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Peeing at home living with parents

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Alright serious question when living at home as a teenager where did you pee besides the toilet i my self peed

On towels in the bathroom and bedroom

Carpet in my room

A couple 2 seconds spray on my bed 

Bathroom walls


And dirty laundry 



Verry interested in places and full stories i will expand on any of mine if asked 

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Guest UnabashedUser

Dirty laundry good place. Clothes to be washes anyway, less conspicuous. Quiet too. Yes please elaborate. Were you able to pee on any recently worn panties?

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I never did anything at home back then. Few times I peed in my swimming pants (in the shower, before showering), then let them dry in my closet. Same with underwear a few times also. That's as far as I dared to go.

I'd recommend to venture outside for more fun. Getting caught doing these things can be odd. I know for a fact many people will find it utterly disgusting (at least in my family, this will certainly be the case).

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Places were: Bathtub, sink, a tiny splash on someones leg during a sleepover while he was asleep..(oh well what can i say :34_rolling_eyes:) and most importantly the basement.

A users post on here brought back some memories so i wrote the stuff concerning the basement down and since you asked for full stories, here it is:

Back then i was living in an 8 party apartment building with two different basements. One left basement where people had their personal cabins and one in the right side with a washing mashine, doorless rooms to deposit old stuff like cycles etc and to hang out your clothes to dry. And i peed in both(and i'm sure i wasn't the only one of my age that did it...).

I have to say, i was kind of pee shy and did hardly ever ask the teacher for permission to go to the toilet, even if i was almost bursting. So i mostly did it in the evening and it was definitely better when i was home alone (par. divorced but with siblings not easy) because i was very scared of getting caught (and because i would have some quiet time for myself afterwards ;)). I made sure i had to go, carefully spied the staircase to see and hear if there are people coming or leaving, snuck out(sometimes just dressed in my pajama shorts/pants and a shirt) and went to the not so frequented right side mostly with a mix of nervousness, fear of getting caught and excitement. The fear kind of sharpened my sense of hearing as i'd carefully listen if there are people approaching but i guess that also made it so much fun, the actual risk. I checked the whole basement to make sure no one was in there hiding....of course no one would but sometimes i was a little paranoid i guess. I peed against the walls there being afraid that people would hear it but luckily no one ever did i think :D. But the fear was real for a shy and nervous boy like me as peeing against a wall often with a strong stream in a more or less empty basement isn't really quiet especially when there is no other sound around. Sometimes when i heard people in the staircase or any other sound for that matter i was thinking like 'oh fuck what was that?!?' and i immediately stopped mid-stream and hid somewhere until everything went quiet again to continue peeing. As for the puddles, there were little joints/gaps between wall and floor so the pee had a place 'to go' but there was still a mess. The basement was pretty clean overall, just the doorless deposit room was a bit untidy in certain places and once an old newspaper or magazine was lying next to the wall one step into this room as i was peeing against the wall and a tube in a slight angle. The sight of the paper lying basically right infront of my feet, soaking up my pee as i was still peeing made me so horny, i think this was the time i actually had some 'myself-time' right afterwards in the basement itself looking at my mess....putting my hands down my pants, masturbating and messing up my pants up at the end of the process as i came into them hehe(sneaking back home with pants and one hand full of ahem...'juice' was another thriller for itself). Occasionally i aimed my pee against the old junk in this room(i hope it was old junk at least :P) people left in there like a bicycle, in old shoes or a broken stroller. It was a pretty forgiving basement :22_stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: as it just continued to smell like basement in there and not like pee(suprisingly enough by the many occassions i misused it and the amount of pee i left there, ha!) and because it was either drying up quickly or because this side was not frequented as much so it was never noticed by anyone....or at least i never heard something about it. The pee adventures in the left basement have been noticed though.

