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Peeing in front of friends

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I have a similar condition. Not only when I can't pee when someone is watching someone, but also when he is very close and he could hear me piss (the toilet at my work). I think now I have a little bit of a problem with that, because if I know I'm going to have to pee in front of someone, I try to do it when my bladder is really full.

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  • 1 year later...

Alcohol helps a lot. I usually go a bit further away from my friends when I need to pee outdoors but when I drink some beers I can practically just turn around and pee right there, provided that there is a tree or a bush or something as it feels more natural to pee against something instead of peeing out in the open.

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6 hours ago, avatar said:

Oh I have the most shy bladder as well, even with close friends. It is kinda ironic given this fetish we all share, but I absolutelly cannot go with with anyone else in my proximity. It always gives me this self-fulfilling thought and in my head I'm like "OMG they're gonna think I'm weird for just standing here with my dick out and not peeing", which only causes me to clench up even more. I haven't ever peed with someone in a romantic/sexual way yet but I'd like to think that perhaps with a loved one or a friend who shared the fetish with me that thought would go away.

I understand you very well because I am going through the exact same thing. I can only pee in front of someone if my bladder is so full that I can't stand it, or there is some noise that drowns out the sound of peeing, for example the fan in the toilet and no one is watching me pee.

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On 4/16/2021 at 10:58 PM, Ms. Tito said:

See, that's exactly what I'm like! I'm fine peeing in the woods if it's away from someone.

Why not just start there? Just start going less farther and farther away when you go to pee in these situations. Take baby steps in your comfort level vs distance from the group.

I've unfortunately been outdoors my whole life so peeing "around people," isn't that big of a deal for me. Though the distance I'd travel as a younger man shortened over time and now I just piss directly on the trail if no one's around, or just announce it if I'm with hiking buddies I know do the same. For me, right now, I try to hide it more just to be polite depending on the company.

I will say that I can remember trepidation at the urinals if other men were using the ones directly next to mine, but like with my suggestion that anxiety slowly went away over time as I got more used to it. Though I'm sure that pee shyness would come back if it were a lady next to me. 🤣

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10 hours ago, Vassal said:

Why not just start there? Just start going less farther and farther away when you go to pee in these situations. Take baby steps in your comfort level vs distance from the group.

I've unfortunately been outdoors my whole life so peeing "around people," isn't that big of a deal for me. Though the distance I'd travel as a younger man shortened over time and now I just piss directly on the trail if no one's around, or just announce it if I'm with hiking buddies I know do the same. For me, right now, I try to hide it more just to be polite depending on the company.

I will say that I can remember trepidation at the urinals if other men were using the ones directly next to mine, but like with my suggestion that anxiety slowly went away over time as I got more used to it. Though I'm sure that pee shyness would come back if it were a lady next to me. 🤣

I might try with my friends sometime. One of them said that group peeing sounded fun, albeit I think jokingly. 

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9 hours ago, Ms. Tito said:

I might try with my friends sometime. One of them said that group peeing sounded fun, albeit I think jokingly. 

Just try to be casual about it and not start scheduling weekly group pee sessions like a weirdo. 😜

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Good question Ms. Tito.

Being bisexual I'm rather partial to a nice cock and balls 

Often fantasied about being out on a bike ride with a few gents and reaching a mutual decision that it's time to stop and take a piss together, that would certainly curb my shy side and would also enjoy it if we all watched each other pissing with excited cocks.




Edited by Lennys_wet_now
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I find this to be very situational

  • If we're out drinking, it's not unusual to pee in front of friends ... they're probably peeing, too, so it's no issue
  • If I'm out walking with friends, I'll be more discreet but I don't try to be invisible ... they usually just keep walking, thus informing me clearly of their lack of interest
  • If I'm sitting at the dinner table with friends, I'll probably just go to the toilet ... alas, I have no friends that would welcome me peeing under the table 🤣

I'm not particularly shy about peeing in front of people, but I don't tend to go all-out exhibitionist with it, either.

