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Question: Partners / SOs Peeing Together in Non-Sexual Situations

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We often talk about peeing as part of sexual acts. But I am curious what others' experiences have been with regard to peeing together with your partner or significant other in a non-sexual situation. 

For example, my wife and I pee in front of each other at home with no second thoughts. We've peed together outdoors when camping, hiking, and similar.

She pees regularly in the shower, and back when we used to shower together, she would still pee in the shower, even if I was in there with her.

My ex was similar, we would pee together anytime the need arose. 

So for those of you with any relationship experience, past or present - have you peed / do you pee together with your partner?

What are common situations where it occurs?

Was it casual / nonchalant?

Was it still arousing, even thought the peeing itself was non-sexual in nature?

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I don't have relationship experience, well not more than a month and a half or so. I do also have just a few experiences with friends I was close enough to to get naked and even pee together. So people with more experience can surely provide better answers.

However, it's likely that the answer depends on whether the fetish is specifically for naughty peeing or pee sex, or for peeing in general (watching, being watched, etc.). In the former case, just peeing together in the bathroom is unlikely to be particularly sexy in any case. For people who like peeing in general, peeing itself is inherently "sexual in nature" when done by a person of the sex they are attracted to. It's almost like seeing someone naked.

And just LIKE seeing someone naked, I imagine the main factor is how familiar and desensitized two people have become to each other. When dating or fresh in the relationship, every pee together is likely to be exciting. But if you're together for years, after a while you're likely so used to the other person's nudity--and similarly how he or she pees, that some pees are likely to just feel "normal". There will always be SOME sexiness but not the way it was earlier in the relationship. And there are some situations where nudity would hardly be sexy at all, like if one person is going into or has just come out of surgery, or if someone is injured and bleeding, and likewise for peeing.


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When my wife and I are away in the caravan, she will pee in a bucket at night as we don’t have an ensuite in the van. Obviously I’m always quick to volunteer to empty it in the morning 😜

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21 hours ago, Carb0nBased said:

...In the former case, just peeing together in the bathroom is unlikely to be particularly sexy in any case.

...And just LIKE seeing someone naked, I imagine the main factor is how familiar and desensitized two people have become to each other.... if you're together for years, after a while you're likely so used to the other person's nudity--and similarly how he or she pees, that some pees are likely to just feel "normal". There will always be SOME sexiness but not the way it was earlier in the relationship...

Great points. Speaking only from my own experpences, even after being married for a long time, seeing my wife naked is still sexy to me. 

When she pees in the toilet in front of me, it does pretty much nothing for me. Probably because it's essentially a daily occurrence. But on the rare occasions when she pees somewhere other than the toilet (e.g. outside), it's still sexy AF for me. Probably because it doesn't occur much. But if it was an everyday thing, yes, the novelty would probably wear off before long.

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My other half and I pee in front of each other regularly. It’s always a bit exciting for me and I will stop to listen when she pees with the door open.An ex and me once peed in the toilet at the same time. This was very exciting for me but just a need to go for my ex.

I have also had female friends openly pee in front of me on a few occasions. Again, this was not exciting for them I am guessing but I enjoyed the experiences.

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K and I wee in front of each other in the bathroom all the time. Open door bathroom policy at home, unless we have visitors 🙂 It's only very rarely sexy. Anywhere other than the bathroom though is a different matter, because it's so rare. I think there is something in the 'desensitizing' argument.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I had another non sexual wee today. We were going out and I always have a wee before leaving the house, its the last thing I do before putting on my shoes. I said to Mark “I’m just off for a wee” and he told me he was feeling pretty desperate so we went upstairs together. I let him go first, leaning back against the sink talking to him while he stood at the toilet. I didn’t even try to watch the stream! It was just two people having a wee together. The discussion wasn’t sexual either, we was talking about paint! Haha. He peed for quite a while, he was definitely desperate and as he shook himself I told him not to flush. He zipped up, lowered the seat for me (❤️) and we swapped places. I  unfastened my jeans and pulled them down to my knees with my blue thong as I sat down on the toilet. I looked up at him and we continued our conversation while I waited for my stream to start and after about 10 seconds I was blessed with a gentle trickle that tinkled softly into the water below. I peed for around 5 seconds and took some toilet paper, reaching between my legs to wipe myself. I stood up, pulled up my thong followed by my jeans and we washed our hands together before going back downstairs, putting on our shoes and carrying on with our day.

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You may have played down the sexual nature of your wee there @Sophie with all that subterfuge about paint...

But the thought of either of you releasing the wet stuff is - in a number of our opinions - infinitely more exciting than any amount of paint drying.

Thanks for sharing a lovely moment.

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31 minutes ago, Sophie said:

lowered the seat for me (❤️)

Truly a gentleman of the highest quality. (But I think you knew that!)

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We often pee in the toilet with the door open or with the other person in the bathroom. Completely normal for us. Sometimes my girlfriend comments on how loud or long I pee, lol.

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