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Id love to hear from some girls on what they got away with at home dosent havr to be carpets walls even just peeing in a bowl or peeing on the shower walls what ever you could get away with id love to hear keep the stories coming everyone

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I have never peed anywhere in my parents house. However, i did pee at a friends place in a garbage pale in my friend room. Her brother had just gotten in the shower and i would of never held it in that long. Then we opened the window and dumped it lolol

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  • 3 months later...

Try boot this up again no need for exact ages as not sure if saying you were 13 is classed as underage material but very interested in hearing stories of first carpet pees or any where around the house before moving out

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Well, as a guy, I peed in the shower of course and also the bathroom sink. I peed on the toilet with the lid down, on the bathroom floor, and on my bedroom carpet. In the bathroom I used loads of disposable toilet paper to clean up the evidence afterwards. In my bedroom I just chose discrete locations and left it. Peed in glasses and stuff too.

But possibly of more interest to readers is my sister. My mum discovered that she had been peeing on her bedroom carpet right beside her bed and the shit really hit the fan. After that - too young to really know about sexual things or taboos - I encouraged her naughty peeing. I got her to piss on my bedroom carpet a few times, and upon a table I had in my bedroom. I also persuaded her - took very little persuading because she seemed to enjoy doing it - to pee in the shower and all over the bathroom floor, the latter on condition that I cleaned up the mess. She also peed in bowls and glasses, in the bathroom sink once, and out in our back garden. The back garden was her idea. She peed on the kitchen floor once as well. That was her idea too, lol.

Apparently, she'd originally gotten the idea of peeing on her bedroom carpet from a schoolfriend who also used to pee on her own bedroom carpet.

I think that quite a lot of youngsters are into the whole naughty peeing thing when still not old enough to really understand sex. Many grow out of it. Some - particularly well represented on this forum - do not, lol.

I knew one woman a while back who got kicked out of home at 15 for pissing on the carpet, lol. But she was 24 when I knew her and claimed not to be able to understand what people could get out of the whole pissing thing. I guess she must have been one of the ones who grew out of it. Unless she was in denial, lol.

Maybe I should have gotten her drunk and given her carte blanche, haha.

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  • 4 months later...

I peed on my HS girlfriend right on my carpet in my room. We set one towel down but it wasn’t enough. She didn’t like it too much but I was so hard.


Other than that, I used to set a bunch of towels up in my bed and lay on them and just pee into the air, onto myself and masturbate with it. Sometimes I’d let it all out at once, but most of the time it’d just be a little at a time. Just enough to keep my cock lubricated basically. I loveeed it. I would always wash the towels right afterwords and I’m surprised my mom never questioned why I washed three or four towels at once lol. 

Edited by ZooeyGlass
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A lot of towels and taking advantage of any free time home alone became my MO. I started to have an overwhelming urge to wet myself but didn't know how to do it at the computer, while watching pee porn, without making a huge mess so I decided to wear a bathing suit stuffed with towels. This became a favorite activity and I'm not even a fan of diaper play, it was just a super easy way to clean up. When I didn't have time to wash the towels, I'd store them in a garbage bag. I did get caught washing them a couple times and asked where all the towels were but I'd usually just claim ignorance 

I of course peed in the shower, sinks and various containers. When I knew I had enough time I would even pee on the floor and my bedroom carpet has gotten more than one spurt. We even had a solarium that I would sometimes go into to pee. Giving me a chance to pee on a wall. I'd even venture into the yard and discreetly pee sitting on the lawn or wet myself when the coast was clear. If I had a moment alone, your be sure I'd take advantage of it. Living with roommates now and not having in house laundry hampers my activities a bit more than parents now. I did buy a chamber pot though and hope to get some use out of that.

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I would stay up till everyone else was asleep and take sneaky pees on the couches, carpet, plush toys, against shelves. I had to he careful with that though. I also peed a lot in the shower and the sink, I peed in the toilet tank a couple times but the tank lids are heavy. I peed a lot into towels either rolled up under my or on my bed. Peed my bed a little tiny bit with no protection. And peed my floor a bit too, on my walls and doors too.

