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Who Knows? Who do you tell?

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To people who don't share this interest, the idea of finding pee as a turn on could be quite weird, and so it's obviously not something many people would openly admit to. However, have you ever told a partner about your fetish/interest? If not, do you ever plan to, or do you think it could possibly make things weird between you? Of course, the flip side is that your partner could be up for it and you could have some fun together. Even if she didn't share the interest in the same way, she could be willing to help make some of your fantasies a reality if you confess them to her. Also, has anyone ever found out about your interest without you wanting them to?

Share your thoughts on this here.

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I think it would make things weird... it IS an odd thing to be interested in, but it's not dangerous like many of those other fetishes...

When I watch her peeing, it is better she lets me do it without realising how it makes me feel...

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I keep my interest very private and have only told a couple past girlfriends, the ones whom I knew would understand. i have a huge fear of making things wierd. Thankfully, it has paid off because even though they didn't share the same interest or "kink" they were willing to experiment with letting me watch and even playing with golden showers. Sometimes even turning them on by it as well.

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I've never told anyone, and been very private about my interest in this fetish in real life. It's possible one of my good friends, whom I trust deeply, knows or suspects. But we've never had a conversation about it.

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I've found a way to bring it up in almost every relationship I've been in, after a little time passes, of course. You definitely know right away if there is any interest or not on your partner's side. I've heard everything from "eewww!" to "oh, you like that? Then watch this!" You might be surprised by the positive reaction you get.

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I have always tended to be in the closet about my peeing interests in real life. You see, once you put that knowledge out there amongst your own social circle in any way, you lose control of who gets told about it. And there are a lot of people around who would engage in gossipping and sniggering behind your back, and think less of you as a person.

There are others who would be grossed out to such an extent that they would regard you as some thouroughly disgusting pervert, and spread the word about that supposed "fact" in self-righteous indignation. The problem here is partly one of conditioning. We are all pretty much taught from a very young age that pee is totally disgusting and dirty, should never be done anywhere other than a toilet, hands always washed afterwards to remove all germs, etc. Those who never develop any kind of sexual interest in pee are vulnerable to just being left with the feelings of disgust that have been ingrained in them.

There are also of course still plenty of narrowmind judgementalists out there who are never happier than when they are adopting an air of moral superiority and looking down their noses at those who are in any way "different". These are often the ones championing laws to crack down on sexual freedoms.

And of course any of the above could include our bosses, our foremen, our managers, etc, who might have the power to make life difficult for us at work or even cost us our jobs.

I feel that we must always be very careful about who we confide in. But I do now have a number of online friends whom I met specifically on fetish sites - Peesearch and EP mostly - who have been aware of my interests from the very beginning, and with whom I chat often, and rarely about pee actually. As with most friendships, we have a lot else in common and chat about our everyday lives and concerns and general interests most of the time like any other friends. The pee fetish thing is just not a taboo for us at all, though if it ever get's mentioned at all it is generally wholly in an unashamed and totally natural matter-of-fact way.

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Nobody, apart from on a site like this. Once confided in a male workmate & regretted it!

I have been very lucky to have had partners that have always been open and GGG. Truthfully it is a deal breaker for me. I have met women who were completely closed off. I ended it there.

Personally I would rather meet someone who is open and willing to try new things.

Sumrexus...Do not be embarrassed by someone who is close minded. They are the ones who should regret it!!

We know the truth!!

So all you who don't tell partners or prospective partners.

Go for it.

You will be surprised how open the ones we love can be.

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I have been very lucky to have had partners that have always been open and GGG. Truthfully it is a deal breaker for me. I have met women who were completely closed off. I ended it there.

Personally I would rather meet someone who is open and willing to try new things.

Sumrexus...Do not be embarrassed by someone who is close minded. They are the ones who should regret it!!

We know the truth!!

So all you who don't tell partners or prospective partners.

Go for it.

You will be surprised how open the ones we love can be.

The person I confided in was not closed minded? I did not realise that he fancied sex with another man (me) & as I am totally straight I declined his advances, he then tried to blackmail me. We ended up in this situation where he knew I had a piss fetish, particularly voyeurism of women peeing & I knew he had a secret wish to be intimate with other men, despite being married. I cannot really say anymore :sick:

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Nobody except my pee/sex friend Sasha and 2 other girls tho we limit it to only playing with piss and watching eachother pee naughty places and afterwards each rub it on our own staring at eachothers mess, honestly tho sometimes. I just wanna fuck the life out of her im so turned on by a naughty girl peeing...I respect both of them on their decisions so I let them pee anywhere while they let me watch them then we get off and everybody's need for pee is satisfied afterwards. I never told anyone else, im a very quiet person in real life and ive never been the social type either so that didnt help. I was lucky to get to know Sasha back when I work at a public store, she put it on the table first. The other 2 it was a big guest because while I did t know about it...they sure werent shy at all when it came to showing off their bodies...and ever since high school they have been peeing in front of our group of friends almost every lunch at noon. We would all go sit under a tree far behind the football field and we would eat our lunch there (we were about 10 ) in our group including them. I asked them one time (that was after I was out of highschool) if they did that alot outside of school back then and they said yes, its something they loved doing all the time ever since they were young too and it always got them excited so I threw myself out and told my 2 friends about how I felt about peeing where youre not supposed to and it really got us closer together (tho we still prefer to stay friends, I cant them either one of them's temper when it goes off it would be like putting water in boiling oil if were to go further. Other than that, ive never felt like it was a good moment to tell anyone else...its like an opportunity that shows rarely for me, but theres also alot of reserved people like me who dont socialize alot who would wait the same thing im waiting for. Im happy with just those 3 and you guys and girls on here knowing about my dirty secret! Its all i need to be happy.

