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Site running very slowly

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The site is running very slowly for me but on and off. Pages take ages to load and then the site will suddenly "wake up" isup.me frequently reports peefans.com as down.

Just wanted to bring this to your attention @Admin

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I have noticed that at times today the site has been running a bit slow. When switching from page to page I took to the habit of having the site open in two separate tabs so that whilst one was taking it's time moving from one page to the other, I was able to view a different page in the other tab.

Obviously, the delay can be long enough to be an irritant when you feel the need to do things like that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is this still the same for everyone?

From my end, I experience what Scot_Lover described; the load time of the home page is currency excessive, an estimated 7-10 seconds at times, which is something I'll work on. Indeed the chatbox is a contribution to this, but I'm hopeful I can drastically cut load time with some tweaks. For me the rest of the site seems fine, but if other people are still having problems I'll take a look. If you notice any specific times/pages where the speed drops, that would be very useful.


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The site has been much faster for me over the last week or so. I believe your efforts to improve load times are paying off. 


The login page still seems a bit slow. Is there a reason there is not a login widget on the main screen?

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1 minute ago, nopjans said:

The site has been much faster for me over the last week or so. I believe your efforts to improve load times are paying off. 


The login page still seems a bit slow. Is there a reason there is not a login widget on the main screen?

Glad to hear it - the page speed testers vary, but the consensus seems to be the site is now faster. Please do keep me updated if that changes for anyone.

As for the login part, I assumed most members would stay logged in (as I do myself), so hadn't really considered it as an issue. I can look into adding a login widget to the home page, though. 

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Ah. Since family sometimes use my laptop and iPad  I always visit the site with the browser in private mode to keep it out of the browser history, so need to log in fresh each time. 

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Just to check on on what seems exceptionally slow.

I clicked on Woman's bare bottoms.   It took 2 min and 10 sec to give me the page.  I has asked that it give me the first unread message, but it just left me on an early page.  I had to skip down to the bottom to find the only unread set.

Woman's bare bottoms always seem more slow that most.

It still took 25 seconds to get this page again.

Edited by bpb
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1 minute ago, bpb said:

Just to check on on that seems exceptionally slow.

I clicked on Woman's bare bottoms.   It took 2 min and 10 sec to give me the page.  I has asked that it give me the first unread message, but it just left me on an early page.  I had to skip down to the bottom to find the only unread set.

Woman's bare bottoms always seem more slow that most.

That is extremely slow. Some threads you would expect to have longer loading times when filled with HD pictures, but nowhere near that time. 

I have experienced some slowness, but more like 5-10 seconds. What are your internet speeds usually like? 

I am struggling to see what else could be causing this.

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4 minutes ago, bpb said:

I don't have any figures for my internet speed.  However, I don't notice what I would consider undue delay.

Compared to other sites you browse, is PeeFans extremely slow in comparison, or relatively similar?

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My speeds have been more or less fine since the chatbox was removed from the homepage. The only time I ever really have an issue is when I edit my post. It takes a few seconds to save.

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  • 4 weeks later...
10 minutes ago, wetmanjf said:

I did have a couple of times today when the site "Crashed"  Kept getting a Error page..site would not load. Then in a few minutes it would work again.


Same here. I'm working on it, and it should be fully resolved in the next few days. If it does happen in the meantime, just reload in about 20 seconds. 

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  • 2 months later...

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