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... PeeFans Has Changed A Lot (Time Travel)

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Allow me to take you on a brief PeeFans history. 

On December 22nd 2013, WatchGirlsPeeing.com was founded. 

By 15th January 2014, we had 625 members and 2000 posts. The site rocketed into life, uniting pee fans through the site's forum.

Click here to be transported back to 15th January 2014 - the original look of the site.

By October the same year, we'd grown a lot more and things had started to develop, as you can see here.

From that time up to the present, we've seen the forum ownership change (and then change back), the site's name change, the forum software change, countless great members coming (and some sadly going), and a vast amount of great pee content shared. However, I think it's always interesting to look back at the forum changes, especially our very early beginnings. 

Using the wayback machine archive, you can go back and see how the site looked a few months back (before the latest update), or even how it was just a few weeks ago

I look forward to seeing how much the site will have improved by the time I make one of these threads in another 3 and a half years or so.

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How long have you been here, and what is the earliest version of the site you remember?

I'd also be interested to know which of the (main) three forum designs/layouts used is preferred. :)

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Of course, this works for any site. Whilst I didn't use Peesearch, I'm sure some members here were there from the early stages of that forum.


This is PS before they hit 1,000 posts, way back in 2004! Gotta love the fact it still looks the same :4_joy:. Great achievement how much that site has grown, gives us all extra faith that we're not alone in our weirdness. :11_blush:

Feel free to link any other pee related sites that have archives.

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 I think I may have first joined or began lurking in 2014. because I remember that layout. Not only have I forgotten my old pass, but also my old username. I'm not sure which I enjoy more. I tend to prefer sites that have a more muted, darker colour scheme. I remember feeling a bit sad when ownership of the site was transferred.

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On ‎13‎/‎08‎/‎2017 at 1:18 AM, Admin said:

How long have you been here, and what is the earliest version of the site you remember?

I'd also be interested to know which of the (main) three forum designs/layouts used is preferred. :)

I joined in January 2014 when the forum was only a month old. So I was probably within the first thousand members or so.

I am happy with the layout as it is now, to be honest.

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  • 9 months later...
On 8/16/2017 at 5:19 AM, steve25805 said:

I joined in January 2014 when the forum was only a month old. So I was probably within the first thousand members or so.

I am happy with the layout as it is now, to be honest.

Just out of curiosity I had a look - you were the 131st member to join. We're almost at 20,000 registered users now, so you really have been here from the beginning! 😄 

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12 minutes ago, Admin said:

Just out of curiosity I had a look - you were the 131st member to join. We're almost at 20,000 registered users now, so you really have been here from the beginning! 😄 

my only regret, lurking for all this time, I already lurked in the times of WatchPeeGirls

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I joined 24/8/2014.."Met" some amazing people,i look upon them as almost friends.Im not so sad i think of people on the inet as "friends" but you get my meaning..

A pity we have lost some nice members like MissPiss,CrissyP,Vikka...Kevin of course passed on.But we have a great fun community.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I first joined WatchGirlsPeeing on Jan 13, 2014.  Yes the Title page looks quite familiar.
Kevin and I went a long time before we picked an avatar.  His was a B29.
Who could forget CrissyP.  She would converse with anyone who would PM her.  My conversation with her lasted for 1 1/34 of a year.  Some 59 hundred messages on our conversation.  I also had email contact with her used for passing pictures.
Vikka had very exciting stories a lot of them being personal experience.  Almost all her Peeing turned into a personal orgasm.   Yes they were HOT stories.  She was a lesbian and had to remind the boys of this   when their remarks got a little too personal or sexual suggestive.

I could wonder if I am the oldest person on this forum.  I was born in Jan 1936.  Is there anyone older?

I was innocent of this Pee Fetish.  I was pulled onto the forum thru some subtle invites on scenes on YouTube.  I think that I could fill a number of pages of things that I have learned of this Pee Fetish.

Edited by bpb
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January 13, 2014.

I was invited to come in for a look, may have been steve28505, or Sophie, just not sure anymore. It was during the time PS was being a bit wierd, flame wars over the slightest comment, pressuring me to get the girls signed up, almost to the point of banning me. As soon as I saw this new place, I was hooked, and have never looked back. 

