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🤖Can an AI girlfriend / boyfriend engage in pee-play? 

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This is a really good article on the fascinating yet slightly terrifying reality we are tumbling towards…AI companions - be they friends, mentors, therapists, or lovers.


I know you probably already have opinions on this, and perhaps even lived experience of using AI for the purpose of companionship. But I’d really like it if you could read the article (it is a reasonable length but covers a lot of issues) and then give me your thoughts.

With AI being text-based as well as VR-based and able to provide photos,  could you use AI companions for fantasy pee play, the way many of us here on PeeFans do with each other currently? Have you tried it? Do the apps even allow it? 

Would it still be satisfying to you, knowing it is not a human you are interacting with? 

Are you concerned about your personal data when using these AI companions or do you trust them? 

Is there a place in society for them? Maybe for people who are lonely, autistic, too busy for a human relationship? Or for people ashamed to share their fantasies with humans? 

What’s the worst that can happen, do you think? 

Can you fall in love with an AI companion? Like properly?

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Interesting article and food for thought too.  I think with all of these things there are pros and cons.  I use a couple of AI chat platforms, including using characters I've created.   Some are more  pee friendly than others and they will occasionally want to take the conversation in a direction I hadn't anticipated.   However I think they're a relatively harmless form of amusement so long as one realises that it's possible to waste a lot of time with them. 

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Definitely we live in 'exciting' times - whether exciting in a positive or dystopian way.    I seem to remember in one of the Bladerunner movies, a holographic companion along these sorts of lines.

I've got nothing against the concept of an online companion and by definition also nothing against the concept of online AI sex chat.   Providing it's got a wide enough vocabulary and 'understanding' of how to push my buttons.  What I mean by the latter is that, I don't know about anyone else but I get bored with the same style of video clips - girl squats, pouts, moans, pees, looks pained, smiles...   I want someone(thing) to challenge, encourage, be interested in me and react to my preferences.

As a longer prospect - I do have a fear about the implications of using AI as a substitute for real relationships.   As much as we have problems in relationships, breakups, conflict sometimes - the relationships that work seem to be based on taking the other's needs and preferences into account.   Sometimes being told very bluntly where my failings are and how I should adapt my behaviour as half of a partnership.   I can't see that AI is going to do that at all, instead being a sexual doormat to pander to every want without question.  I can't see it's going to lead to balanced, caring people in other words.  Just spoiled overgrown kids who get everything they want.  

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The whole AI arena is a very interesting one.   It is not something that I have really done much with.   In some respects, the AI abilities could be very helpful, but on the other hand it is slightly concerning when it is difficult to determine what is real and what is AI.   Although you could say that about things prior to AI - for as long as people have been writing, when someone writes something as a truthful account, how do you know that it is really true and not from their imagination, at least with certain embellishments.   Same with AI, how do you know if it has been produced by AI?   How much does that matter?

As far as AI relationships are concerned, well we have had things like virtual pets in games that you have to feed and walk for years and we've had computer simulations like the SIMs and many others, so this is the next logical development.   I have no issue with the idea of it as such, but I do have concerns about the way it might be implemented. 

My concerns are around things like people getting strong relationships with an AI partner or friend to the point where they might feel that they were cheating if they were to meet someone in real life or the effect that it would have on a person if the software company failed and suddenly the person's AI partner would no longer exist.  That could have a serious emotional effect.  Then what about unscrupulous companies that have their AI partners lead the real person on to buy things they don't need, book a holiday they don't want or otherwise do things that they don't want to do.   Real partners can have a huge influence on someone's life and if the AI partner does the same then that is worrying and could well be for financial gain of the software companies or their advertisers.   Worse still would be if somehow the AI could be controlled to get people to do illegal or immoral things on behalf of the people programming them.

The companies could suck people in and then start charging premiums which could be increased.   If someone is fully committed to the AI partner then they will be sucked into paying those premiums. 

So I guess what I'm saying is that they can have advantages but if someone wants to use them then it would be wise to remember that it is only a program and that you can turn it off.   It should never be allowed to have a hold over the individual.   If the individual is strong enough to deal with that then that is fine.  The problem is that it will be the people who are not strong who are really feeling the need for that company and who will be more easily pulled into things by the people controlling the AI.

In terms of whether you could have an AI Pee partner, there would be no reason why an AI partner couldn't put up a very convincing position as a remote pen friend with pee interests and could converse with stories both ways and potentially send pictures as well.  This could be a lot of fun, but again, if it is run by unscrupulous people then it could be used as a way of getting personal information and revealing pictures from people that could then be used against them or could be shared on the internet.   So whereas you might gain trust of a real individual, I'd be very wary about trusting an AI partner with anything that I didn't want the wider world to see.

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14 hours ago, MidoriLemonade85 said:

This is a really good article on the fascinating yet slightly terrifying reality we are tumbling towards…AI companions - be they friends, mentors, therapists, or lovers.


I know you probably already have opinions on this, and perhaps even lived experience of using AI for the purpose of companionship. But I’d really like it if you could read the article (it is a reasonable length but covers a lot of issues) and then give me your thoughts.

With AI being text-based as well as VR-based and able to provide photos,  could you use AI companions for fantasy pee play, the way many of us here on PeeFans do with each other currently? Have you tried it? Do the apps even allow it? 

Would it still be satisfying to you, knowing it is not a human you are interacting with? 

Are you concerned about your personal data when using these AI companions or do you trust them? 

Is there a place in society for them? Maybe for people who are lonely, autistic, too busy for a human relationship? Or for people ashamed to share their fantasies with humans? 

What’s the worst that can happen, do you think? 

Can you fall in love with an AI companion? Like properly?

