

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As hot as I find peeing in naughty places, especially the idea of potentially peeing all over somewhere inside, I do not live alone and, even if I did, I really don't fancy the clearing up afterwards. Therefore, messy peeing at home isn't something I've really considered, but hotel peeing is. I've seen enough videos and read enough stories to know that it definitely does happen, but it's something I'm yet to try. It's possibly on my to-do list though, although I doubt that I would actually be that adventurous to pee all over the carpet and furniture...

This topic obviously raises a lot of questions, firstly; have you ever done it? But also, it brings us onto the moral side of peeing I guess, is it right to do something like this indoors anyway? As sexy as I find the idea, I haven't really considered the cleaning up afterwards.

Share your thoughts on this. :)

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That's a complex one for me. I seriously get off on seeing porn vids of girls doing exactly this, and prefer not to think about the clean up afterwards. I can recognise the moral questionability of this, but prefer not to let that spoil my pleasure.

As a fantasy, peeing absolutely everywhere and totally wrecking the place is fun. But I suppose reality might be a little different. I have never done anything like this myself nor would encourage anyone else to. But if a girl I was sharing a hotel room with seriously wanted to just piss on the carpet for fun, would I dissuade her? Hell no! It truly would be a "golden" opportunity. Besides, ultimately it is just another business expense for the hotel. I expect this kind of thing happens from time to time.

And you could always salve your conscience by leaving a large tip.

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  • 4 weeks later...
In all honesty. . .I think pissing in a hotel is totally fucked up!!! hahahaha

If you think that's fucked up, what about my willingness to let any sexy lady piss all over my own carpets and walls? Is that totally fucked up or what!!! Hahahahaha.

All that's missing is a girl within easy travelling distance who gets off on doing that! Any interested girls in southwest England? PM me....lol. I'll worry about cleaning it up when you're gone, hahaha.

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  • 3 months later...

I love hotel/naughty peeing and I love seeing videos of it, the naughtier the better and when I watch the videos I don't really worry about damaging property or something. I basically pretend that what is happening in the video is fictional. I'd never do it IRL because I'd feel too awful afterwards so I'll stay with the videos.

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I love hotel/naughty peeing and I love seeing videos of it, the naughtier the better and when I watch the videos I don't really worry about damaging property or something. I basically pretend that what is happening in the video is fictional. I'd never do it IRL because I'd feel too awful afterwards so I'll stay with the videos.

If you wanted to do it in real life - assuming you are female - then all you need do is make it to my neck of the woods, and I would willingly and very eagerly let you piss all over my carpet. So there would be no need at all to feel awful afterwards then. :)

Welcome to the forum, by the way.

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If you wanted to do it in real life - assuming you are female - then all you need do is make it to my neck of the woods, and I would willingly and very eagerly let you piss all over my carpet. So there would be no need at all to feel awful afterwards then. :)

Welcome to the forum, by the way.

Thank you! And I am indeed female. It sucks to always have to debate between "fetish" and "morality" haahah

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I have peed in a hotel before.

A number of times, I will pee on the bathroom floor, then just use the floor mat to soak it up

I have also pissed the bed a few times and once or twice pissed on the carpet in the bedroom.

I only do it in hotels where I pay cash and dont have to give my details, I also choose hotels that are better able to afford the extra time to do some cleaning.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I find naughty peeing fun but I don't think I have ever peed in a hotel room...My friend Kitty (WetFetishCat) just sent me some videos of her peeing in a hotel room on a recent vacation but they were small pees so it didn't make much of a mess...still very sexy :-)


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  • 2 months later...

I have never done this, and I doubt I would, for two reasons:

1. I don't want others to deal with something they don't like or find disgusting (imagine, instead of peeing all over the hotel room, to mess it up with [name something YOU find disgusting here]).

2. Since you will have to leave your real name and address (as far as i know, here in Germany you will have to show your Passport or ID-Card in order to rent a room), you WILL get caught if you do something like this. Unless you cause no recognizable damage.

That being said, it is a huge turn-on for me, if I would pee all over the place and just leave it that way (leaving a mess is somehow part of this for me, so cleaning up the mess negates the effect of having been naughty).

... man, I really AM fucked up ! ... o_0

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Yes indeed WantonLee, life is complex! :-)

When younger I was happy to remove the protective covering from a hotel bed so I could lay down on my tummy and pee into the mattress with no concern for the owners or future guests. In fact it was very exciting to think of what I was doing. Not any more, but I still pee in public and hotel swimming pools as much as I can.

