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Introduction - New Admin and Owner


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I'd like to introduce myself as the new Admin and Owner. I recently purchased this site from the previous owner who decided to sell it due to personal circumstances. We are in the process of transitioning various accounts so that they reflect the new ownership. I apologize in advance for any downtime that may occur. As for me I run a company called Depraved Media (depravedmedia.com) we are an Adult Media and Web Design company. Other sites we run include: CamCaps.net, PinApussy.com, DirtyBin.com, Reallifecamfan.com, Webcamsplus.com, VoyeurTube.Cc, YouTubeNudes.com, and few others. We have a growing portfolio of sites and I thought this would be a great addition. I love running forums and building online communities, it's quite evident that you already have a great community here. So what does all this mean for you? Not a whole lot. I am not going to make any major changes for the time being, and any changes that I do make will be feature improvements or upgrades. I believe that the direction of a site is best left up to the community that defines it. However, I am going to get the Video Gallery login issue fixed, and I am going to streamline the membership upgrade process. I do have a couple of questions for you all though:

1. What do you currently not like about the site?

2. What could we do to improve the site?

3. Do you like the idea of having more new members? Or would you rather keep the site small and close knit?

4. Are there any outstanding issues that I should know about (other than the video gallery)?

Please note: I will honor all current premium and video gallery memberships, but please bear with me as I get things figured out.

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I can only address the issue #3. I see many many people sign on to WGP, but most of them drop out of the activity after they have gotten their taste.

Those left seem to make up a nice somewhat closely knit activite group. I can see trying to change things in this regard.

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I'd like to introduce myself as the new Admin and Owner. I recently purchased this site from the previous owner who decided to sell it due to personal circumstances. We are in the process of transitioning various accounts so that they reflect the new ownership. I apologize in advance for any downtime that may occur. As for me I run a company called Depraved Media (depravedmedia.com) we are an Adult Media and Web Design company. Other sites we run include: CamCaps.net, PinApussy.com, DirtyBin.com, Reallifecamfan.com, Webcamsplus.com, VoyeurTube.Cc, YouTubeNudes.com, and few others. We have a growing portfolio of sites and I thought this would be a great addition. I love running forums and building online communities, it's quite evident that you already have a great community here. So what does all this mean for you? Not a whole lot. I am not going to make any major changes for the time being, and any changes that I do make will be feature improvements or upgrades. I believe that the direction of a site is best left up to the community that defines it. However, I am going to get the Video Gallery login issue fixed, and I am going to streamline the membership upgrade process. I do have a couple of questions for you all though:

1. What do you currently not like about the site?

2. What could we do to improve the site?

3. Do you like the idea of having more new members? Or would you rather keep the site small and close knit?

4. Are there any outstanding issues that I should know about (other than the video gallery)?

Please note: I will honor all current premium and video gallery memberships, but please bear with me as I get things figured out.

The site is great as is..more needs to be done to retain new members.There are only about 30 at all regular contributors,out of seemingly many.

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The site is great as is..more needs to be done to retain new members.There are only about 30 at all regular contributors,out of seemingly many.

As I look the numbers if I look at MEMBERS I think that 30 is a way low number.

There are 20 people on the highest number list, and I am about to be displaced off the list with more active people, and I see lots of other people making comments on thread which they don't necessarily start.

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Sorry to see the back of the previous guy - never knew that was in the pipeline - but welcome to you.

I like the less rigid and more informal style in regards to rules here, which rely more on common sense. Seems to work well for us. And a major attraction to many of us here is girls peeing in naughty places, which was sometimes frowned upon by the powers that be at our main rival, Peesearch.com.

I think in terms of membership, things are great just now , with enough people to keep the site active. More are welcome as well though, as long as they don't want to ban this or ban that.

One thing I have often thought, though, is that this site's name itself tends to attract far more guys than girls, and only girls with an interest in other girls peeing might give us a look. If we had a less gender-specific name for our forum we might attract more ladies, possibly. But of course the drawback of that is that this site-name has become recognised now.

In terms of new members, you could possibly advertise this site on all your others, for anyone who might be interested.

Change is always a bit scary, because it opens up fears for the future of the site. But I hope you are as committed to it's continuance as the previous owner seemed to be. And is he going to be still around as a member?

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Informal is how I like to keep things. I generally like to stay hands off aside from banning spammers and handling the technical side of things. You hit the nail on the head, my question about new members was to get an idea of how much advertising and promotion I should be doing. Depraved Media sites generate more than 7 million page views per month, which along with other avenues could generate a lot of traffic for this site. As far as the domain name it is very difficult to change an established sites domain name, and I am not going to attempt that. That being said there are a few other tricks that can be employed to achieve similar results. I will keep your suggestion in mind.