Yes there has been some sadness, losing Kevin so abruptly, people moving on, either by choice or forced to leave (thankfully, this hasn't happened for a while), and the sudden closure of the site left us all wondering. When I was offered a chance to help resurrect this forum, I never hesitated, just knowing what it meant to so many people was enough. 

Accepting a moderators position changed the way we were posting, Maigh and Mary just can't log on and post anymore (this was the bone that PS wouldn't let go, sharing an account was a no no, although couples could do it freely) for obvious reasons. They don't mind this happening, but there are 3 people here, so opinions may seem a bit strange.

Thanks to Admin and Founder for keeping this amazing place going, I'm on here more than I'm on Facebook, lol. Just love it here with so many friendly people.

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On ‎6‎/‎10‎/‎2018 at 7:19 PM, bpb said:

I could wonder if I am the oldest person on this forum.  I was born in Jan 1936. .

Possibly, lol. I guess that makes you 82? But since people can live to be well over 100, if I were a betting man I'd definitely say we at least have older lurkers as members.

Glad you are here.

In fact, it might be interesting to know how old or young different members are. In that vein, I myself will fess up. Born in June 1965.

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On ‎6‎/‎10‎/‎2018 at 11:55 PM, Scot_Lover said:


I was invited to come in for a look, may have been steve28505, or Sophie, just not sure anymore. It was during the time PS was being a bit wierd, flame wars over the slightest comment, pressuring me to get the girls signed up, almost to the point of banning me. As soon as I saw this new place, I was hooked, and have never looked back. 

Yes I distinctly remember inviting you and Sophie too, and others. I was something of a refugee from Peesearch myself, having encountered vast amounts of negativity from a particular mod there, and zero lack of appreciation for any of my contributions from someone very prominent. And the flamewars against those of us into naughty peeing at that time were most frustrating with the killjoys ruining it for us. I actively went in search of another forum....and found this one only a month old, begun by someone who was a confessed fan of the much derided (on peesearch) naughty peeing himself. The flamewars and negative judgementalism were entirely absent here right from the beginning. So I contacted many of the prominent members on Peesearch and told them about this site, especially all the ones with any interest in naughty peeing. Quite a few of them signed up.

Peesearch reacted in a manner that suggested they realised they had competition now, and they did what they should have done in the first place and cracked down on all the judgementalist flamewars and actively discouraged them. The particular mod who'd been excessively negative towards me personally, and who for a time ignored my olive branches - I myself could be hard work in the sense of being overly combative - did eventually get back to me with apologies. Admins there encouraged me to be an active member again. So I began posting on Peesearch again, and often shared my best stuff on both forums. I believed - and still believe - that two are better than one. But my primary loyalty had switched to this one.

As the forum grew, Admin decided that we needed mods and asked me. I accepted. I also suggested the names of Wetman and Egwalrus, on the grounds that they both had experience running a forum themselves, and one of them had even been a Peesearch mod. Admin accepted my advice but ultimately my choice of Egwalrus proved to be a massive mistake. Another problem in those early days was that we mods had no power of sanction and had to go running to Admin to get trolls banned unless they were very new members. Trolls could potentially run rings round us until Admin showed up and it was only a matter of time until someone felt aggrieved enough at something or other to start behaving in that way.

Our forum went through a very bad patch which for a time cost us our reputation for friendliness, and we lost a few members sadly. Basically we had a new Admin who was only in it for the money, and was not even a pee fetishist himself, and was barely ever here. Whilst the mods who were had no power. Egwalrus became instrumental in driving several members away by uttering some very bigoted opinions as a mod. They contacted me privately before leaving and I raised it with our new Admin privately. This resulted in new rules which included a rule against expressing any kind of racist or bigoted opinions.  Egwalrus also had a falling out with that Admin, and also developed massive issues with me, publicly criticising every modding decision I made and trying to undermine me. A couple of members had morphed into trolls after being issued warnings by me and having posts deleted and suchlike for breaking our rules against making other members feel unwelcome. These and Egwalrus became tacit allies in a public campaign against me, with him criticising my every post and action and them liking his every post whilst engaging in frequent trolling. Our new Admin was never here but was the only one with any power to do anything. It was deeply frustrating, and I only stayed out of stubbornness because I could see an obvious attempt to drive me away. The site became a source of nothing but stress and was zero pleasure to me at this time. Eventually, though, Admin banned the trolls and came up with rules of conduct for mods which included no public flamewars against each other. Egwalrus refused either to sign up or step down as mod and continued with his behaviour in defiance of Admin's new rules. So he was eventually removed as a mod, something that appeared to come as a shock to him. 

