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Tips for never peeing in a toilet

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I'm looking for some tips to try and stop peeing in toilets. I've seen a few people around who won't pee in toilets, and I would love to one day be just always avoiding toilets all the time. I have gone a week before without using a toilet before but that was years ago. Sometimes it's just a matter of not thinking and peeing in a toilet out of habit.

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One of the first things you should get used to is wetting your bed.
Then pee your pants at home only as much so they won't drip on the floor.
You can do that for quite a long time because they dry out quite good when you keep wearing them.
If you don't care then wet the floor.
Outdoors you can go through parks and find good spots where no one sees you.
Try wetting in your car, you can remove the smell with febreze or urine-off spray (search it at Amazon).
The stains will stay but if you don't care, go for it.
If you like it then use diapers at work.

Edited by jorel2012
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12 minutes ago, jorel2012 said:

One of the first things you should get used to is wetting your bed.
Then pee your pants at home only as much so they won't drip on the floor.
You can do that for quite a long time because they dry out quite good when you keep wearing them.
If you don't care then wet the floor.
Outdoors you can go through parks and find good spots where no one sees you.
Try wetting in your car, you can remove the smell with febreze or urine-off spray (search it at Amazon).
The stains will stay but if you don't care, go for it.
If you like it then use diapers at work.

I have been wanting to get diapers, haven't just yet though. I think my biggest issue at home is living with my family still, but I can still try wetting a little.

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2 minutes ago, SnakeFace said:

I have been wanting to get diapers, haven't just yet though. 

Try them first, not everyone likes it.
I don't like them... tried it several times, didn't get me.
But for others it's the greatest feeling.


2 minutes ago, SnakeFace said:

 I think my biggest issue at home is living with my family still.

Then it gets difficult. 😉

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Just now, jorel2012 said:

Try them first, not everyone likes it.
I don't like them... tried it several times, didn't get me.
But for others it's the greatest feeling.


Then it gets difficult. 😉

Might have to involve a lot of holding in until the right moment. Which I don't mind, I love holding.
And I have used diapers before technically, but it has been many years

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17 minutes ago, SilentCrisis said:

  I like waiting until im basically bursting and ill take a drive.

With me, it's more I'm out for a long drive and find myself desperate. If it's not a busy highway, I'll usually just pull over to the side and go

20 minutes ago, SilentCrisis said:

 I like going to high traffic parking lots and ill usually just play with my self until im ready to go. Something liberating about going around strangers. Also bring a change of clothes so you can walk back in and no ones the wiser

Several times I've used a high traffic parking lot. Most always I've stood between the passenger side doors, facing the car pretending to get something out, while aiming straight down onto the pavement. But, once in a heavy downpour, when I didn't think anyone could see and launched a strong stream towards a drain.

At home I'll almost never pee in a toilet. When I can, I'll use the outdoors (yeah, it always feels liberating for me). If I can't, most always there's a bucket under my office desk, the shower sees a lot of activity as well and, if I'm working in the garage, I put the utility sink to good use.

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Get some nice incontinence mats for your bed, chairs, carseats, etc to protect them from the smell.  I just bought one for the bed and can't wait to try it.  

Be prepared to wash clothes a LOT.  

Maybe look into adult diapers.  The ABDL community on omorashi dot org is VERY knowledgeable about that topic.  

If you're a dude you can pretty much whip it out and pee anywhere when you're outside or on private property if nobody's looking.  If you're driving you can use a cup or any empty container.  And I just did a blog post about wetting in public stealthily but don't wanna link it here as that looks like self-promotion.  But you can find my blog link on my profile.  

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3 hours ago, Paulypeeps said:

Misdirection is a good skill to have. If you are going to leave a puddle do something else while peeing - the person checking a phone is just that, not someone checking a phone and peeing at the same time. It is rather fun chatting with someone with lovely warm pee running down your legs, you are just having a conversation - no one expects you to be peeing as well.

Knowing this, now I will always be checing every woman doing something else in public to see if she is secretly peeing. 😉


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If you're not yet into wetting, it's a very simple matter to switch from the toilet to the sink (especially for us males). Uses less water, too. It's fun to use the sink in other people's houses... and good in single-use restrooms if you choose not to use the floor or wall.