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Informal is how I like to keep things. I generally like to stay hands off aside from banning spammers and handling the technical side of things. You hit the nail on the head, my question about new members was to get an idea of how much advertising and promotion I should be doing. Depraved Media sites generate more than 7 million page views per month, which along with other avenues could generate a lot of traffic for this site. As far as the domain name it is very difficult to change an established sites domain name, and I am not going to attempt that. That being said there are a few other tricks that can be used to achieve similar results, I will keep that in mind.

Well, more traffic and new members are always welcome. And I will have to take a look at some of the other sites you mention, most of which are new names to me. Do any of them include a peeing or watersports element? Will have to check them out when I have more time.

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Well, more traffic and new members are always welcome. And I will have to take a look at some of the other sites you mention, most of which are new names to me. Do any of them include a peeing or watersports element? Will have to check them out when I have more time.

None of the other sites are directly related to watersports or peeing, however, there are a few threads on the topic. The other sites are more oriented towards the live cam, exhibitionist, and simulated voyeur niches. Our flagship site is CamCaps.Net.

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Hello and congratulations of your investment.

I do agree that the community with the members is a nice place to come. From my experience, this is recently new to me and I happen to stumble on this forum. I was looking for information on golden showers and I found the members here helpful in informing me on the missing information I was looking for. I now do believe that there are others like me that would like to talk and share their experience. However, there are some that are curious but not sure where to get or talk about it.

Looking forward to knowing you more in your likes and dislikes with some of the topics that were created.

Sephora :smuggrin:

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The site is great as is..more needs to be done to retain new members.There are only about 30 at all regular contributors,out of seemingly many.

I agree. . .and I feel that because there is SO MUCH free content people have no reason to contribute anything. . .there is no need to!!! Why say anything at all when there is so much to view. It's like going to the movies. . . why talk when there is entertainment going on. In my opinion. . . . rotate content a little at a time. Let people savor what is there and talk about it. Just my opinion of course. But it really depends on what you are running this forum for.

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Hi Admin

This forum does work well at the moment with virtually all posts well considered. Please be careful to make sue that you don't attract people that are likely to post negatively as happens on many other forums - I don't know why this works well here and not elsewhere but it may be down to the moderation policy of no tolerance of intolerance. It is nice to be able to freely discuss things that some unenlightened people might think naughty without getting a tirade of negative comments.


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Lets hope this isnt the end of WGP,so many nice,intelligent,highly sexed and very nice people,i hope are kind of friends.

Let's hope so too, but let's give the new guy a chance. Everything seems cool so far.

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Lets hope this isnt the end of WGP,so many nice,intelligent,highly sexed and very nice people,i hope are kind of friends.

The last thing I want to do is create a big culture shift or ostracize the long standing members. As I said I am not going to be making any big changes other than trying to streamline a few things. I understand that change is always difficult, but I am going to make it as seamless possible. I tend to be hands off, as I think that it's best to let the community set the direction of the site. I may run the site, but without you all there wouldn't be a site. As far as Advertising and "fees", I don't plan on adding ads, however, I am likely going to add another way to upgrade to a Premium which will actually be cheaper than the current options. I am always open to suggestions on ways to improve things.

- Admin

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I do want to give an update on the Video Gallery. I am still waiting for the host to properly transfer a few things. Once that is done I will be able to fix any outstanding account or login issues. If you have a membership to the Video Gallery your old username and password should work. If for some reason you are not able to login, please use the password reset function.

Thank You,

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Admin. Welcome to our community. I find that the pages on this site load up awfully slowly. I expect this is a tech problem that only an expensive fix would remedy, but you might consider looking at it.

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Hi Admin. Welcome to our community. I find that the pages on this site load up awfully slowly. I expect this is a tech problem that only an expensive fix would remedy, but you might consider looking at it.

I've noticed that as well, and I am looking into it. Given that I am relatively new around here it's hard to know what is "normal" and what is slow.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello and welcome. I regret that I don't post as often as I'd like or probably should but I'm active on a number of sites and 'life' has an unfortunate habit of getting in the way too. However I like the approach you've outlined which has a lightness of touch about it and I look forward to you continuing to build on the existing strengths of this site.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, New Admin! :wink:

As the fact that I am only replying that late after this thread was started, it should be quite apparent the I am one of the lesser active members of this forum.

You asked a couple of questions, so while I'm here, I will try to answer them.

(Please note that English is only my second tongue, so if something I wrote seems to not make sense, just ask for clarification.)

1. What do you currently not like about the site?

For me there is no real issue.

A minor problem would be that sometimes topics get mixed up... in.. well... how do I describe that... I'll give an example:

In the Video-Gallery someone has currently uploaded a Video labeled "Dani Piss & Shit".

I do know that this site is not totally restricted to the topic of watersport, but then again I am not a huge (read: not at all) fan of anal-related topics.

It's quite a turn-OFF for me, to say the least. I have even deleted some of the video's I came across over time once I found the same video, only longer.. and that the extended part included scat. I was simply unable to watch those (cut) video's with only the pee part in without thinking about what came next.