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I've mentioned before here and elsewhere that I used to be extremely private about toilet matters when I was growing up, only willing to do it behind a locked door.  So that basically meant in the bathroom at home or in a hotel room if we were traveling.  And even there I would pee sitting down (my parents never taught me to pee standing up; not sure why, they later taught my younger brother) which had the benefit of not making too much noise.  I avoided public toilets and only used them in emergencies, which happened on a few rare occasions at school.  I usually just held it for the whole school day, or until we arrived at our hotel room if we were on vacation, and I got very good at it.  The first time my strategy failed was on an overnight camping trip in the mountains when I was 9.  Just my father, my cousin and his father, so all males.  I was worried that it was overnight but hoped I could hold it.  Unfortunately, it was a lot of hiking/physical activity so I eventually needed to go and had an accident because I just couldn't bring myself to lower my clothes and go outside.  My father cleaned me up in a small creek and by this time about as much embarrassment as was possible had already happened, so the next morning when I had to go again my father just directed me to an area at the edge of the campsite and I resigned myself to have my first outdoor pee.  I walked just out of sight, but still right at the edge of the trail and had what was probably my first stand up pee (although I think I had practiced at home a few times after observing my brother).  I accomplished the task but about 30 seconds after I got back to the campsite a whole troop of boy scouts marched into camp right past the exact spot where I had just peed!  So I realized I came very close to being seen by all of them, which didn't make me too confident about repeating the experience in the future.  A few years later in sixth grade our class went on an overnight field trip and slept in the basement of a church.  I managed to hold it all night until the next morning, but before we left for the two hour bus ride back I couldn't take it any more and went into the bathroom, entered the stall and sat down.  Unfortunately, one of the annoying guys in class followed me into the bathroom and, since the stall door was very low (this was the mid 1970s in the US when this was more common) he insisted on looking over the door and talking to me as I did my business.  I probably also did a number 2 as well as peeing since I had held it for so long.  But back then, since I always sat to pee, I didn't make too much distinction between peeing and pooping.  I just always sat and tried to get rid of whatever was in there so I could go as long as possible until the next bathroom trip.  When I later started to pee standing up it seemed weird at first because it always seemed like you could never be sure if you would have to poop or not until you were already sat down and had finished peeing.  So that was an adjustment for me. 

It wasn't really until I got to college that my coping strategies stopped working for me.  Since I was now living in an all male dorm with the other guys able to observe my habits 24 hours a day, they began to catch on that I was doing things differently from them.  About three months into my freshman year my roommate announced loudly to the other guys who were in the common area (in my presence), "You know, I've never seen [Niceguy1] use the urinal!"  I was obviously mortified but that was the moment when I resolved to change, get over my hangups and try to conform to societal norms.  It didn't happen overnight, but I started making plans about how I could change.  It wasn't until the end of the following year that my roommate and two other guys that we knew decided to take a roadtrip to a city about two hours away and hit some bars. Up to this point I really hadn't done any drinking but I decided that this time I would join in.  I also realized that since I would be drinking much more liquid than I usually did, this would be the perfect time to pee with the other guys at the urinal.  I had always thought up to this point that my desire for privacy in the bathroom was a choice, and that I could choose to "waive" that privacy choice at any time.  But when the moment came and we were all standing together at the urinals, nothing came out.  This was the moment I became aware of what pee shyness was.  I was very surprised, to say the least,  and made some lame comment to the other guys like, "I guess I didn't have to go as bad as I thought."  I later went back and used the urinal successfully when the other guys weren't around, but that's when I realized that this project would take more work than I had thought. 

This has gotten to be a long post, but basically from that time forward I did what the online pee shy/paruresis treatment advice recommends: graduated exposure therapy.  I basically knew this was the best approach based on what I had heard about other social phobias on TV: force yourself to face the situation you fear and it will eventually go away.  So I started small by practicing in deserted, out of the way public bathrooms at off hours and gradually worked my way up to busier bathrooms.  In the beginning, most of my successes were when I was out drinking alcohol with friends and it was easier with the lowered inhibitions.  As others have said, you don't want to use that as a crutch but it does help to get comfortable just being in the situation and feeling relaxed.  At first, I would avoid being in the bathroom with my friends or people I knew.  But I eventually became comfortable peeing around a few of my closest friends and that became normalized for me.  I progressed to where I could always pee at a urinal next to a stranger or those few close friends.  People I didn't know as well, or the first time with a person I had never peed with before still caused me some anxiety and there was always the possibility of a "misfire" as they call it in pee shy circles (basically standing there with nothing coming out because you can't relax). 

So this is all to say that no matter how pee shy you are at the beginning you can improve and overcome it.  It does take work and you have to be consistent about exposing yourself to those feared situations on a regular basis so that it starts to feel normal, even boring.  Today I would say that I can pee comfortably with others in 98% of situations.  But I still try to push myself and find new situations that I am unfamiliar with to increase my confidence that a new situation won't come up that would cause me to be uncomfortable.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Wetling

I'm part of a group of very close friends, three guys and another girl. Two of the guys have seen me naked already and I them. Amongst these friends it's no problem for me to pee, even though they don't know about my fetish. She (my female friend) is more shy about it, the guys mostly don't care at all. In company of others I wouldn't do it in plain sight, but go further away.

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There something to be said for being comfortable enough with a friend to pee in front of them, even more so if you find each other attractive. It is, after all, about the most intimate thing you can do with them without touching.

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  • 2 months later...

I've peed in front of my best friend twice now. The first time was when I took a pregnancy test and was super nervous. Second time was when she face timed me and I was on the toilet 😬

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