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Nobody except my pee/sex friend Sasha and 2 other girls...

Oh you have no idea how lucky you are. I would love to have a female pee friend like Sasha, who got off on pissing everywhere and letting me watch.

I'd love to hear you describe the situation when she first revealed her interest to you, and what this led to in terms of her first naughty pees in front of you

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I'd love to hear you describe the situation when she first revealed her interest to you, and what this led to in terms of her first naughty pees in front of you.

Just for you Steve I will, but not here I want to put it in the story section so I can tell you exactly what happened during the few months I worked at toysrus as my first job and how Sasha and I ended up being fuckbuddies and pee everywhere naughty together when I can take her to work with me and I know i'll be alone there all night. :laugh:

All I can say is we met because of "good timing"

Someone got caught. =P

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  • 5 months later...

I don't think I have "peedar", but I've become pretty good at figuring out who is into pee. I spend a lot of time outdoors and most of the women I date like much the same things I do, namely hiking, biking, boating, kayaking, rowing (what I call the other water sports :wink: ). We're often in situations where we have to pee in close proximity, so I can pretty much tell who dislikes this sort of thing and who is merely being a good sport.

Then, there are those who really enjoy it, who bring along extra water bottles and don't seem to care when they get caught short. Funny how I keep seeing them! :biggrin:

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In my real life, there are only two people who know about my fetish for sure. One, of course, is my fiancé whom I met on another pee fetish site, and the other is a... I don't even know what to call him... A man in my family who was a disgusting pervert and sexually and emotionally abusive towards me, who, at one time, I thought I could trust with my fetish. Interestingly enough, he later told me, when he found out I was dating my now fiancé, that if I ever told anyone what he'd done to me, he'd make sure our whole family knew about my fetish and knew where and how I'd met my fiancé. Biggest mistake of my life, telling that man anything... I just am so thankful I now have an amazing guy in my life, one who loves me and who knows everything about me and even shares in my pee fetish!

There is one other guy who may or may not know about my fetish, a friend of my fiancé. It's his old college roommate and best friend now, Alex, who he thinks he told about his fetish back in college and said he couldn't be with a girl who wasn't into it as well. If that's true and John (my fiancé) did tell Alex that, obviously he can put two and two together and figure out I'm into pee too. I've never been sure how I felt about that, honestly, but John trusts Alex totally, so I'm learning to do the same.

Other than that, the others who know are my friends on here, friends I certainly know aren't judging me for anything! I'm happy with things the way they are and definitely have no plans for anyone else to ever be told or find out about my fetish.

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Only 2 people in my life too, both snuggled together on the couch, and what I share on here and on PS. We plan to keep it this way too.

AngelGirl, what a dreadful position to be in. When my sister found out that I was married and in bed with another woman, she bought the wrath of god down on me (she is hip deep in some obscure religion) and I thought she was out of my life, but she still talks to me. Family members can be the worst sometimes.

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  • 1 year later...

Time to bump up an old thread! I think the general consensus for telling a partner is that if you really trust them and are in a long committed relationship, it would be wise to tell them about your interest in pee and perhaps gradually try and 'bring them in' on it. Whilst it's unlikely their reaction will be the ideal 'wow, me too!', most partners would consider indulging in something if they know how much you like it. They may have their own fantasy which you could help out with in return. Stories on this forum - and my own personal experience - back up that it's generally good to tell a partner if it's the right person.

Now, the reason I wanted to bump this thread, is I wanted to focus on the other aspect of this question - who knows? I'd be interested to hear if anyone has confided in anyone other than a longterm partner (excluding internet conversations) and how that worked out. Would you ever consider having anyone else know about your interest in pee?

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Someone whom I know in real life and have met a number of times - a female lady friend of mine - knows all about my fetish, and we can talk openly about it.

But I did originally meet her on Peesearch, so not sure that counts.

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Ive only ever asked an (ex) g/f once,and she wasnt keen,it caused problems and break up.Since then,yes,im the only guy in the world it seems that has visited "escorts",and ive watched about 10 of these ladies have a wee,or over me.I think its difficult to discuss a fetish in normal conversation.If any of us all met up,we would instantly be chatting about it,because we know its our thing,but ive never said to any mates,"you know,id love to watch Kylie Minogue piss".It would be weird to them,even though they may agree secretly.

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All my friends know. It is handy that I write fiction and can share it with my friends, it makes a really good starting point for discussion and the penny soon drops that I might be just like the women I write about. While my friends don't participate they are completely accepting of me wetting myself so I do it completely openly in front of them when we go out - but they never notice pee soaking into my seat or running down my legs!

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