He himself started trolling me at that point, as an ordinary member criticising my every decision and publicly attacking most of my posts. He publicly stated that his express purpose was to force me to step down as a mod, as if it was his right to make such decisions. Eventually, Admin threatened him with a ban if he did not desist, at which point he left the forum and decamped to Peesearch. Sadly we lost a couple of members who'd sided with him during this time but who otherwise were good contributors.

On a more positive note, the businessman Admin did give our forum it's current name, and did - eventually - give myself and Wetman proper modding powers, from which point trolling ceased to be a problem and trolls were swiftly dealt with. But we felt that more mods were needed because two of us were not really enough. Admin agreed but had no clue whatsoever as to who that should be because he was never here interacting with us, so pretty much left the ball in my court and allowed me to suggest suitable people whom he'd rubber stamp. I suggested Scot_Lover because he seemed tech savvy, intelligent, sensible, with two great advisors backing him, and would have another timezone covered. I also suggested Sophie because she too seemed intelligent, sensible and wise, and thought it would be an asset to have a lady on the mod team. Admin approved.

Sadly, we almost lost the site when Admin realised it was never going to be a money spinner and abruptly decided to close it. Luckily, the original Admin returned to rescue it and save the day, and with his help, what we started to do after the departure of Egwalrus, we continued, regaining our reputation as an ultra-friendly site

Throughout this time I posted on Peesearch too, which during the Egwalrus flamewar period became my preferred forum because it was the one where posting things could still be done for pleasure. Egwalrus was there too though - known as The Watcher - and after a long period of staying out of each other's way, he openly started using their forum to attack me without naming me, and criticising our forum too sometimes. He was very clever about it, because by not naming me, many of the members there who were unfamiliar with our forum did not recognise it for what it was and openly sided with him. One or two prominent members then started attacking me for bringing negativity to their forum, though I was only ever reacting in defence of myself or this forum against a flamewar our former mod malcontent insisted upon waging! It became most frustrating, as I was on the constant receiving end of an Egwalrus flamewar, yet being attacked by prominent members as the troublemaker simply for reacting to it. When I pointed this out in angry posts, they backed off and said fuck all, only to criticise again somewhere else. When one of their Admins appeared to openly side with Egwalrus and hint that I was being dishonest about some unspecified thing which he refused to clarify when I asked him privately, I left their forum permanently. I have not posted on Peesearch now for what must be at least 18 months or so. For me now, Peefans is the only forum in town. I support it insofar as I can with my own money.


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On ‎8‎/‎13‎/‎2017 at 1:36 AM, Admin said:

Of course, this works for any site. Whilst I didn't use Peesearch, I'm sure some members here were there from the early stages of that forum.

I was a latecomer to the internet, and only went online for the first time as late as 2009.

Initially, I mostly just used it for porn, plus researching things that interested me on google.

But in July 2010, one of my porn searches uncovered Peesearch, and I signed up. 

In the early days I was made to feel very welcome and appreciated, and loved it there. The forum helped me to come out of my shell in terms of my fetish, and I befriended one of the mods. As time went by things soured a bit as I kept feeling the need to combat those attacking naughty peeing, a problem that was already there when I joined but appeared to grow worse with time. And some mods became highly critical and negative towards other members whom I'd befriended, which caused me one or two issues. And I too could be an opinionated asshole who was not afraid to disagree with someone just because they were a mod. I thought some of their rules were too inflexibly enforced, and there was inconsistency with it. On at least one occasion one mod whose advice I sought approved a certain post only for another to delete it almost immediately for breaking forum rules. On another occasion, another mod deleted a post that had been there for a while even though he himself had originally said it was ok, which fact he'd forgotten and reacted angrily to when I pointed it out, questioning my honesty. Basically, I came to feel that their rules were too rigidly and inflexibly and inconsistently enforced, and I kept falling foul of them by pushing the boundaries. And I had the annoying habit of wanting mod decisions  against me - and any inconsistencies - explained. One in particular reacted angrily to this, seeing it as gross ingratitude for the thankless task of moderating the forum. Gradually therefore - without being fully aware of the extent of it until quite late - I came to be viewed as particularly troublesome.