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12 hours ago, Peeonallthethings said:

I would stay up till everyone else was asleep and take sneaky pees on the couches, carpet, plush toys, against shelves. I had to he careful with that though. I also peed a lot in the shower and the sink, I peed in the toilet tank a couple times but the tank lids are heavy. I peed a lot into towels either rolled up under my or on my bed. Peed my bed a little tiny bit with no protection. And peed my floor a bit too, on my walls and doors too.

I was the same i used to take my towel to my room every night it was normal to do this and id pee in spurts around my room and put my towel across my bed and spray little bits there and going for showers id get in normally then instead of peeing in the shower id open the shower glass door and pee on the mat or on the wall out side the shower i think the scariest one being young was having the shower running getting out putting my towel on the floor behind the door and could hear either my sister or a parent in the laundry right out side and i peed my full bladder on the back of the door with them only feet away but they could only hear the shower running 

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My sister and I used to sometimes play house - often setting up a den in her bedroom creating "rooms" by using furniture and sheets.  We used to pretend to cook in the "kitchen" area and play games in the "living area"   We created a "bathroom" area which was the area between the foot of her bed and the wall.   Both my sister and I peed on the carpet in this area if we needed to pee during our games.  

Another one was that we didn't have toilet downstairs, but we had stairs that went up half a flight had a middle landing and then another half flight going back the other way.  This meant that under the stairs was a storage area (with door) that was reasonably extensive and turned  a corner at the back.  I set up an old metal biscuit tin in there which meant that we could pee go in there and pee in the tin rather than traipsing upstairs.   I know - it wasn't far to go upstairs, but far enough!   That was fine and I emptied it when necessary - never leaving it more than a day or so.  I used to extract the tin and deposit the contents out of the front door (which was opposite the door to under the stairs).   One day I peed in the tin, then got on with things and went back for another pee later on only to find that the tin was empty(!).  Turned out that the tin had finally rusted and developed pin holes and my earlier pee had gradually seeped out into the carpet below!  I threw that tin away and replaced it with a "new" one, but just let the pee in the carpet dry of its own accord.

I also had bunk beds that were slightly away from the wall and had just enough room to get down behind them.   I used to sleep on the top bunk and the bottom bunk was just spare in case we had visitors.   One night I was busting for a pee but someone was in the bathroom for ages.  So I got an old pair of trousers and put them on the floor down the gap, climbed in there and peed on them.   I was going to stick them in the washing machine next day, but for whatever reason I didn't.   So, next night when I needed to pee, I just used the shorts again.  Unfortunately, my mum changed the beds next day and found them.  She gave me grief, but I just told her I was desperate and couldn't get in the bathroom.


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The sister peeing on my carpet thing gave me issues when I learned about sex and realised that my interest in naughty peeing was sexual. Back then in those pre-internet days with no older friends or siblings it was still possible to get to age 11 - as I did - before learning about sex. As soon as my head got around all that I stopped encouraging my sister, and instead began nurturing fantasies of whichever girl I had crushes on in school doing it. 

But although it has remained ever since a never to be mentioned subject between us, not only am I certain from the gleeful look on her face back then that she enjoyed pissing in naughty ways, I suspect she never grew out of it.

I can remember at the age of 18 taking a short cut through a nearby school playground to the off licence - and my sister, then aged 15 was playing tennis there with a female school friend the same age. I said "hi" as I passed. And there were these three boys that were a bit younger than them hanging around. There was an alcoved entrance with concreted floor leading to the gym just there too. And as my sister indicated that alcoved entrance to her friend with a smirk, I distinctly heard her say to her friend, "Those boys want to watch us go toilet in there again." I noticed the word "again". Lol. Clearly it had already happened at least once before already. Her friend smirked in response in a manner that could have indicated amusement but also possibly interest.

I just carried on walking, and still wonder if those lads got to enjoy another show after I'd gone, lol.

