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What is the most desperate to pee you have ever been but you couldn't pee?

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I was taking a multi-hour college final exam in a big auditorium.  I had drank too much iced tea before the exam, but the policy was that you could not return, once leaving to use the restroom.  I was in a very long row of occupied seats far from the aisles.  By half-way through the exam, I was bursting.  With 20 minutes left in the exam, I was not finished, but my bladder was.  I was sweating, nauseous, and my bladder was screaming in pain.  My bladder was locked up in a spasm of pain and I wasn't sure I was even in control.  I knew that I wouldn't be able to wait in the predicted queue to use the urinals after the exam, so with about 5 minutes left, turned in my exam, and then I hobbled out of the room, barely able to walk upright.  I went to the nearest men's room and first urinal.  As I started peeing, my bladder muscles were in pain and almost numb.  I could see myself peeing, but could not feel it.  I peed for about 2 minutes straight.  As I finished the flood of guys needing to pee after the exam poured into the men's room.

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2 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

At least you made it without having publicly wet yourself @DoctorDoctor - and did you do ok in the actual exam?  Did you get the grade you need?


Yes, it was close.  I couldn't even be sure I was in actually control or just "locked up".  I believe I did OK on the exam.

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46 minutes ago, Bacardi said:

In the wild was the night I had filled up and then got stuck at work where I couldn't pee. I was probably at an 8 or 9 and no one would relieve me of my position so I ended up having to hold it. 

A little bit of a more erotic time was when I was having some fun with an online friend. He filled me up and wouldn't let me pee, made me dance and send him some naughty pictures. Well anyway he made me drink and drink and beg and beg, all the while I was at an 11 out of 10 on a scale for peeing. When he finally did let me pee I peed for like 54 seconds or something like that, and I was so desperate for a pee I accidentally held down the camera button and not the audio button for ten seconds lol. Was such a silly but fun day.

Love the feeling of going and going past the point you’d normally stop 

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The time I needed to go was when travelling back on the bus from a brewery visit one night. I hadn’t felt the need to pee before we set off and had a real urge to go half way through the journey and just let it go in my trousers I peed for about a minute and loved the feeling. 

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I was locked in the back of a decommissioned police car, in a traffic jam, during a riot, and there was also a brief gun fight. It happened during the hottest night of the summer. When I had foolishly downed almost 2 liters of water before we hit the traffic jam. 

We eventually made it to a "safe enough" alley where I proceeded to pee for over two straight minutes. I know for a fact that it was at least that long because a small crowd gathered, and one the spectators began timing me. It was simultaneously the worst I have ever had to pee, and the longest pee I have ever taken in my life. 

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I was on a long car ride with someone and we were in a really long gap between rest areas. I was too embarrassed to say I needed to pee badly enough for us to pull off the road in between, I could only say we needed to stop at the next rest area. I was using all of my willpower to not squirm too much. And then once we got there all the toilets were full in the women’s room! I waited in line for a little bit and then quickly figured fuck it, since he’s still in the men’s room, I’m going to “take a walk” to the more woodsy area of the rest stop and pee there. I was starting to leak a bit before I could get to a fully concealed area. Once I started peeing, I was going for I don’t even know how long. I don’t know if I’d call it the worst I’ve EVER had to pee (it was up there though), but definitely the worst while I was in a situation where I couldn’t just quickly walk off and relieve myself. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Late to this thread, but I had just finished running a 10k on one of the hottest days in July in a big city. Naturally i drank a ton of water and post race beer. In order to get back home, we had a 15 minute walk to the train station, then had to wait almost 30 min to get on a packed train and then another 30 minutes on the train. I was at an 8 or 9 by the time we got on the train, but we were packed in so tight i couldn't move, much less hold myself. 

As soon as i got off the train I stopped at the nearest McDonald's and peed for at least a minute!

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Went out hiking the other day, drank a lot and did pee halfway into walking. Then I kinda got lost and end up having to walk back out of the forestry area onto the main road where some houses where. I got desperate again fast I really needed to pee and I was probably like 30 mins away from my car but I just couldn’t just go where ever I was as I was out in the open with the public. Luckily it was kinda quiet not many walkers but loads of cars. So I had to speed walk hoping I could make it but your aim to the car seems so far away and I literally on fire down there. I saw a bench I thought sod it can’t hold it any longer. Sat down, took my hoody off and  put it on top of my legs and put my backpack next to me on the seat and waited for the right moment to pull my trousers down. (My trousers didn’t have a fly zip) so I couldn’t just whip it out.  When road got quiet I had to hold on a bit more but I was leaking! And had to pull my trousers down and let my little guy hang out on the eage  of the seat. And I was peeing I couldn’t feel it as was in so much pain but also felt good at the same time. And I saw that my puddle was starting to fill up and started making it way toward the road. Loads of cars was driving pass me and I didn’t care if they could see my stream or not. 

as I was done pulled up my trousers which was wet (leaked more then I thought I did) and hid my wet patch by tying hoody around my waist. As I was wearing a bage colour.  And started walking to my car and when I arrived 15-20 mins later I needed to go again and pop behind a tree. 

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