I do try to bear this in mind here, aiming for consistency with the decisions of other mods, never publicly going against another mod's decision, and always being willing to explain my reasonings for any decision to a member if further clarification is asked. Sometimes members want to question why a particular post is deleted because they have put time and effort into it and have a right to know. We as mods should not be afraid to engage in such dialogue to a reasonable extent. That is part of our duty as mods, as I see it. Also, if any member ever asked me as a mod if a particular story was within the bounds of acceptability with our rules, if I approved it, I would at the same time privately make my fellow mods aware of that, so that they did not inadvertently reach a totally different decision in public, which would only anger and confuse the member. Members have a right to expect consistency from us. If ever we mods as equals disagree, we'd do it privately and come to some agreement I am sure. We are all pretty sensible and cooperative. None of us has the authority to impose a decision on each other. The only person who ultimately ever can is Admin himself.

I try to incorporate what I have learned from my experiences with mods on Peesearch, into how I act as a moderator here.

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7 hours ago, steve25805 said:

I also suggested Sophie because she too seemed intelligent, sensible and wise, and thought it would be an asset to have a lady on the mod team.

I don't think I'd ever say that about myself and I'm definitely not a lady 😂

Thanks for the history, it was an interesting read!

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7 hours ago, spywareonya said:


Incredible story

I would have fled the site immediately or joined the War

Wish you'd been around more actively at the time. I could have used an ally such as you then. 

Quite a few people did express privately to me their disgust at the behaviour of Egwalrus and their support for me and the forum, but none of them were willing to put themselves in the public firing line, and I never asked them to. But you'd have been one hell of a good fighter on the side of right. And you'd have had the wisdom and perception to see what was right and what was wrong for yourself. 

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1 hour ago, steve25805 said:

Wish you'd been around more actively at the time. I could have used an ally such as you then. 

Quite a few people did express privately to me their disgust at the behaviour of Egwalrus and their support for me and the forum, but none of them were willing to put themselves in the public firing line, and I never asked them to. But you'd have been one hell of a good fighter on the side of right. And you'd have had the wisdom and perception to see what was right and what was wrong for yourself. 

I would have tried to make him reason. I worship Entities that kill. I am not judgemental.

But I would have explained him that we attack when we feel puzzled, nobody is born racist or bigoted, there is a baby in his soul which was as polite as us all. I would have tried to make him remember that baby. Upon failure, I would have went on. Nothing stops me. Even criminals threatening my life did not.

All hail Peefans!!!

Edited by spywareonya
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Agreed, an interesting read - from my perspective it's a little odd, as you'd think I'd know the history better than anyone, but of course for the middle part I wasn't here at all and so have only heard bits and pieces from various sources. I'm very glad that everything is back to a good level now where everyone is seemingly happy and welcoming to each other. It has been an eventful 4+ years so far, but also a very successful and enjoyable time too. 

I know the interim admin (businessman admin as he seems to have been called 😂) doesn't always get spoken of highly, but we all do owe a lot to him. My decision to stop running the site was quite sudden due to a change in personal circumstances (sorry for the vagueness!), and he was extremely unlucky that in his time managing the site such a number of arguments and technical issues arose. He was also extremely generous in handing back the reins when he realised he couldn't continue, and can be credited for the name and software change (both of which overall seem to have been the right choices). However, I'm very glad to be back and involved again.

All that said, in the coming weeks, there will be a bit more of a commercial element to the site. You'll see we have ads now, and the reintroduction of a paid membership with lots of extra benefits has just been launched. Please don't fear though, I think the key difference is that as a pee fan myself, I will always have the community's best interests at heart as well, especially as this site still feels like my baby in a weird sort of way. The commercial aspect will never intrude into the forum - in fact the opposite is true, revenue allows us to not only survive but grow and improve. It's actually a little crazy that for a site of our size, up until a few weeks ago this was being run purely as a 'hobby site' relying on donations. 

It'll be interesting to see where we're at this time next year... I'm confident the future of PeeFans is very bright. 

