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Happy Holidays, Happy New Year, and Thank you, Peefans.


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Bacardi you are a delight for this site, peefans would never ever be the same without you being here giving us the positivity and sweetness that radiates off you in such delightful bliss. I am glad you have found a second home here on pee fans though and I hope 2022 comes with more good luck and comfort we can give you on here! Remember, you truly are my Atom Bomb Baby

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Oh, and thank you for everyone who pulled me out of my comfort zone and helped me explore all aspects of my sexuality. Some of ya'll literally unlocked new parts of my fetish like holding and golden showers lol.

Go little rockstar.

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You are so loved on this site, wonderful girl. And you make it come alive every time you're here. Any time you need a shoulder to cry on or need a laugh or more, I'll try to be there for you. Take care, and good luck for 2022 @Bacardi

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9 hours ago, gldenwetgoose said:

Love that you've explored and experimented, but don't change too much from being just shy you - we love you.

Goose, I will never not be shy about anything related to sex. Just ask anyone who has ever talked to me in the DMs 🤣

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On 12/26/2021 at 6:38 PM, Bacardi said:

My mental health has been an absolute mess recently, and my heart strings are telling me to post something like this lol.

Thank you, everyone, for giving me such a great year on the forums. I feel like 2021 was my most active year on here out of my three years as a member. I've met so many new people and made so many new friends. Thank you, everyone, for making me laugh when it seemed like everything was so serious, for being a shoulder to cry on when I needed it the most, and for giving me so many orgasms when I was feeling needy. I've opened up so much to you guys this year, and I can truly say that you guys feel like some of my closest friends. The inside jokes that make me laugh till my ribs crack (you know who you are), the flirtatious chats that have kept me awake all night long blushing like a school girl, and the general feeling of understanding and fitting in when previously I had felt like such an outcast because of the fetish is what kept me coming back. I can safely say that Peefans is one of my favorite websites, and you guys are what make it so great. Thanks to the admin team for making this space so welcoming and warm. Hope to see everyone thriving in 2022!


Buzzy Baby Bee

Thank you, Bacardi, for being on here this past year. It's friends like you who made this place a special one and helping us get through the challenges of 2021.

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