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  • 9 months later...

I would always pee on the carpet in my closet & then use our carpet cleaner so no one would catch on. Most of the time late at night when everyone else was asleep, but some days I’d come home straight from school & piss on the carpet as I was changing clothes. 

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I wait till night time usually. I have like two carpets in my room so I lift the first carpet on the corners and I would soak the carpet. Completely over do it. But my parents never found out. I do the same on my bed, on the walls, in the trash, anywhere I could find. I even take the photos of girls I have on my tablet because I have a huge tits fetish too. I take the pictures and put captions on them saying things like "Oh yeah just soak that carpet" or "Oh yeah it makes me so horny when you piss on the carpet like that" and merge my two fetishes. It makes me even hornier so then I soak whatever I want and then I would cum all over it and then hide all of the evidence.


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  • 2 weeks later...
On ‎2‎/‎28‎/‎2018 at 2:22 AM, Tingr16 said:

I wouldnt mind even hearing of some parents that do this and keep it hidden from the kids 

Our very own forum mod Sophie is a parent, who has also peed on the kitchen floor for the viewing pleasure of her husband. She definitely keeps that secret from her daughter.

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I don't think many places in the house were safe when I was home alone. I peed the bathroom sink and shower countless times, the kitchen sink every so often. My bedroom window led over the roof to the mudroom which made peeing into the garden off the roof a lot of fun ;). I lived on a rather massive property mostly forested which I think I may have singal handledly marked entirely.

When I was in a poly group and the house was completely free for a weekend at one point I was walking my two kitties on a leash on both peed in front of me. One of my partners was more used to watersports than the other so she was the first to volunteer to let me pee on her right after while the other was only really comfortable watching. Both enjoyed it regardless :). If I haven't already posted this story I'll go into more detail at another time, promise 😉

At another point in another relationship my partner and I were mid foreplay in my bedroom when my parents were home but couldn't hear us. She was on top of me with her hips over mine. We were making out when I felt an unmistakable warmth on my cock. I look down and sure enough she was peeing on me, just enough not to soak the bed. She was really good at holding her pee for a long period after stopping so that was easy enough. She then put my cock in her mouth and about five minutes in I pissed in her mouth and she drank what she could. I sprayed her tits and clit just enough as well and then finished what was left in a mason jar, filling it about a third. She then held it under her pussy and peed what was left, filling it almost overflowing, letting the rest trickle on my cock and chest. We had sex wet in our piss and then dryed off with a clean towel.. And waited for everyone else to leave before showering and dealing with the jar.

living in the country was kind of the best thing ever for having a pissing fetish

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I used to pee on myself with a towel under me but had to stop that game when my mum asked why my towel smelled.  After that I switched to peeing small amounts on the floor.  Not too much as I neither wanted anyone to notice a wet carpet nor another "discussion " about strange smells.  Luckily, I had a converted attic room so neither my brothers or parents went up that often. As long as I played when there was time for it to dry I was usually ok.

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  • 9 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
13 minutes ago, pop-a-squat said:

I began pissing on the carpet but I’d do it when they weren’t home and I’d move the furniture and pee wherever it was then clean it up and move the furniture back. 

Pity you live so far away.

Cos you'd be more than welcome to come and piss on my carpets and let me worry about cleaning it up, lol

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2 minutes ago, pop-a-squat said:

if you ever wanna hear some of my carpet pissing stories feel free to inbox me 

I would happily do so, but first I would encourage you to post them publicly instead so we can all enjoy them

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  • 1 month later...

A couple times when I was home alone, I would hold until I was desperate. I would go into the hallway, lay down or squat, and pee everywhere. The hallway was the only area with a lot of non-carpeted floor. I would make it last for while by peeing little spurts and sitting down and rolling around in it. Near the end, the pee would start flooding. Then I had to clean it all up with a TON of paper towels and take two showers. I want to do it again sometime so badly 😍, someday when I have my own place.

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