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Hi! Need some easing into this kink and website


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52 minutes ago, chubbybunny said:

Hi, I'm new here 🙂

This kink isn't entirely new to me, but sharing it with others is! Is there a way for me to feel less embarrassed about it?

Well discussing what you like with like-minded individuals is definitely a great start. Before I discovered that pee play was a kink, I kept it to myself and felt a lot of shame because I thought I was alone.

I'm grateful to discover that I was amongst like minded folk.

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4 hours ago, Hamster245 said:

Well discussing what you like with like-minded individuals is definitely a great start. Before I discovered that pee play was a kink, I kept it to myself and felt a lot of shame because I thought I was alone.

I'm grateful to discover that I was amongst like minded folk.

Thank you! 🙂

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4 hours ago, gldenwetgoose said:

Just browsing around here is probably a start - take your time and appreciate the number of people all into exactly the same things as you. 

Over time things will feel a lot more ‘normal’ and rational. 

Thank you too! 😆 it's really nice to see so many people into the same thing as I am

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To answer your question BTW - a way to feel less embarrassed about talking to others and opening up about our kink...

The answer I gave of browsing around will certainly help you to realise just how many people share our kink.   Also if you read through some of the discussions you'll see that it's almost a genetic thing - like maybe realising you're actually attracted to a different gender than you initially thought, having a love of rhubarb or being the only person you know who loves history.

There are many discussions on telling others - buried mostly in the pee talk section - where the topic gets discussed from time to time.   Different people have different views of course - some will say "F*** it - Just tell 'em" which isn't always easy when you're worried about loosing friends or someone close, and being alienated from work colleagues.

My take on it is with friends to gently touch on it, where the subject crops up. Gently as in leaving yourself room to back out of a conversation if it doesn't pan out the way you'd hoped.

So if a friend on a night out comments 'they really need a wee', you could maybe confess 'maybe I'm a bit weird, but actually I don't mind that feeling".   And if wetting was mentioned, your opportunity is to express that it's not the worst feeling - and maybe discuss the places people have had emergency wees.  You can guarantee some will be more unusual than you imagine.

If it's a partner and you're introducing your interest, they don't need to know that it's a longstanding thing.   So for example pillow talk along the lines -  You won't believe what happened to me last week...   (story about arriving home bursting, having to wee in the garden / wetting yourself) but actually you keep thinking how naughty it felt and that naughtiness is a bit of a turn on.   You can tailor of course to your kink, keeping it fairly tame and in a way if they dismiss it then you can let the subject drop.   They may not react immediately, but you've planted a seed of thought.

Good luck !

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Everyone here could tell their own story about how they came to enjoy whatever aspect of the kink they indulge in.  For some of us (myself included) it started young, for others it started later.  Some found it on their own, others were introduced by a friend, relative or partner.  It's a different journey every time.

The thing I like most about this site is that, whatever behaviours your personal kink includes, there's probably someone here who shares that interest.  At a minimum, it's a non-judgemental, open and friendly environment to discuss, explore and discover.  Whatever path you take, just don't let anyone push you in a direction you'd rather not go.  Engage in the conversations and, hopefully, find inspiration to take the next step, whatever form that takes.

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I'll second this! Welcome to the forum. Nobody here will judge you for your kink - we are all like minded and it's a good community! I've found over the years that I can tell which of my friends are into this kink by gauging their reaction whenever I mention pee in conversation. I'm pretty sure some of them have figured out my kink too

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glad to have you! i am also new to opening up about my kinks, it can be a bit intimidating! talking with people over the internet has been a good way to dip my toes into it. sometimes just verbalizing your desires and putting it to words can help it feel a bit more "normal" in your head. i have been posting my art and writing and the positive feedback from people has helped too!

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On 10/19/2024 at 5:27 PM, Kathleen said:

do find that when I do need to pee and aroused I'm more inclined to entertain the thought,

Kathleen, you are so delightfully honest in what you say. Your quote reminds me of a chat up line I used to use when I went to 'gentlemen's clubs and chatted to ladies-"Is it a nuisance, or is it possibly a little bit pleasurable, when you have that feeling of needing to pee?" Without exception the girls admitted to being turned on a little when they felt the sensation of needing to pee... and invariably from that moment led to amazing and really exciting conversations, and even actions, on the subject within the club! Every girl I spoke to was really turned on by sharing this experience with me.....happy memories!

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On 10/17/2024 at 7:14 PM, chubbybunny said:

Hi, I'm new here 🙂

This kink isn't entirely new to me, but sharing it with others is! Is there a way for me to feel less embarrassed about it?

Bunny , I'm also new to the whole Idea of all this , maybe together we can find it's easier , My husband is so wonderful to me ,I'm only married 2 days now , we are in a hotel in Florence ,Italy  now  its late .I saw your photo's and applaud you for posting them ,I put only one up and was embarrassed to no end , I am ,with his help working slow into it all . I have a life time of very strict up bringing. Everything about any kind of sex was taboo . all I can say is do what your doing .members of the site will help you all they can .No one will say anything bad .kisses  Ruth 

Edited by on the porch
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