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Being being taken to the water to pee (Early days etc)

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For me it wasn't as frequent as with pools, but when we went to the seaside my parents definitely encouraged me to just go in the water and go through my trunks if I needed to pee. Sometimes if nobody was around I'd even take it out hehe. When we hit the pool, my parents didn't really encourage me to use the bathroom prior so... I guess it was a sort of grey zone for them, though I'm sure they did it themselves too. In any case, when I knew we were going to the pool or the sea, I deliberately avoided the toilets before just so I could go in the water 😁

It's been a real while since I last went to a pool or the sea now... but who knows what might happen in the future!

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@Maggie_555, I never knew your parents encouraged you to hold your pee overnight before going to the pool! They must have really wanted all the urea possible getting into the water. @Bertsmall That's quite a way to be encouraged, actually watching the urine flow out of everyone's crotches in front of you. I can imagine how dark the yellow must have been. My parents didn't encourage me on this, so I just have y'all to encourage me instead!

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On 10/21/2023 at 1:28 AM, Spectacle said:

@Maggie_555, I never knew your parents encouraged you to hold your pee overnight before going to the pool! They must have really wanted all the urea possible getting into the water. @Bertsmall That's quite a way to be encouraged, actually watching the urine flow out of everyone's crotches in front of you. I can imagine how dark the yellow must have been. My parents didn't encourage me on this, so I just have y'all to encourage me instead!

Oh yes @Spectacle, and I suppose it actually was encouragement, even though I and my brother saw it as 'permission'.  🙂   I can remember my parents each having twinkles in their eyes as they gave us this permission and so you are probably correct in your second sentence.  By the way, I really like your final sentence!

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On 10/21/2023 at 1:28 AM, Spectacle said:

 My parents didn't encourage me on this, so I just have y'all to encourage me instead!

Maybe we could have a special purpose live-action thread for pool peeing and post in it before or after peeing in pools 😈

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On 10/18/2023 at 7:26 PM, Maggie_555 said:

By the way I always told my kids the same when a swimming pool visit was planned, so they could choose to hold before getting into the pool if they wanted to.  As you've possibly guessed they made no use of the bathroom.

Happy to hear you raised your kids right. And so a kink is passed down from one generation to the next. 😂

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  • 1 month later...
3 hours ago, PrincessApricot said:

They had been taking turns to dive and pick up toys from the pool floor when the daughter said quietly, “I thought you said not to go around other people!” The mom answered her just as quietly, “If you really need to, then it’s okay. I couldn’t keep waiting all morning, we have to go to breakfast soon.”

So the daughter just dived through her mom’s nasty ass morning piss?

Good thing she’s teaching her not to burden other people with what she makes her daughter go through. 🙃😂

Honestly, I think “go[ing] around other people” is the fun part of it. Does she only pee in the water out of convenience? Does she not enjoy letting others swim in her distusting piss? Cause I do for sure. 

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On 10/17/2023 at 4:28 AM, Bertsmall said:

I was just thinking of earlier days as a child when we were on holiday or went to the beach or to the like or something like that. Sooner or later one of us kids would need to use the toilet and would ask our mum or auntie for the bathroom. She would reply with ‘just go in the water’  My auntie would take my hand and lead me down into the sea, and encourage me to get in waist-deep with her, and then she would say, ‘go on, just go’ and this one time she took me, and I remember looking down at her waist just under the water and she smiled and said ‘yes I’m going as well’ and laughed. 
in our family it’s perfect normal to go and use the water when you need the toilet. 

Another time when we went to the beach  when we went It’s a long drive, my mum sister and her friend went with us. When we got there we all really needed to pee after the drive, as no toilet stop on the way. We had stopped at a cafe and it was closed! As soon as got to the beach,  we parked up and just dumped our stuff on the sand, and we all just run down to the water, got in and just stood there for a minute with a look of relief on our faces. 

One more time I remember when we went to the pool. It was perfectly normal for us to go to the toilet in the pool when we needed to, when we asked for the bathroom when we were younger, mum used to say, ‘just go in the water’ 
When we arranged a pool day, mum used to say to us kids ‘no need use the bathroom in the morning as we are going swimming tomorrow’.  This meant when we got up in the morning to get dressed, we didn’t use the toilet at home we waited until we got to the swimming pool.
One particular time I remember well,  we picked up my sister‘s friend Amanda from her house and we all set off to the swimming pool. We got to the changing rooms which were the unisex ones.  I remember me and my sister were both busting and dying to get in the pool. I looked at Amanda, and she was also crossing her legs and doing a bit of a ‘pee dance’ . I said to her do you need the bathroom and she giggled, and said yes, I need a wee, but I want to do it in the swimming pool. My mum overheard her and smiled and said ‘good girl, are you all ready? and guided her off to the pool with us. As soon as we got in, it is a pool where you walk down big steps and it gets deeper with each step. We all went down the steps until we were waist deep. Amanda giggled and looked down and she had a yellow cloud all around her as she emptied her bladder into the water. My mum had a little sigh as she went and we all giggled at the big yellow cloud she made.

It was always good fun to see all of us standing there in the pool with a look of relief on our faces as we went to the toilet in the water. 

was anyone else encouraged to use the water as a car child?

Yea I’ve seen people pee in all different places on the beach. I always go in the water but once I heard this little kid yell that he has to go pee and then proceeds to pull his bathing suit all the down and started taking a leak right on the sand lmao. Another time in the parking lot there was a little boy who was straight pissin on the tires of their car. I’m assuming the mom told him to go there cause the whole family was watching him go lol poor kid 

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  • 6 months later...

Certainly when we were on the beach mum would just tell me to go in the water.

Assuming when I was very young she would have been with me and encouraging me to do it in the sea, but once I was swimming around on my own I have a vague recollection of telling her a few times that I needed to go and being told to do it in the water, after which I just peed without asking. This included in swimming pools, whether mum wanted me to I don't know, but I simply associated being in water with peeing and just got on with it!

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When we were on my boat in Florida ,we are always  in the water ,  you could here the stereo on and its like we were dancing in the water.

Ruth held onto me tight and wrapped one  leg around me and peed a long warm stream on me , then told me ,I'll do that when ever you want me to . I'm so Lucky to have her n my life.

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I havent been necessarily given permission to in the pool, I think I just did it.  I don't do it anymore really, cause I don't swim, I just hang out by the pool

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