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what are your all time top 10 favourite computer games?

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I was never too big into computer/video gaming after the 90s. I got more into being one of those card game geeks (Magic the gathering and what not) after the first playstation came out games weren't just side scrolling anymore.

The only computer games I ever played sorta often were the old Kings Quest games in the early 90s and the Diablo series. I get really put off by war sim/FPS kinda games. They just kinda depress me.

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I never really got into home computer games that much.

When I was young enough to take an interest in such things, few people had computers and home computer games were in any case diabolically primitive.

In those days I generally did what most kids did - when I could afford to. I went to video game arcades - I believe in America they were known as gallerias? - where for 10p a time I could play the game of my choice. And yes, I played the original "Space Invaders", along with such other old school stuff as "Scramble", "Defender"," Asteroids", "Star Wars", "Battlezone", and "Roadblaster."

People of a certain vintage might just remember those.

By the time that home computer games really began improving in quality as well as become ever more widespread, and the video arcades began to suffer and eventually close, I was in my late 20s and beginning to lose interest in that sort of thing.

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  • 3 weeks later...
In those days I generally did what most kids did - when I could afford to. I went to video game arcades -

I have some memories of those days too Steve. One of my favorites was "Galaxian", a more dynamic version of Space Invaders, and in colour too! I also liked Asteroids. My girlfriend at the time used to play "Missile Command."

A couple of games I played would always cause an audience to gather behind me. One was "Crazy Climber" and the other was "Space Wars" - a two player game on a huge vector graphic screen with realistic physics. I think quite a few people couldn't figure these out, so would watch when someone else played.

Later I had a Commodore Amiga, and spent a lot of time playing Marble Madness and F/A 18 Interceptor.

I don't play games on my PC any more, but I do have a Wii. (of course :wink: )

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  • 11 months later...

Has anyone else lost the better part of the last week or so to Fallout 4? Im 3 days 7 hours down and have been far too busy looting everything, (literally Ive kept one of every item Ive come across except *spoiler alert* burnt books and burnt textbooks as they are the only objects Ive found in the game that have no value in any way shape or form and sold or crafted the rest) and Im still scratching the surface of the game, if anyone needs me I'll be roaming around the wastelands of Boston!

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Far Cry 2/4.Wasnt struck on 3 so much,i hate those quick time response things,where you have to push buttons in sequence quickly.Fallout series,Skyrim,Oblivion..Doom,Dishonoured,probably ones i cant remember...One on PS1 called Pamzer Front.

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the vault dwellers guide is amazing, I preordered the hardback version which came with some a4 sized posters which are nice and Im gonna get framed up and free access to the online version which is not very good as it omits things, Ive only used it a couple of times as I want my first run through the game to be just random discovery and trial and error to see what works for me. I think the death claws are reasnably easier to defeat than in 3 and vegas, mirelurk queens are a lot worse! Btw always remember to immobilise your power armour by removing the fusion core, npc can and do steal it, I went roaming and something stole my mash of xo1 and t45 suit.

I do like the far cry series I love far cry 4 and its features, location etc, but prefered the storyline in 3, the only thing with 4 that really bugs me is eagles swooping down and taking 10% of your health randomly and theres nothing you can do about it.

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Yeah, you really need both, the hard copy for all the details, and iPad for the online maps, you can zoom in and find everything. If you construct a home base is all your stuff safe? Fallout 3 had the house in Megaton (when you earned it) and it was really handy.

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as far as Im aware your stuff is safe in your home base, Ive not really dabbled in that side yet, just been doing a bit of exploring and building up supplies and my stats, I have found the best way to easyly make water without using glitches and cheats is to install industrial water purification plants at any bases you can then sell on the purified water to tradersbit of a faff around as they only carry a few hundred caps each, but you can always visit several like in diamond city or just trade the excess off for ammo etc

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What drives you mad in computer games?I guess for me,its when you acquire weapons,or armour etc,and as soon as you get them,your enemies mutate into invincible beings.No matter how upgraded you are,the enemies will kill you..Far Cry doesnt do that by and large.It makes you work hard,but does allow you to become a hard-ass.Also quick-time button pressing,where in order to pass a level you have to press buttons in order-no skill etc...also,i have to say "bosses".When you have to destroy a mutant zombie robot with a toothbrush,and a knuckle-duster kind of thing,before you can progress,you have to find out over about 35 attempts you need to hit it when it blinks or something.

