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6 hours ago, Uroguy said:

Sophie, good day to you. I have a question for you. What is the longest you have gone without relief while feeling severely bursting to pee?

Maybe an hour at most 

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  • 2 weeks later...

A question from me if that's OK ... and also a chance to bump Eli's above in case you'd missed it 🙂 

You're a city girl, and chances for opportunistic outdoor wettings and wees must be quite rare. Could you see yourself living in the countryside, on a farm, say, where it would be easier to wee in the great outdoors?

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On 8/3/2021 at 12:20 PM, Eliminature said:

Do you have a collection of anything? Mr E and I collect soft toys and house plants. 

Firstly, sorry for the slow reply. I have been on holiday!

I'm not sure if this counts but I'll post it anyway (My husband says it does) I collect twisty puzzles, mostly Rubik's Cubes but also a few other ones. I enjoy the mental challenge of them and solve them for fun, rather than trying to solve them as quickly as possible.

From left to right - I have a stickerless 2x2 (Aka Rubik's Mini), a couple of regular 3x3 cubes, both stickerless, the left was my first ever cube, and a 3x3 keyring, a stickerless 4x4 aka Rubik's Revenge, a stickerless 5x5 that needs to be solved, a skewb (the easiest in the collection) at the back there is a mirror cube which needs to be solved (and is a nightmare) and finally a Rubik's Snake, not so much a puzzle, just a fun thing to play with and make shapes out of.




PLEASE let me know if you have any questions or want any more details. I could talk about these little puzzles for hours!

Edited by Sophie
A little extra
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7 hours ago, Kupar said:

A question from me if that's OK ... and also a chance to bump Eli's above in case you'd missed it 🙂 

You're a city girl, and chances for opportunistic outdoor wettings and wees must be quite rare. Could you see yourself living in the countryside, on a farm, say, where it would be easier to wee in the great outdoors?

It's more than okay! Thank you for asking

I read this earlier and I have given it some thought. You are right that I am a city girl but I am not sure if I could see myself living in the countryside. I love the idea of being able to wee outdoors more often, and I do enjoy the countryside but I don't think I'd be able to live there full time. It's too quiet! I know it sounds weird but I have spent my whole 30+ years on this planet in a city and I've gotten so used to hearing cars etc at all hours. I also think if peeing outside became the norm and less taboo it would lose it's appeal to me, it wouldn't feel as special or as naughty.

I could live in the countryside in small doses, maybe even a few months but I don't think I could do it full time. I love the openness, the quiet can be nice when I want to relax and I feel a LOT safer because I don't hear drunk or drugged idiots shouting on the street every other night, and it's nice not having any neighbours but it would take a while getting used to not having traffic all the time, and I don't like country roads and having to drive for 30 minutes to get a pint of milk.

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3 minutes ago, Sophie said:

PLEASE let me know if you have any questions or want any more details. I could talk about these little puzzles for hours!

Hmm. I am somewhat in awe of those people that have the patience to master these puzzles. I never did! I could get the basic one two thirds finished, but I got impatient and didn't want to learn the rules by rote. You have a nice collection - that mirror thing is amazing. But ... here's the question: can you write down the maths to explain it all?!

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2 minutes ago, Sophie said:

It's more than okay! Thank you for asking

I read this earlier and I have given it some thought. You are right that I am a city girl but I am not sure if I could see myself living in the countryside. I love the idea of being able to wee outdoors more often, and I do enjoy the countryside but I don't think I'd be able to live there full time. It's too quiet! I know it sounds weird but I have spent my whole 30+ years on this planet in a city and I've gotten so used to hearing cars etc at all hours. I also think if peeing outside became the norm and less taboo it would lose it's appeal to me, it wouldn't feel as special or as naughty.

I could live in the countryside in small doses, maybe even a few months but I don't think I could do it full time. I love the openness, the quiet can be nice when I want to relax and I feel a LOT safer because I don't hear drunk or drugged idiots shouting on the street every other night, and it's nice not having any neighbours but it would take a while getting used to not having traffic all the time, and I don't like country roads and having to drive for 30 minutes to get a pint of milk.

I totally get it Sophie - all those things 🙂 Thanks for answering

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3 minutes ago, Kupar said:


Hmm. I am somewhat in awe of those people that have the patience to master these puzzles. I never did! I could get the basic one two thirds finished, but I got impatient and didn't want to learn the rules by rote. You have a nice collection - that mirror thing is amazing. But ... here's the question: can you write down the maths to explain it all?!