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Another tip that hasn't been mentioned...   If you're driving to a destination and it's any distance, there's a good chance you're going to need to pee when you get there.

So rather than arriving and immediately asking to use the toilet (even if you're not on this thread it's a bit of an embarrassing greeting - "Hi, great to see you.  Can I pee?") an alternative is to pee by the car on the way there.

As an example, I frequently have work and meetings in a city about an hour away, longer depending on time of day.   From experience I know that the journey takes me from the motorway, through a rough industrial part of the city before getting into the shiny well kept parts and my car park.   So I'll often pull into a deserted sidestreet in the industrial area, quick piss next to my car and then arrive refreshed.

In a similar manner, for a couple of years I owned a property overseas and each time I travelled there, every few weeks, would have a meeting with my financial man - in the nearest city 80km away.  After a few visits and using their office bathroom I got into the habit of reversing my hire car into a parking bay in the underground car park, opening the boot (trunk) and emptying my bladder onto the concrete just behind the car.  A space not immediately near a camera helps.

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It might be cheating a bit, but sinks don't count a toilets.

I don't think it is a big deal if you sometimes pee in a toilet but if you want to keep your streak, there is usually a sink or some drain near any toilet.

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One thing I have been thinking about with this too.. Should I drink more water so that my pee is clear and has less smells and less stains, or should I drink less to have less pee as often

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25 minutes ago, SnakeFace said:

One thing I have been thinking about with this too.. Should I drink more water so that my pee is clear and has less smells and less stains, or should I drink less to have less pee as often

What's your intent...    If you're perhaps going to work / college / a friend or relative's house and you want to avoid using the toilet, then avoiding drinking will mean you have less need to pee.   I say that with a bit of caution, dehydrating yourself can be unpleasant and even risky.   So instead perhaps drinking a smaller quantity than normal, avoiding caffeine and artificial sweetened drinks or alcohol can reap the benefits of your liquid intake being more effectively absorbed into your body and less waste water filling your bladder.   But your kidneys will still be clearing waste from your blood stream into your bladder, so when you do pee it will be darker and likely smellier.

If however your plan to avoid using the toilet is by peeing in places like a carpet or bed, then ideally your pee will be as clear as possible - and the more water is diluting the waste products in your kidneys the better.

And if you're (eg) out in the country on a trail and can pee whenever convenient then it doesn't really matter - just drink what you need for the exercise you're doing and the amount of sweat you need to produce. 

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1 hour ago, SnakeFace said:

One thing I have been thinking about with this too.. Should I drink more water so that my pee is clear and has less smells and less stains, or should I drink less to have less pee as often

Drink more for clearer pee & more need to deposit it, in my opinion

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1 hour ago, SnakeFace said:

One thing I have been thinking about with this too.. Should I drink more water so that my pee is clear and has less smells and less stains, or should I drink less to have less pee as often

More water more pee!! Thats the point of wetting lol

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I would suggest diapers or naughty peeing. Diapers are nice they minimize the mess and pee stays warm for bit which feels good around your crotch area. For naughty peeing you could designate a corner in your bedroom where you spray pee against the wall or on the carpet/floor. If thats too messy then there is also containers and buckets. One time I spent an entire night filling up a 2 l bottle with my pee, it was so much fun. 

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53 minutes ago, SnakeFace said:

I should really drink more water, I think it will help me feel more confident in peeing on carpets

I use water pills sometimes if i know im going to have a lot of time to play. Ill take 2 of them and drink a lot of water

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I plan to adopt this lifestyle of never peeing in the toilet someday when I live alone. I own my house, so I don't answer to anyone but myself. And I would like to adopt the rules of never peeing in a toilet or a sink or outside. I will pee on the carpet, in my bed, or on my furniture. For now, however, I will use my bed and my closet.

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Just a small update: I've been drinking a bunch more water and I have some towels to pee if I need. Been peeing into sinks, cups, and bins around the house. Kitchen sink especially if the bathroom is occupied.

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44 minutes ago, SnakeFace said:

Just a small update: I've been drinking a bunch more water and I have some towels to pee if I need. Been peeing into sinks, cups, and bins around the house. Kitchen sink especially if the bathroom is occupied.

Do you ever pee outside publically? In front of others?

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