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Dodgy ai especially companions or npc's you have to escort from onee place to another as they suicidally blunder along alerting enemies, also in racing games or the likes of gta where ai vehicles seem to have unlimited horsepower and tyres made of superglue. But yes quick time button mashing seems to be a very frustrating and lazy part on the developers to level up. Although I dont really mind ai ramping up as you level up, sometimes having unlimited firepower against basic enemies can ruin a game as it soon gets quite repetative and dull massacreing them by the dozen.

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Some serious gamers here ... But I'm not one of them. I played Doom and Quake but mostly I just play Diablo.

And I never tweak my characters. What I find is what I use. Making an uber-fighting machine is boring. I actually got complimented in the old Diablo forum for succeeding .. Quote: "An impressive feat, dude. That gear is total rubbish!" I was happy .. lol

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I see whereyou are coming from, I much prefer the lower classes in racing games rather than having the top end cars and owning everything, i suppose theres a greater sense of achievment from it, but i must admit most of the time in rpgs and shooters I will find the biggest lmg and blast anything that moves

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I'm still on Destiny too, bought The Dark Below, ($25) finished it in about 5 hours, now stuck on Level 34. I have to buy The House of Wolves now to progress. Then buy The Taken King add on to keep in the game ....... Is Fallout 4 going down this path?

Project Cars is ok so far, it's not asked for more money, yet. Drive Club is now dumping a multitude of add ons, you could easily run up $100 on the thing.

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I'm still on Destiny too, bought The Dark Below, ($25) finished it in about 5 hours, now stuck on Level 34. I have to buy The House of Wolves now to progress. Then buy The Taken King add on to keep in the game ....... Is Fallout 4 going down this path?

Project Cars is ok so far, it's not asked for more money, yet. Drive Club is now dumping a multitude of add ons, you could easily run up $100 on the thing.

Hmmm,you know,there is a trend for games to be released with missing sections that you must "add-on" to play.I suppose this allows developers to release a game,and the same time work on more content.It could take maybe 4 years otherwise to release..A case in point is the new DOOM,its been years in development,i hope its worth it!

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Fallout 4 has a season pass for £25 , that gets you all the dlc that will be coming out plus access to mods, which will be a first for consoles. I liked the dlc for fallout 3 and new vegas and whilst yes dlc would be free in an ideal world a lot of the time I find it adds an extra element to the game and encourages me to go back to a game. But i do prefer paying for dlc rather than micro transactions for content alraedy in a game

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Almost twenty years on, and I'm still playing Doom and Duke Nukem 3D. Other than them, I don't really have things I'd call my "favourite", since I like so many.

Postal 2's probably up there, too. Not for that, just because I like the amount of freedom you get.

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I'm not really up to date with the current generation of games so I'll list my top 5 Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis games (as of now. This list changes day to day):


1. Earthbound

2. Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

3. Super Mario World 2

4. Donkey Kong Country 2

5. Super Mario World


1. Sonic the Hedgehog 2

2. Sonic the Hedgehog

3. Sonic the Hedgehog 3

4. Ristar

5. Beyond Oasis

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  • 4 months later...

Some great suggestions here. I'm in no way a serious gamer and have very little time these days but memories include:

Sonics (all the first few)

TOCA Touring Cars (first ps1 game I ever played)

Silent Hill (I was 12 ish at the time, scared the crap out of me!)

Original Theme Park

Dizzy games on the Amiga (showing my age there I know)

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A PS1 game which was a very realistic(kind of,i never felt i was going to be burned to death) called Panzer Front.Fallout series,Far Cry,the new Primal is a bit,just ok.

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Still on Destiny, Level 40, Light is 298 ........ Call of Duty III, Star Wars Battlefront and Guitar Hero Live have all been added.

Another thing, PS4 is pretty much useless without a Play Station plus membership, I have been paying for Eve Online (PC) for as long as I can remember, didn't mind that much, but PS4 and Plus membership ($69 AUD) adds so much more, it's hard to imagine the game without it now.

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