"What has been seen, can not be un-seen." o_O

I do not want those topics to be banned here, but rather separated from the part I am interested in, so that I can't accidental stumble onto them.

One reason I joined this site was, because the direct... competitor "peesearch" is a bit more restrictives towards my favorite topic, that of naughty peeing.

I think it's one of the big assets of this site that it is less restrictive. This should be exploited. :wink:

2. What could we do to improve the site?

Hmm... attract more members while staying true to what makes this site great, perhaps ?

Being less restrictive while maintaining the respectful tone of this site.

3. Do you like the idea of having more new members? Or would you rather keep the site small and close knit?

Sure. See point 2, above.

4. Are there any outstanding issues that I should know about (other than the video gallery)?

None that I am aware of.

Of few words of my own / my point of view:

I am not very active here for various reasons.

First, I have a full-time-job, and often simply lack the time or muse to write something.

But when I do, it's those walls of text like this one, not just one-liners, which is also part of the problem why I post not so very often: it simply takes time.

I also find myself often struggling for words. And that fact that English is only my second language (I am German) is not the only reasons for this. :wink:

Secondly, I joined this site (and before that peesearch.net) for the simply reasons that I have yet to find any German site devoted to the pee-topic that is either not a pay-site or focuses on only one aspect of this fetish (like "www.aurumh2o.de", which is 99% about panty-wetting).

And last but not least (actually, most importantly):

My main reason to get out into the (relative) open with my fetish and subscribing to a forum and actually start talking about it - is to find a partner.

(I should rather have written "was" instead of "is", as I have no illusions (anymore) that this is a goal which is nearly unachievable, as I realized that I am actually a rather.. boring person in real life.)

Anyway, I think some members here still hope to find a suitable partner, but most either do not dare mentioning it in order to hide their real intentions (which might spoil their chances) - while others are very very open with this (but usually those ones are not looking for a partner, but rather someone to f**k).

To sum it all up:

This forum is specialized on the topic of watersport and distinct's itself from the direct competitor peesearch.net in that it is less restrictive.

As far as I can tell - to be honest - I have no idea how to make money with this site.

Apart from that, I have to agree with Steve that the name of this site is surely not attracting to many new members, especially female one's.

If I would have been searching for a pee related forum and stumbled upon the name "watchgirlspeeing.com" in the result-list, I would have not clicked on it, because I would have assumed it was just another site selling pics or videos, not an actual forum.

As a matter of fact, I only know about this site because Steve mentioned it (I think it was somewhere in a post at peesearch.net, iirc), otherwise I would not have found it.

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  • 7 months later...
Hi, my name is Kari and in the Baltimore area. Looking forward to seeing what this site is all about!

There are many facets to this site. Surely there will be something that you enjoy. I just hope that you stay around to enjoy them.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Greetings! I stumbled upon this site somehow from peesearch.net which lately has gotten boring for me. I signed up here in June and have just posted a few pics to get established here.

What I'd like to see different is a more open community. In other words, where someone or a couple are in the USA may come across another someone/couple in the same state or let's say vicinity, if both parties are willing, there is a place to share, here on the site, where they can connect; again if all parties are willing. Just a suggestion.

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Hi. I'm new here. P-lovinguy raises an interesting point about sharing with nearby members; assuming that you mean like minded people arranging meetups. Would a classified section be a good idea? I long to meet that illusive partner with which to share my/our interests in the flesh. I have been into ws for many years and so far have never met anyone in person that has the same fetish. People are naturally secretive about their fetishes; we don't go around wearing a t shirt that reads "please piss on me" and to bring the subject up with ones partner or wife risks us being regarded as perverts (as I found out personally). Anyway, hi to everyone here. I look forward to exploring this site

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Hi. I'm new here. P-lovinguy raises an interesting point about sharing with nearby members; assuming that you mean like minded people arranging meetups. Would a classified section be a good idea? I long to meet that illusive partner with which to share my/our interests in the flesh. I have been into ws for many years and so far have never met anyone in person that has the same fetish. People are naturally secretive about their fetishes; we don't go around wearing a t shirt that reads "please piss on me" and to bring the subject up with ones partner or wife risks us being regarded as perverts (as I found out personally). Anyway, hi to everyone here. I look forward to exploring this site

Yes pianotrancer that's exactly what I was referring to; like minded people of our vice arranging possible meetups. Thanks for the acknowledgement me being sort of the new kid in town. Being a widower, I share with you about meeting someone (once again,) that illusive partner to share our "interest" one-on-one.

However, as I've said in another thread, THIS is not the end all/be all of meeting & being with someone. Getting to know that someone as a person, her likes, her dislikes, growing comfortable being with each other's company and then longing for that person's company, embrace & tenderness to the point of intimacy is the ultimate experience.

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