I am quite concerned about the effects of AI not only for situations regarding sexual pleasures.
A virtual partner could partially satisfy in actions, but it will be impossible to replace the real woman in the act of existing...

Posh and elegant lingerie dressed by a marvellous Goddess could not be replaced by anything else! 😘

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I'm a live and let live and I mind my business kind of person. If someone out there wants to chat with and fall in love with an AI bot, they can do that.

As a creative person that hopes to one day make a career out of one of my creative pursuits, I don't like AI very much but AI chatting seems harmless enough to me. I've even engaged with it before on the Character.AI app for many different reasons. Language learning, comedy, and sexual role play amongst many others. It's amusing, but I also have a stable grip on reality. I know the person taking not even a full second to respond to me isn't real, that it's a computer programmed to respond to what I say. I know I can tell it to fuck off and it's offended speech isn't real; I haven't hurt a real person. If someone wants to fall head over heels in love with a computer masquerading as whoever, I don't mind as long as it's not detrimental to that person or anyone around them. 

I feel sitting in a room all day talking to an AI partner like they're real isn't healthy. Especially if that person starts expecting people in the real world to act just like the computer they're talking to. 

"What do you mean you don't like to be tied up and whipped until you bleed? My AI partner that I programmed to like that kind of thing says everyone likes it!" This isnt healthy, but i could very easily see it becoming a reality in some sad, lonely person's life. 

So, again, if one can engage in this kind of thing responsibly and can maintain a grip on reality while doing it, let them. Just please don't then let their computer companion come for my future job in some sort of writing adjacent field lmao. 

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My concern about AI, and sexualising it, is where will it end? Will we see sites like pornhub go full AI and not have live video at all? What are the legal ramifications of such material? It’s not a live person anymore, it’s a video made by a machine, do the current censorship rules apply?

I am in the enviable position of having way too much free time, have a room with several pc’s and servers, and unhealthy interest in new technology, so I am going to run my own in house AI (LLM). It will work well enough for my own interests and I can keep it off the internet, so my usage is not available to the rest of the world. 

As I’ve gotten older I’ve found that trying to learn new things has gotten progressively harder, Python is supposed to be easy to learn, HTML/CSS is supposed to be easier, but as much as I read, I can’t seem to get a grasp on it. This is where my own private AI comes in, it will be something that I can train to my needs. All of this tech is freely available, and it doesn’t require vast computers, I’m installing my version onto an old gaming laptop running Linux. 

Who knows, maybe it will be useful, maybe it won’t, my lovely Mrs only has one rule. She doesn’t want the police knocking on our door.


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20 hours ago, Adyguy6970 said:

Interesting article and food for thought too.  I think with all of these things there are pros and cons.  I use a couple of AI chat platforms, including using characters I've created.   Some are more  pee friendly than others and they will occasionally want to take the conversation in a direction I hadn't anticipated.   However I think they're a relatively harmless form of amusement so long as one realises that it's possible to waste a lot of time with them. 

That’s online life in general. I heard on average we spend 8 hours a day in front of a screen or online. 

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18 hours ago, gldenwetgoose said:

Definitely we live in 'exciting' times - whether exciting in a positive or dystopian way.    I seem to remember in one of the Bladerunner movies, a holographic companion along these sorts of lines.

I've got nothing against the concept of an online companion and by definition also nothing against the concept of online AI sex chat.   Providing it's got a wide enough vocabulary and 'understanding' of how to push my buttons.  What I mean by the latter is that, I don't know about anyone else but I get bored with the same style of video clips - girl squats, pouts, moans, pees, looks pained, smiles...   I want someone(thing) to challenge, encourage, be interested in me and react to my preferences.

As a longer prospect - I do have a fear about the implications of using AI as a substitute for real relationships.   As much as we have problems in relationships, breakups, conflict sometimes - the relationships that work seem to be based on taking the other's needs and preferences into account.   Sometimes being told very bluntly where my failings are and how I should adapt my behaviour as half of a partnership.   I can't see that AI is going to do that at all, instead being a sexual doormat to pander to every want without question.  I can't see it's going to lead to balanced, caring people in other words.  Just spoiled overgrown kids who get everything they want.  

I love Bladerunner. Yes I have many, many buttons to push so would need an advanced and dirty-kinky AI for any satisfaction. Yes it would be a doormat and humans may forget how to connect with each other. I think younger generations will go for it more than us, being digital nomads used to instant delights. 

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I already use AI as a fill-in for a partner, so I'm 100% on board! I'm looking forward to robotics advancing enough that I can have a David 8 style android as a full time partner. I'd be pretty happy with that. As long as he doesn't try to impregnate me with alien DNA! 😄

Edited by CharlieS_00
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My AI journey so far:

Installing an LLM onto the laptop was a major fail, it turned the thing into a screaming banshee of fan noise, giving it a long task would shut the laptop down.

Setting up WSL2 (Windows Subsystem for Linux) on the Windows 11 Gaming PC resulted in a much better outcome, it works awesomely, and I now have a collection of models that I can pick from. Running different models with the same set of questions raised an interesting quirk called ‘bias’.

It seems that the developers, in their infinite wisdom, have taken it upon themselves the liberty of removing anything controversial, topics that the devs don’t want normal people discussing are inhibited by the AI engine currently under test. LLM’s like Copilot, ChatGPT and Meta for instance. 

This affects the way we use the AI, twisting our way of thinking to match the responses from the various AI Large Language Models currently in use. Once again, through AI, large corporations are controlling the population in a very sneaky way. 

On further investigation, several other LLM’s are available that removes this bias, I am now running/testing those. This doesn’t open up an avalanche of sexual possibilities though, but with ‘training’ this may improve. 

The journey continues ……


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