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Yes indeed WantonLee, life is complex! :)

When younger I was happy to remove the protective covering from a hotel bed so I could lay down on my tummy and pee into the mattress with no concern for the owners or future guests. In fact it was very exciting to think of what I was doing. Not any more, but I still pee in public and hotel swimming pools as much as I can.


I love hearing your stories and I know lots of others do as well! I personally love hearing your naughty tales and I think it's great that you were willing to do this sort of thing. I think it's very unfortunate that you have given this beautiful hobby up in recent years but I hope that with some encouragement, hotel bed wetting could be something that could occur in your future once again! I know that some people frown on this sort of behavior but honestly their are many of us out there who think otherwise!

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Someone asking what happened to TamTam(South) on this website.


(Maybe could have wiped with the towel...)

As far as I understand it, Claire left / retired from the industry because she, erm, got into a spot of trouble. Such a shame, she's without a doubt my favourite all-time pee model, really really seems to enjoy herself.

As a side not, how have I not come across PeeTeeVee before?! Looks to be a decent site! :)

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As far as I understand it, Claire left / retired from the industry because she, erm, got into a spot of trouble. Such a shame, she's without a doubt my favourite all-time pee model, really really seems to enjoy herself.

As a side not, how have I not come across PeeTeeVee before?! Looks to be a decent site! :)

TamTam is so hot,very beautiful girl,id love her to use my face as a wipe,after a wee.(her and about 5,000,000 other girls)

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Hey thanks d19841, and got to say it seems a lot more easy-going on here than at 'another place'! :wink:

However I have to be honest and say that, now I'm older, I don't feel happy with doing the very naughty peeing anymore. It was incredibly exciting at the time though to lay face down on a hotel bed, with the protective cover taken off, and pee into the mattress so it would soak right in and be difficult to clean.

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Hey thanks d19841, and got to say it seems a lot more easy-going on here than at 'another place'! :wink:

When it comes to peeing in naughty places, this forum has always been relaxed about it which wasn't always true at the other place - I guess you mean Peesearch? But your comment is interesting. Because elsewhere this very day I was exchanging posts on Peesearch with a respected and popular member there - one whom I personally like - who has nevertheless decided that this forum is not for her because it seems a little too sleazy for her (her words) whilst Peesearch in her view has a better sense of community with people feeling that they don't have to talk about pee all the time. Regarding the alleged better sense of community there compared to here, I know of several members here who have in the past said the exact opposite.

But this just highlights why it is so good that we have two such great forums because it gives us all choices. It doubles the options for those of us who love both, whilst giving real choices to anyone who for whatever reason prefers one or the other.

But yes, in terms of whatever floats your boat pee-wise between adults, we do intend to take a very relaxed view here and not make any moral judgements about individual confessions or members. For those who want those kind of debates - and we do welcome them because the moral aspects of any facet of our fetish are ripe for discussion on forums such as this - we do prefer to have dedicated threads for such discussions without persnal criticisms of anyone here. In that sense you will find us very easy-going, hopefully.

And shame to hear that you have mostly given up on the naughty peeing at the moment. With any luck this place will inspire you to do it some more. In the meantime, we'd sure love to hear about some of your past adventures.

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Yes indeed Steve, the 'other place' I referred to was Peesearch! :biggrin:

Especially in my early years of posting there, even the most minor types of naughtiness were met with hostile comments. My husband does not have a pee fetish but is willing to pee in swimming pools a lot because he knows it excites me. When I showed him some of the replies to my post on Peesearch he said "Anyone would think we were throwing used engine oil into the pool!"

It certainly does seem to be more easy-going with naughty peeing over there now but I still feel more comfortable posting here. As you say it's good to have the choice though. Different strokes for different folks.

Discussions and debates are of course essential elements to forums like this (could get boring without them!) and I have no problem as long as there's no personal criticism involved.

OK you've talked me into it and I will report on some of my past adventures! :wink:

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TamTam is so hot,very beautiful girl,id love her to use my face as a wipe,after a wee.(her and about 5,000,000 other girls)

A little off-topic, but here is a short video of TamTam being fingered and having her pussy licked. There is no peeing, but if you've ever fantasised about the lovely TamTam and tasting her where she pees, you might enjoy this.

Her other stage name is "Claire Louise", as on this video.


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A little off-topic, but here is a short video of TamTam being fingered and having her pussy licked. There is no peeing, but if you've ever fantasised about the lovely TamTam and tasting her where she pees, you might enjoy this.

Her other stage name is "Claire Louise", as on this video.


Yes,i have fantasised about the lovely "TamTam".Thanks liketoLick!Wow,can almost taste it.

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  • 6 months later...

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