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1 hour ago, Admin said:

I know the interim admin (businessman admin as he seems to have been called 😂) doesn't always get spoken of highly, but we all do owe a lot to him. My decision to stop running the site was quite sudden due to a change in personal circumstances (sorry for the vagueness!), and he was extremely unlucky that in his time managing the site such a number of arguments and technical issues arose.

Yes. When for whatever reason you were unable to run the forum anymore, if it were not for the interim Admin stepping in we might have lost it altogether right then, which is worth bearing in mind.

And he was unlucky. He actually commented to me privately that he'd never had such trouble with a forum before in terms of such open discord and animosity. Quite soon I was getting the vibe that it was more trouble than it was worth. He struggled to understand why such a total flamewar was going on which he'd never had on any of his other sites - he owned several.

But the strife basically boiled down to two main factors. Firstly, mods had no powers against those members who, as a result of being called out for this or that rule break, decided to turn troll. And secondly, we had an overmighty, arrogant, self-important, bigoted, and wholly unsuitable person in a senior position behaving very destructively and negatively. Much of the discord stemmed from him. Much of the trolling rallied behind him. His removal, and mods having the powers to actually mod, solved that problem. But for whatever reason, the interim Admin had to change the software to give mods the necessary powers. The original software didn't make that easy, or so he explained to me. 

He was reluctant to throw his weight around. He tried for a very long time to persuade Egwalrus to compromise and be reasonable, even though he confided to me that he was most displeased with his conduct. But it was several months before he finally took decisive action, and he only did so then because I informed him that I could not take anymore, so either Egwalrus's stupid little vendetta against me had to stop or one of us had to go. If he neither stopped nor left, I would. It was only at this point that Admin threatened to ban him if he did not cease his destructive vendetta, at which point he took his ass in his hand and left. Egwalrus views that as me forcing Admin's hand against him, whilst lacking the insight to understand that his own behaviour drove us to that point, and the power to stop was always his. It was after all a case of him ceaselessly attacking me and rejecting my olive branches, not the other way round.

Interim Admin was most unfortunate to find himself dealing with this.

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1 hour ago, steve25805 said:

whilst lacking the insight to understand that his own behaviour drove us to that point, and the power to stop was always his

Don't know how many times I saw this. Anyway, now the forum is polished, polite, and politically correct ahahahaha

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I'd just like to issue this clarification.

In talking about the history of this forum, the relevance of Peesearch to me, and suchlike which has come up here, I have referenced a difficult time we went though, which was particularly traumatic for me, particularly re difficulties I was having with a former mod and some trolls.

I talked of this only as history, a relevant part of any brief resume of how we got from where we started to where we are today. I did not wish to censor out even negative things that have had their impact. Because even these are things we can learn from going forwards.

However, it has occurred to me that this could be interpreted as an attempt to resurrect and refight an old battle that dominated my forum time for several long months back then. It was not, and apologies if it has been interpreted that way. It was merely relevant history, and nothing more, and to be honest I might have handled some things better myself at that time anyway.

But having set it all down as a relevant part of our past, I intend to say no more about it unless in response to anyone else. We are a happy ship now and many of us have - certainly I have - learned positive lessons from the past.

We are now again the friendliest and most user-friendly pee forum out there. With an awesome Admin who is one of us, and a great mod team insofar as the other three are concerned. My own merits or otherwise I will leave to readers to judge, lol.And it's light touch moderation here with none of us throwing our weight around, all of us far more interested in being a service than a force. 

The difficult periods of the past are relevant site history. But they are also just that - history. Difficult past periods are something to learn from, not resurrect or relive.

We will never refight that flamewar here.

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1 minute ago, steve25805 said:

The difficult periods of the past are relevant site history. But they are also just that - history.

great words, agree fully


1 minute ago, steve25805 said:

With an awesome Admin who is one of us, and a great mod team insofar as the other three are concerned

And some great non-stuff members😋



2 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

We are now again the friendliest and most user-friendly pee forum out there

Absolutely yes!!!

3 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

many of us have - certainly I have - learned positive lessons from the past.

I think this forum underwent a real rebirth. I even wrote something during the night of the Golden Membership launch, it's here around, "A night to remember", it explains quite clearly what I think


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