Absolutely not! hahaha. Sorry! I can explain how to solve them but I cannot teach you, it has all become muscle memory for me so other than maybe one or two algorithms I don't really think about what I'm doing, I just... do them. The mirror cube is a nightmare for that very reason. Since all the pieces are different shapes and they sometimes get stuck if they're not quite lined up right it completely throws off my muscle memory. I can solve a normal cube in about 90 seconds without giving it much thought, and I use the exact same moves for the mirror cube but half way through an algorithm my mind will go blank and I'll just forget where I'm at.

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2 minutes ago, Sophie said:

Absolutely not! hahaha. Sorry! I can explain how to solve them but I cannot teach you, it has all become muscle memory for me so other than maybe one or two algorithms I don't really think about what I'm doing, I just... do them. The mirror cube is a nightmare for that very reason. Since all the pieces are different shapes and they sometimes get stuck if they're not quite lined up right it completely throws off my muscle memory. I can solve a normal cube in about 90 seconds without giving it much thought, and I use the exact same moves for the mirror cube but half way through an algorithm my mind will go blank and I'll just forget where I'm at.

A bit like playing a tricky piano piece I guess and trying to explain how to play it to someone who doesn't read music 🙂 And hitting two wrong notes in a row can sometimes throw you off course for a second or two.

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Just now, Kupar said:

A bit like playing a tricky piano piece I guess and trying to explain how to play it to someone who doesn't read music 🙂 And hitting two wrong notes in a row can sometimes throw you off course for a second or two.

Exactly! I've had to do that before for a friend and it resulted in me playing small sections over and over and writing down the notes because I didn't have the sheet music with me but the melody was just muscle memory.

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2 hours ago, Adyguy6970 said:

Have you peed in an unusual place yet today? 


I'm afraid not. Today I have peed... 

  1. In the shower 
  2. On the toilet at home 
  3. On the toilet at the supermarket 
  4. On the toilet at home 

I'm not planning on going out again today so I don't think I'll pee anywhere unusual but we'll see. 

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11 hours ago, WetMart said:

Sophie, do you pee in the shower often?

Almost daily! 

I'll wake up, climb out of my bed and stumble to the bathroom and jump in the shower, having my morning wee while I wash myself. 

The reason I say "almost" daily is because there are the odd days where I'll sit on the toilet first thing instead. Maybe the shower is freezing and hasn't warmed up yet but I'm too desperate to wait, or there's a message I urgently need to respond to so I'll do that while peeing on the toilet. 

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10 minutes ago, Sophie said:

Almost daily! 

I'll wake up, climb out of my bed and stumble to the bathroom and jump in the shower, having my morning wee while I wash myself. 

The reason I say "almost" daily is because there are the odd days where I'll sit on the toilet first thing instead. Maybe the shower is freezing and hasn't warmed up yet but I'm too desperate to wait, or there's a message I urgently need to respond to so I'll do that while peeing on the toilet. 

Having a Dolly Parton moment then:

Well, I tumble outta bed and stumble to the bathroom
Pour myself a cup of ambition
Yawn and stretch and try to come to life
Jump in the shower and the wee starts flowing...
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1 minute ago, gldenwetgoose said:

Having a Dolly Parton moment then:

Well, I tumble outta bed and stumble to the bathroom
Pour myself a cup of ambition
Yawn and stretch and try to come to life
Jump in the shower and the wee starts flowing...

Well done! I might have to think and expand the lyrics a little more. 

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2 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

Ha ha - A bit of a Victoria Wood-esque performance at the next staff talent night in work?

It would be fun but might arouse some suspicions! 

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On 8/19/2021 at 1:39 PM, Sophie said:

I'm afraid not. Today I have peed... 

  1. In the shower 
  2. On the toilet at home 
  3. On the toilet at the supermarket 
  4. On the toilet at home 

I'm not planning on going out again today so I don't think I'll pee anywhere unusual but we'll see. 

Hi Sophie. I hope you get the chance to pee somewhere naughty soon.  

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Hello Sophie. Can I ask you a couple more questions please?

With the start of a new academic year almost on us, the first is about teaching. How quickly are you able to distinguish between students who can learn how to answer exam questions correctly but doesn't really understand what's going on at a more fundamental level, and those who really get it (perhaps they'll go on to be scientists / academics / teachers themselves?  (Or is my view of pupils too simple?)

The second is not about teaching. Do you laugh during sex, for instance when you orgasm, from the sheer pleasure of it all? Or do you vocalise the relief, ecstasy and delight in a different way, or not at all? (Are you a screamer, a giggler or do you swear like a trooper?) Just curious. 

As always, don't answer if you don't want to!

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