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What the hell happened to this site?

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What Happened?

To make a long story short I did an upgrade that was supposed to take about 12 hours to complete, but it ended up taking a little more than 2 weeks.

Why did you do the upgrade? 

I did the upgrade because I wanted to provide a better user experience with more features on a more modern platform. In my opinion this is the best forum software on the market. This software gives us room to grow and a more stable platform to build upon.

What was wrong with the old software?

The problem with the old software was that it lacked critical moderation and security features and it was out dated both in terms of features and design.

Why didn't you warn us?

No amount of warning would have made the transition easier. My intention was to rip the bandage off quickly so to speak, but it ended up taking MUCH longer than anticipated.

Something doesn't  work right or is missing

If you run across something that is missing or isn't working please make a note on the "site issues" thread.


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2 hours ago, UnauthorisedGuy said:

What a ridiculous comment.  If you'd let members know that you were going to do an update, then we would have known why the site was unavailable.

In fairness, based upon former experience with other sites, Admin anticipated that the upgrade would only take 12 hours and he is busy and wasn't sure when exactly he was going to get around to it. That a whole heap of unexpected problems would arise was not expected. But Admin nevertheless did place statements where the forum log in was when he was able to, explaining what was going on and apologising for the downtime.

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Admin told me that when he did this on his other forums, a tiny minority complained a lot, but that most ended up preferring the new set up once they'd gotten used to it.

Certainly, picture quality in the popular pic threads is greatly improved. Definitely noticed that.

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